var pas = {}; var rtl = { version: 20006, quiet: false, debug_load_units: false, debug_rtti: false, $res : {}, debug: function(){ if (rtl.quiet || !console || !console.log) return; console.log(arguments); }, error: function(s){ rtl.debug('Error: ',s); throw s; }, warn: function(s){ rtl.debug('Warn: ',s); }, checkVersion: function(v){ if (rtl.version != v) throw "expected rtl version "+v+", but found "+rtl.version; }, hiInt: Math.pow(2,53), hasString: function(s){ return rtl.isString(s) && (s.length>0); }, isArray: function(a) { return Array.isArray(a); }, isFunction: function(f){ return typeof(f)==="function"; }, isModule: function(m){ return rtl.isObject(m) && rtl.hasString(m.$name) && (pas[m.$name]===m); }, isImplementation: function(m){ return rtl.isObject(m) && rtl.isModule(m.$module) && (m.$module.$impl===m); }, isNumber: function(n){ return typeof(n)==="number"; }, isObject: function(o){ var s=typeof(o); return (typeof(o)==="object") && (o!=null); }, isString: function(s){ return typeof(s)==="string"; }, getNumber: function(n){ return typeof(n)==="number"?n:NaN; }, getChar: function(c){ return ((typeof(c)==="string") && (c.length===1)) ? c : ""; }, getObject: function(o){ return ((typeof(o)==="object") || (typeof(o)==='function')) ? o : null; }, isTRecord: function(type){ return (rtl.isObject(type) && type.hasOwnProperty('$new') && (typeof(type.$new)==='function')); }, isPasClass: function(type){ return (rtl.isObject(type) && type.hasOwnProperty('$classname') && rtl.isObject(type.$module)); }, isPasClassInstance: function(type){ return (rtl.isObject(type) && rtl.isPasClass(type.$class)); }, hexStr: function(n,digits){ return ("000000000000000"+n.toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-digits); }, m_loading: 0, m_loading_intf: 1, m_intf_loaded: 2, m_loading_impl: 3, // loading all used unit m_initializing: 4, // running initialization m_initialized: 5, module: function(module_name, intfuseslist, intfcode, impluseslist){ if (rtl.debug_load_units) rtl.debug('rtl.module name="'+module_name+'" intfuses='+intfuseslist+' impluses='+impluseslist); if (!rtl.hasString(module_name)) rtl.error('invalid module name "'+module_name+'"'); if (!rtl.isArray(intfuseslist)) rtl.error('invalid interface useslist of "'+module_name+'"'); if (!rtl.isFunction(intfcode)) rtl.error('invalid interface code of "'+module_name+'"'); if (!(impluseslist==undefined) && !rtl.isArray(impluseslist)) rtl.error('invalid implementation useslist of "'+module_name+'"'); if (pas[module_name]) rtl.error('module "'+module_name+'" is already registered'); var r = Object.create(rtl.tSectionRTTI); var module = r.$module = pas[module_name] = { $name: module_name, $intfuseslist: intfuseslist, $impluseslist: impluseslist, $state: rtl.m_loading, $intfcode: intfcode, $implcode: null, $impl: null, $rtti: r }; if (impluseslist) module.$impl = { $module: module, $rtti: r }; }, exitcode: 0, run: function(module_name){ try { if (!rtl.hasString(module_name)) module_name='program'; if (rtl.debug_load_units) rtl.debug(' module="'+module_name+'"'); rtl.initRTTI(); var module = pas[module_name]; if (!module) rtl.error(' module "'+module_name+'" missing'); rtl.loadintf(module); rtl.loadimpl(module); if (module_name=='program'){ if (rtl.debug_load_units) rtl.debug('running $main'); var r = pas.program.$main(); if (rtl.isNumber(r)) rtl.exitcode = r; } } catch(re) { if (!rtl.showUncaughtExceptions) { throw re } else { if (!rtl.handleUncaughtException(re)) { rtl.showException(re); rtl.exitcode = 216; } } } return rtl.exitcode; }, showException : function (re) { var errMsg = rtl.hasString(re.$classname) ? re.$classname : ''; errMsg += ((errMsg) ? ': ' : '') + (re.hasOwnProperty('fMessage') ? re.fMessage : re); alert('Uncaught Exception : '+errMsg); }, handleUncaughtException: function (e) { if (rtl.onUncaughtException) { try { rtl.onUncaughtException(e); return true; } catch (ee) { return false; } } else { return false; } }, loadintf: function(module){ if (module.$state>rtl.m_loading_intf) return; // already finished if (rtl.debug_load_units) rtl.debug('loadintf: "'+module.$name+'"'); if (module.$state===rtl.m_loading_intf) rtl.error('unit cycle detected "'+module.$name+'"'); module.$state=rtl.m_loading_intf; // load interfaces of interface useslist rtl.loaduseslist(module,module.$intfuseslist,rtl.loadintf); // run interface if (rtl.debug_load_units) rtl.debug('loadintf: run intf of "'+module.$name+'"'); module.$intfcode(module.$intfuseslist); // success module.$state=rtl.m_intf_loaded; // Note: units only used in implementations are not yet loaded (not even their interfaces) }, loaduseslist: function(module,useslist,f){ if (useslist==undefined) return; var len = useslist.length; for (var i = 0; i=rtl.m_loading_impl) return; // already processing if (module.$state0){ o = this[newinstancefnname](fn,args); } else if(isFunc) { o = new this.$func(args); } else { o = Object.create(c); } if (o.$init) o.$init(); try{ if (typeof(fn)==="string"){ this[fn].apply(o,args); } else { fn.apply(o,args); }; if (o.AfterConstruction) o.AfterConstruction(); } catch($e){ // do not call BeforeDestruction if (o.Destroy) o.Destroy(); if (o.$final) o.$final(); throw $e; } return o; }; c.$destroy = function(fnname){ if (this.BeforeDestruction) this.BeforeDestruction(); if (this[fnname]) this[fnname](); if (this.$final) this.$final(); }; rtl.initClass(c,parent,name,initfn,rttiname); if (isFunc){ function f(){} f.prototype = c; c.$func = f; } }, createHelper: function(parent,name,ancestor,initfn,rttiname){ // create a helper, // ancestor must be null or a helper, var c = null; if (ancestor != null){ c = Object.create(ancestor); c.$ancestor = ancestor; // c.$ancestor === Object.getPrototypeOf(c) } else { c = { $ancestor: null }; }; parent[name] = c; c.$class = c; // Note: o.$class === Object.getPrototypeOf(o) c.$classname = rttiname?rttiname:name; parent = rtl.initStruct(c,parent,name); c.$fullname = parent.$name+'.'+name; // rtti var t = c.$module.$rtti.$Helper(c.$classname,{ "helper": c }); c.$rtti = t; if (rtl.isObject(ancestor)) t.ancestor = ancestor.$rtti; if (!t.ancestor) t.ancestor = null; // init members; }, tObjectDestroy: "Destroy", free: function(obj,name){ if (obj[name]==null) return null; obj[name].$destroy(rtl.tObjectDestroy); obj[name]=null; }, freeLoc: function(obj){ if (obj==null) return null; obj.$destroy(rtl.tObjectDestroy); return null; }, hideProp: function(o,p,v){ Object.defineProperty(o,p, { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true }); if(arguments.length>2){ o[p]=v; } }, recNewT: function(parent,name,initfn,full){ // create new record type var t = {}; if (parent) parent[name] = t; var h = rtl.hideProp; if (full){ rtl.initStruct(t,parent,name); t.$record = t; h(t,'$record'); h(t,'$name'); h(t,'$parent'); h(t,'$module'); h(t,'$initSpec'); }; if (!t.$new){ t.$new = function(){ return Object.create(t); }; } t.$clone = function(r){ return t.$new().$assign(r); }; h(t,'$new'); h(t,'$clone'); h(t,'$eq'); h(t,'$assign'); return t; }, is: function(instance,type){ return type.isPrototypeOf(instance) || (instance===type); }, isExt: function(instance,type,mode){ // mode===1 means instance must be a Pascal class instance // mode===2 means instance must be a Pascal class // Notes: // isPrototypeOf and instanceof return false on equal // isPrototypeOf does not work for Date.isPrototypeOf(new Date()) // so if isPrototypeOf is false test with instanceof // instanceof needs a function on right side if (instance == null) return false; // Note: ==null checks for undefined too if ((typeof(type) !== 'object') && (typeof(type) !== 'function')) return false; if (instance === type){ if (mode===1) return false; if (mode===2) return rtl.isPasClass(instance); return true; } if (type.isPrototypeOf && type.isPrototypeOf(instance)){ if (mode===1) return rtl.isPasClassInstance(instance); if (mode===2) return rtl.isPasClass(instance); return true; } if ((typeof type == 'function') && (instance instanceof type)) return true; return false; }, Exception: null, EInvalidCast: null, EAbstractError: null, ERangeError: null, EIntOverflow: null, EPropWriteOnly: null, raiseE: function(typename){ var t = rtl[typename]; if (t==null){ var mod = pas.SysUtils; if (!mod) mod = pas.sysutils; if (mod){ t = mod[typename]; if (!t) t = mod[typename.toLowerCase()]; if (!t) t = mod['Exception']; if (!t) t = mod['exception']; } } if (t){ if (t.Create){ throw t.$create("Create"); } else if (t.create){ throw t.$create("create"); } } if (typename === "EInvalidCast") throw "invalid type cast"; if (typename === "EAbstractError") throw "Abstract method called"; if (typename === "ERangeError") throw "range error"; throw typename; }, as: function(instance,type){ if((instance === null) ||,type)) return instance; rtl.raiseE("EInvalidCast"); }, asExt: function(instance,type,mode){ if((instance === null) || rtl.isExt(instance,type,mode)) return instance; rtl.raiseE("EInvalidCast"); }, createInterface: function(module, name, guid, fnnames, ancestor, initfn){ //console.log('createInterface name="'+name+'" guid="'+guid+'" names='+fnnames); var i = ancestor?Object.create(ancestor):{}; module[name] = i; i.$module = module; i.$name = name; i.$fullname = module.$name+'.'+name; i.$guid = guid; i.$guidr = null; i.$names = fnnames?fnnames:[]; if (rtl.isFunction(initfn)){ // rtti if (rtl.debug_rtti) rtl.debug('createInterface '+i.$fullname); var t = i.$module.$rtti.$Interface(name,{ "interface": i, module: module }); i.$rtti = t; if (ancestor) t.ancestor = ancestor.$rtti; if (!t.ancestor) t.ancestor = null;; } return i; }, strToGUIDR: function(s,g){ var p = 0; function n(l){ var h = s.substr(p,l); p+=l; return parseInt(h,16); } p+=1; // skip { g.D1 = n(8); p+=1; // skip - g.D2 = n(4); p+=1; // skip - g.D3 = n(4); p+=1; // skip - if (!g.D4) g.D4=[]; g.D4[0] = n(2); g.D4[1] = n(2); p+=1; // skip - for(var i=2; i<8; i++) g.D4[i] = n(2); return g; }, guidrToStr: function(g){ if (g.$intf) return g.$intf.$guid; var h = rtl.hexStr; var s='{'+h(g.D1,8)+'-'+h(g.D2,4)+'-'+h(g.D3,4)+'-'+h(g.D4[0],2)+h(g.D4[1],2)+'-'; for (var i=2; i<8; i++) s+=h(g.D4[i],2); s+='}'; return s; }, createTGUID: function(guid){ var TGuid = (pas.System)?pas.System.TGuid:pas.system.tguid; var g = rtl.strToGUIDR(guid,TGuid.$new()); return g; }, getIntfGUIDR: function(intfTypeOrVar){ if (!intfTypeOrVar) return null; if (!intfTypeOrVar.$guidr){ var g = rtl.createTGUID(intfTypeOrVar.$guid); if (!intfTypeOrVar.hasOwnProperty('$guid')) intfTypeOrVar = Object.getPrototypeOf(intfTypeOrVar); g.$intf = intfTypeOrVar; intfTypeOrVar.$guidr = g; } return intfTypeOrVar.$guidr; }, addIntf: function (aclass, intf, map){ function jmp(fn){ if (typeof(fn)==="function"){ return function(){ return fn.apply(this.$o,arguments); }; } else { return function(){ rtl.raiseE('EAbstractError'); }; } } if(!map) map = {}; var t = intf; var item = Object.create(t); if (!aclass.hasOwnProperty('$intfmaps')) aclass.$intfmaps = {}; aclass.$intfmaps[intf.$guid] = item; do{ var names = t.$names; if (!names) break; for (var i=0; i=-0x1fffffffffffff) && (i<=0x1fffffffffffff)) return i; rtl.raiseE('EIntOverflow'); }, rc: function(i,minval,maxval){ // range check integer if ((Math.floor(i)===i) && (i>=minval) && (i<=maxval)) return i; rtl.raiseE('ERangeError'); }, rcc: function(c,minval,maxval){ // range check char if ((typeof(c)==='string') && (c.length===1)){ var i = c.charCodeAt(0); if ((i>=minval) && (i<=maxval)) return c; } rtl.raiseE('ERangeError'); }, rcSetCharAt: function(s,index,c){ // range check setCharAt if ((typeof(s)!=='string') || (index<0) || (index>=s.length)) rtl.raiseE('ERangeError'); return rtl.setCharAt(s,index,c); }, rcCharAt: function(s,index){ // range check charAt if ((typeof(s)!=='string') || (index<0) || (index>=s.length)) rtl.raiseE('ERangeError'); return s.charAt(index); }, rcArrR: function(arr,index){ // range check read array if (Array.isArray(arr) && (typeof(index)==='number') && (index>=0) && (index2){ // arr,index1,index2,... arr=arr[index]; for (var i=2; i=0) && (index0){ item=stack[depth-1]; src = (item.src && item.src.length>item.i)?item.src[item.i]:null; } if (!src){ a = []; srclen = 0; oldlen = 0; } else if (src.$pas2jsrefcnt>0 || depth>=s){ a = []; srclen = src.length; oldlen = srclen; } else { a = src; srclen = 0; oldlen = a.length; } lastlen = stack[depth].dim; a.length = lastlen; if (depth>0){ item.a[item.i]=a; item.i++; if ((lastlen===0) && (item.i0){ if (depthlastlen) srclen=lastlen; if (rtl.isArray(defaultvalue)){ // array of dyn array for (var i=0; i0) && (stack[depth-1].i>=stack[depth-1].dim)){ depth--; }; if (depth===0){ if (dimmax===0) return a; return stack[0].a; } }while (true); }, arrayEq: function(a,b){ if (a===null) return b===null; if (b===null) return false; if (a.length!==b.length) return false; for (var i=0; isrcarray.length) end = srcarray.length; if (index>=end) return []; if (type===0){ return srcarray.slice(index,end); } else { var a = []; a.length = end-index; rtl.arrayClone(type,srcarray,index,end,a,0); return a; } }, arrayInsert: function(item, arr, index){ if (arr){ arr.splice(index,0,item); return arr; } else { return [item]; } }, setCharAt: function(s,index,c){ return s.substr(0,index)+c+s.substr(index+1); }, getResStr: function(mod,name){ var rs = mod.$resourcestrings[name]; return rs.current?; }, createSet: function(){ var s = {}; for (var i=0; i newlen){ return s.substring(0,newlen); } else if (s.repeat){ // Note: repeat needs ECMAScript6! return s+' '.repeat(newlen-oldlen); } else { while (oldlen=width) return s; if (s.repeat){ // Note: repeat needs ECMAScript6! return ' '.repeat(width-l) + s; } else { while (l2){ return rtl.spaceLeft(d.toFixed(p),w); } else { // exponent width var pad = ""; var ad = Math.abs(d); if (ad<1.0e+10) { pad='00'; } else if (ad<1.0e+100) { pad='0'; } if (arguments.length<2) { w=9; } else if (w<9) { w=9; } var p = w-8; var s=(d>0 ? " " : "" ) + d.toExponential(p); s=s.replace(/e(.)/,'E$1'+pad); return rtl.spaceLeft(s,w); } }, valEnum: function(s, enumType, setCodeFn){ s = s.toLowerCase(); for (var key in enumType){ if((typeof(key)==='string') && (key.toLowerCase()===s)){ setCodeFn(0); return enumType[key]; } } setCodeFn(1); return 0; }, lw: function(l){ // fix longword bitwise operation return l<0?l+0x100000000:l; }, and: function(a,b){ var hi = 0x80000000; var low = 0x7fffffff; var h = (a / hi) & (b / hi); var l = (a & low) & (b & low); return h*hi + l; }, or: function(a,b){ var hi = 0x80000000; var low = 0x7fffffff; var h = (a / hi) | (b / hi); var l = (a & low) | (b & low); return h*hi + l; }, xor: function(a,b){ var hi = 0x80000000; var low = 0x7fffffff; var h = (a / hi) ^ (b / hi); var l = (a & low) ^ (b & low); return h*hi + l; }, shr: function(a,b){ if (a<0) a += rtl.hiInt; if (a<0x80000000) return a >> b; if (b<=0) return a; if (b>54) return 0; return Math.floor(a / Math.pow(2,b)); }, shl: function(a,b){ if (a<0) a += rtl.hiInt; if (b<=0) return a; if (b>54) return 0; var r = a * Math.pow(2,b); if (r <= rtl.hiInt) return r; return r % rtl.hiInt; }, initRTTI: function(){ if (rtl.debug_rtti) rtl.debug('initRTTI'); // base types rtl.tTypeInfo = { name: "tTypeInfo" }; function newBaseTI(name,kind,ancestor){ if (!ancestor) ancestor = rtl.tTypeInfo; if (rtl.debug_rtti) rtl.debug('initRTTI.newBaseTI "'+name+'" '+kind+' ("''")'); var t = Object.create(ancestor); = name; t.kind = kind; rtl[name] = t; return t; }; function newBaseInt(name,minvalue,maxvalue,ordtype){ var t = newBaseTI(name,1 /* tkInteger */,rtl.tTypeInfoInteger); t.minvalue = minvalue; t.maxvalue = maxvalue; t.ordtype = ordtype; return t; }; newBaseTI("tTypeInfoInteger",1 /* tkInteger */); newBaseInt("shortint",-0x80,0x7f,0); newBaseInt("byte",0,0xff,1); newBaseInt("smallint",-0x8000,0x7fff,2); newBaseInt("word",0,0xffff,3); newBaseInt("longint",-0x80000000,0x7fffffff,4); newBaseInt("longword",0,0xffffffff,5); newBaseInt("nativeint",-0x10000000000000,0xfffffffffffff,6); newBaseInt("nativeuint",0,0xfffffffffffff,7); newBaseTI("char",2 /* tkChar */); newBaseTI("string",3 /* tkString */); newBaseTI("tTypeInfoEnum",4 /* tkEnumeration */,rtl.tTypeInfoInteger); newBaseTI("tTypeInfoSet",5 /* tkSet */); newBaseTI("double",6 /* tkDouble */); newBaseTI("boolean",7 /* tkBool */); newBaseTI("tTypeInfoProcVar",8 /* tkProcVar */); newBaseTI("tTypeInfoMethodVar",9 /* tkMethod */,rtl.tTypeInfoProcVar); newBaseTI("tTypeInfoArray",10 /* tkArray */); newBaseTI("tTypeInfoDynArray",11 /* tkDynArray */); newBaseTI("tTypeInfoPointer",15 /* tkPointer */); var t = newBaseTI("pointer",15 /* tkPointer */,rtl.tTypeInfoPointer); t.reftype = null; newBaseTI("jsvalue",16 /* tkJSValue */); newBaseTI("tTypeInfoRefToProcVar",17 /* tkRefToProcVar */,rtl.tTypeInfoProcVar); // member kinds rtl.tTypeMember = {}; function newMember(name,kind){ var m = Object.create(rtl.tTypeMember); = name; m.kind = kind; rtl[name] = m; }; newMember("tTypeMemberField",1); // tmkField newMember("tTypeMemberMethod",2); // tmkMethod newMember("tTypeMemberProperty",3); // tmkProperty // base object for storing members: a simple object rtl.tTypeMembers = {}; // tTypeInfoStruct - base object for tTypeInfoClass, tTypeInfoRecord, tTypeInfoInterface var tis = newBaseTI("tTypeInfoStruct",0); tis.$addMember = function(name,ancestor,options){ if (rtl.debug_rtti){ if (!rtl.hasString(name) || (name.charAt()==='$')) throw 'invalid member "'+name+'", this="''"'; if (!,rtl.tTypeMember)) throw 'invalid ancestor "'+ancestor+':''", "''.'+name+'"'; if ((options!=undefined) && (typeof(options)!='object')) throw 'invalid options "'+options+'", "''.'+name+'"'; }; var t = Object.create(ancestor); = name; this.members[name] = t; this.names.push(name); if (rtl.isObject(options)){ for (var key in options) if (options.hasOwnProperty(key)) t[key] = options[key]; }; return t; }; tis.addField = function(name,type,options){ var t = this.$addMember(name,rtl.tTypeMemberField,options); if (rtl.debug_rtti){ if (!,rtl.tTypeInfo)) throw 'invalid type "'+type+'", "''.'+name+'"'; }; t.typeinfo = type; this.fields.push(name); return t; }; tis.addFields = function(){ var i=0; while(i0) ? S.substring(Index-1,Index+Size-1) : ""; }; this.Copy$1 = function (S, Index) { if (Index<1) Index = 1; return S.substr(Index-1); }; this.Delete = function (S, Index, Size) { var h = ""; if ((Index < 1) || (Index > S.get().length) || (Size <= 0)) return; h = S.get(); S.set($mod.Copy(h,1,Index - 1) + $mod.Copy$1(h,Index + Size)); }; this.Pos = function (Search, InString) { return InString.indexOf(Search)+1; }; this.Insert = function (Insertion, Target, Index) { var t = ""; if (Insertion === "") return; t = Target.get(); if (Index < 1) { Target.set(Insertion + t)} else if (Index > t.length) { Target.set(t + Insertion)} else Target.set($mod.Copy(t,1,Index - 1) + Insertion + $mod.Copy(t,Index,t.length)); }; this.upcase = function (c) { return c.toUpperCase(); }; this.val = function (S, NI, Code) { NI.set($impl.valint(S,-9007199254740991,9007199254740991,Code)); }; this.val$6 = function (S, I, Code) { I.set($impl.valint(S,-2147483648,2147483647,Code)); }; this.val$8 = function (S, d, Code) { var x = 0.0; x = Number(S); if (isNaN(x)) { Code.set(1)} else { Code.set(0); d.set(x); }; }; this.StringOfChar = function (c, l) { var Result = ""; var i = 0; if ((l>0) && c.repeat) return c.repeat(l); Result = ""; for (var $l = 1, $end = l; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; Result = Result + c; }; return Result; }; this.Writeln = function () { var i = 0; var l = 0; var s = ""; l = arguments.length - 1; if ($impl.WriteCallBack != null) { for (var $l = 0, $end = l; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; $impl.WriteCallBack(arguments[i],i === l); }; } else { s = $impl.WriteBuf; for (var $l1 = 0, $end1 = l; $l1 <= $end1; $l1++) { i = $l1; s = s + ("" + arguments[i]); }; console.log(s); $impl.WriteBuf = ""; }; }; this.Assigned = function (V) { return (V!=undefined) && (V!=null) && (!rtl.isArray(V) || (V.length > 0)); }; $mod.$implcode = function () { $impl.WriteBuf = ""; $impl.WriteCallBack = null; $impl.valint = function (S, MinVal, MaxVal, Code) { var Result = 0; var x = 0.0; x = Number(S); if (isNaN(x)) { var $tmp = $mod.Copy(S,1,1); if ($tmp === "$") { x = Number("0x" + $mod.Copy$1(S,2))} else if ($tmp === "&") { x = Number("0o" + $mod.Copy$1(S,2))} else if ($tmp === "%") { x = Number("0b" + $mod.Copy$1(S,2))} else { Code.set(1); return Result; }; }; if (isNaN(x) || (x !== $mod.Int(x))) { Code.set(1)} else if ((x < MinVal) || (x > MaxVal)) { Code.set(2)} else { Result = $mod.Trunc(x); Code.set(0); }; return Result; }; }; $mod.$init = function () { rtl.exitcode = 0; }; },[]); rtl.module("RTLConsts",["System"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; $mod.$resourcestrings = {SArgumentMissing: {org: 'Missing argument in format "%s"'}, SInvalidFormat: {org: 'Invalid format specifier : "%s"'}, SInvalidArgIndex: {org: 'Invalid argument index in format: "%s"'}, SListCapacityError: {org: "List capacity (%s) exceeded."}, SListCountError: {org: "List count (%s) out of bounds."}, SListIndexError: {org: "List index (%s) out of bounds"}, SSortedListError: {org: "Operation not allowed on sorted list"}, SDuplicateString: {org: "String list does not allow duplicates"}, SErrFindNeedsSortedList: {org: "Cannot use find on unsorted list"}, SInvalidName: {org: 'Invalid component name: "%s"'}, SDuplicateName: {org: 'Duplicate component name: "%s"'}, SErrInvalidDate: {org: 'Invalid date: "%s"'}, SErrInvalidTimeFormat: {org: 'Invalid time format: "%s"'}, SInvalidDateFormat: {org: 'Invalid date format: "%s"'}, SCantReadPropertyS: {org: 'Cannot read property "%s"'}, SCantWritePropertyS: {org: 'Cannot write property "%s"'}, SIndexedPropertyNeedsParams: {org: 'Indexed property "%s" needs parameters'}, SErrInvalidInteger: {org: 'Invalid integer value: "%s"'}, SEmptyStreamIllegalReader: {org: "Illegal Nil stream for TReader constructor"}, SInvalidPropertyValue: {org: "Invalid value for property"}, SInvalidImage: {org: "Invalid stream format"}, SUnknownProperty: {org: 'Unknown property: "%s"'}, SUnknownPropertyType: {org: "Unknown property type %s"}, SAncestorNotFound: {org: 'Ancestor class for "%s" not found.'}, SUnsupportedPropertyVariantType: {org: "Unsupported property variant type %d"}, SPropertyException: {org: "Error reading %s%s%s: %s"}, SInvalidPropertyPath: {org: "Invalid property path"}, SReadOnlyProperty: {org: "Property is read-only"}, SClassNotFound: {org: 'Class "%s" not found'}, SParserExpected: {org: "Wrong token type: %s expected"}, SParserInvalidFloat: {org: "Invalid floating point number: %s"}, SParserInvalidInteger: {org: "Invalid integer number: %s"}, SParserUnterminatedString: {org: "Unterminated string"}, SParserWrongTokenType: {org: "Wrong token type: %s expected but %s found"}, SParserWrongTokenSymbol: {org: "Wrong token symbol: %s expected but %s found"}, SParserLocInfo: {org: " (at %d,%d, stream offset %.8x)"}, SParserUnterminatedBinValue: {org: "Unterminated byte value"}, SParserInvalidProperty: {org: "Invalid property"}}; }); rtl.module("Types",["System"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; this.TDirection = {"0": "FromBeginning", FromBeginning: 0, "1": "FromEnd", FromEnd: 1}; this.TDuplicates = {"0": "dupIgnore", dupIgnore: 0, "1": "dupAccept", dupAccept: 1, "2": "dupError", dupError: 2}; rtl.recNewT(this,"TSize",function () { = 0; = 0; this.$eq = function (b) { return ( === && ( ===; }; this.$assign = function (s) { =; =; return this; }; }); rtl.recNewT(this,"TPoint",function () { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.$eq = function (b) { return (this.x === b.x) && (this.y === b.y); }; this.$assign = function (s) { this.x = s.x; this.y = s.y; return this; }; var $r = $mod.$rtti.$Record("TPoint",{}); $r.addField("x",rtl.longint); $r.addField("y",rtl.longint); }); rtl.recNewT(this,"TRect",function () { this.Left = 0; this.Top = 0; this.Right = 0; this.Bottom = 0; this.$eq = function (b) { return (this.Left === b.Left) && (this.Top === b.Top) && (this.Right === b.Right) && (this.Bottom === b.Bottom); }; this.$assign = function (s) { this.Left = s.Left; this.Top = s.Top; this.Right = s.Right; this.Bottom = s.Bottom; return this; }; }); this.Rect = function (Left, Top, Right, Bottom) { var Result = $mod.TRect.$new(); Result.Left = Left; Result.Top = Top; Result.Right = Right; Result.Bottom = Bottom; return Result; }; this.Point = function (x, y) { var Result = $mod.TPoint.$new(); Result.x = x; Result.y = y; return Result; }; this.Size = function (AWidth, AHeight) { var Result = $mod.TSize.$new(); = AWidth; = AHeight; return Result; }; }); rtl.module("JS",["System","Types"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; this.isClassInstance = function (v) { return (typeof(v)=="object") && (v!=null) && (v.$class == Object.getPrototypeOf(v)); }; this.isInteger = function (v) { return Math.floor(v)===v; }; this.isNull = function (v) { return v === null; }; this.isDefined = function (v) { return !(v == undefined); }; this.TJSValueType = {"0": "jvtNull", jvtNull: 0, "1": "jvtBoolean", jvtBoolean: 1, "2": "jvtInteger", jvtInteger: 2, "3": "jvtFloat", jvtFloat: 3, "4": "jvtString", jvtString: 4, "5": "jvtObject", jvtObject: 5, "6": "jvtArray", jvtArray: 6}; this.GetValueType = function (JS) { var Result = 0; var t = ""; if ($mod.isNull(JS)) { Result = 0} else { t = typeof(JS); if (t === "string") { Result = 4} else if (t === "boolean") { Result = 1} else if (t === "object") { if (rtl.isArray(JS)) { Result = 6} else Result = 5; } else if (t === "number") if ($mod.isInteger(JS)) { Result = 2} else Result = 3; }; return Result; }; }); rtl.module("SysUtils",["System","RTLConsts","JS"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; var $impl = $mod.$impl; this.FreeAndNil = function (Obj) { var o = null; o = Obj.get(); if (o === null) return; Obj.set(null); o.$destroy("Destroy"); }; this.TEndian = {"0": "Little", Little: 0, "1": "Big", Big: 1}; rtl.createClass(this,"Exception",pas.System.TObject,function () { this.LogMessageOnCreate = false; this.$init = function () { pas.System.TObject.$; this.fMessage = ""; }; this.Create$1 = function (Msg) { this.fMessage = Msg; if (this.LogMessageOnCreate) pas.System.Writeln("Created exception ",this.$classname," with message: ",Msg); return this; }; this.CreateFmt = function (Msg, Args) { this.Create$1($mod.Format(Msg,Args)); return this; }; }); rtl.createClass(this,"EConvertError",this.Exception,function () { }); rtl.createClass(this,"EHeapMemoryError",this.Exception,function () { }); rtl.createClass(this,"EOutOfMemory",this.EHeapMemoryError,function () { }); this.TrimLeft = function (S) { return S.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0\x00-\x1f]+/,''); }; this.UpperCase = function (s) { return s.toUpperCase(); }; this.LowerCase = function (s) { return s.toLowerCase(); }; this.CompareStr = function (s1, s2) { var l1 = s1.length; var l2 = s2.length; if (l1<=l2){ var s = s2.substr(0,l1); if (s1s){ return 1; } else { return l1l2){ return 1; } else if (l1= "0")) ChPos += 1; if (ChPos > Len) $impl.DoFormatError(1,Fmt); if (Fmt.charAt(ChPos - 1) === "*") { if (Index === 255) { ArgN = ArgPos} else { ArgN = Index; Index += 1; }; if ((ChPos > OldPos) || (ArgN > (rtl.length(Args) - 1))) $impl.DoFormatError(1,Fmt); ArgPos = ArgN + 1; if (rtl.isNumber(Args[ArgN]) && pas.JS.isInteger(Args[ArgN])) { Value = rtl.trunc(Args[ArgN])} else $impl.DoFormatError(1,Fmt); ChPos += 1; } else { if (OldPos < ChPos) { pas.System.val(pas.System.Copy(Fmt,OldPos,ChPos - OldPos),{get: function () { return Value; }, set: function (v) { Value = v; }},{get: function () { return Code; }, set: function (v) { Code = v; }}); if (Code > 0) $impl.DoFormatError(1,Fmt); } else Value = -1; }; }; function ReadIndex() { if (Fmt.charAt(ChPos - 1) !== ":") { ReadInteger()} else Value = 0; if (Fmt.charAt(ChPos - 1) === ":") { if (Value === -1) $impl.DoFormatError(2,Fmt); Index = Value; Value = -1; ChPos += 1; }; }; function ReadLeft() { if (Fmt.charAt(ChPos - 1) === "-") { Left = true; ChPos += 1; } else Left = false; }; function ReadWidth() { ReadInteger(); if (Value !== -1) { Width = Value; Value = -1; }; }; function ReadPrec() { if (Fmt.charAt(ChPos - 1) === ".") { ChPos += 1; ReadInteger(); if (Value === -1) Value = 0; Prec = Value; }; }; Index = 255; Width = -1; Prec = -1; Value = -1; ChPos += 1; if (Fmt.charAt(ChPos - 1) === "%") { Result = "%"; return Result; }; ReadIndex(); ReadLeft(); ReadWidth(); ReadPrec(); Result = pas.System.upcase(Fmt.charAt(ChPos - 1)); return Result; }; function Checkarg(AT, err) { var Result = false; Result = false; if (Index === 255) { DoArg = ArgPos} else DoArg = Index; ArgPos = DoArg + 1; if ((DoArg > (rtl.length(Args) - 1)) || (pas.JS.GetValueType(Args[DoArg]) !== AT)) { if (err) $impl.DoFormatError(3,Fmt); ArgPos -= 1; return Result; }; Result = true; return Result; }; Result = ""; Len = Fmt.length; ChPos = 1; OldPos = 1; ArgPos = 0; while (ChPos <= Len) { while ((ChPos <= Len) && (Fmt.charAt(ChPos - 1) !== "%")) ChPos += 1; if (ChPos > OldPos) Result = Result + pas.System.Copy(Fmt,OldPos,ChPos - OldPos); if (ChPos < Len) { Fchar = ReadFormat(); var $tmp = Fchar; if ($tmp === "D") { Checkarg(2,true); ToAdd = $mod.IntToStr(rtl.trunc(Args[DoArg])); Width = Math.abs(Width); Index = Prec - ToAdd.length; if (ToAdd.charAt(0) !== "-") { ToAdd = pas.System.StringOfChar("0",Index) + ToAdd} else pas.System.Insert(pas.System.StringOfChar("0",Index + 1),{get: function () { return ToAdd; }, set: function (v) { ToAdd = v; }},2); } else if ($tmp === "U") { Checkarg(2,true); if (rtl.trunc(Args[DoArg]) < 0) $impl.DoFormatError(3,Fmt); ToAdd = $mod.IntToStr(rtl.trunc(Args[DoArg])); Width = Math.abs(Width); Index = Prec - ToAdd.length; ToAdd = pas.System.StringOfChar("0",Index) + ToAdd; } else if ($tmp === "E") { if (Checkarg(3,false) || Checkarg(2,true)) ToAdd = $mod.FloatToStrF(rtl.getNumber(Args[DoArg]),0,9999,Prec); } else if ($tmp === "F") { if (Checkarg(3,false) || Checkarg(2,true)) ToAdd = $mod.FloatToStrF(rtl.getNumber(Args[DoArg]),0,9999,Prec); } else if ($tmp === "G") { if (Checkarg(3,false) || Checkarg(2,true)) ToAdd = $mod.FloatToStrF(rtl.getNumber(Args[DoArg]),1,Prec,3); } else if ($tmp === "N") { if (Checkarg(3,false) || Checkarg(2,true)) ToAdd = $mod.FloatToStrF(rtl.getNumber(Args[DoArg]),3,9999,Prec); } else if ($tmp === "M") { if (Checkarg(3,false) || Checkarg(2,true)) ToAdd = $mod.FloatToStrF(rtl.getNumber(Args[DoArg]),4,9999,Prec); } else if ($tmp === "S") { Checkarg(4,true); Hs = "" + Args[DoArg]; Index = Hs.length; if ((Prec !== -1) && (Index > Prec)) Index = Prec; ToAdd = pas.System.Copy(Hs,1,Index); } else if ($tmp === "P") { Checkarg(2,true); ToAdd = $mod.IntToHex(rtl.trunc(Args[DoArg]),31); } else if ($tmp === "X") { Checkarg(2,true); vq = rtl.trunc(Args[DoArg]); Index = 31; if (Prec > Index) { ToAdd = $mod.IntToHex(vq,Index)} else { Index = 1; while ((rtl.shl(1,Index * 4) <= vq) && (Index < 16)) Index += 1; if (Index > Prec) Prec = Index; ToAdd = $mod.IntToHex(vq,Prec); }; } else if ($tmp === "%") ToAdd = "%"; if (Width !== -1) if (ToAdd.length < Width) if (!Left) { ToAdd = pas.System.StringOfChar(" ",Width - ToAdd.length) + ToAdd} else ToAdd = ToAdd + pas.System.StringOfChar(" ",Width - ToAdd.length); Result = Result + ToAdd; }; ChPos += 1; OldPos = ChPos; }; return Result; }; var Alpha = rtl.createSet(null,65,90,null,97,122,95); var AlphaNum = rtl.unionSet(Alpha,rtl.createSet(null,48,57)); var Dot = "."; this.IsValidIdent = function (Ident, AllowDots, StrictDots) { var Result = false; var First = false; var I = 0; var Len = 0; Len = Ident.length; if (Len < 1) return false; First = true; Result = false; I = 1; while (I <= Len) { if (First) { if (!(Ident.charCodeAt(I - 1) in Alpha)) return Result; First = false; } else if (AllowDots && (Ident.charAt(I - 1) === Dot)) { if (StrictDots) { if (I >= Len) return Result; First = true; }; } else if (!(Ident.charCodeAt(I - 1) in AlphaNum)) return Result; I = I + 1; }; Result = true; return Result; }; this.TStringReplaceFlag = {"0": "rfReplaceAll", rfReplaceAll: 0, "1": "rfIgnoreCase", rfIgnoreCase: 1}; this.StringReplace = function (aOriginal, aSearch, aReplace, Flags) { var Result = ""; var REFlags = ""; var REString = ""; REFlags = ""; if (0 in Flags) REFlags = "g"; if (1 in Flags) REFlags = REFlags + "i"; REString = aSearch.replace(new RegExp($impl.RESpecials,"g"),"\\$1"); Result = aOriginal.replace(new RegExp(REString,REFlags),aReplace); return Result; }; this.IntToStr = function (Value) { var Result = ""; Result = "" + Value; return Result; }; this.TryStrToInt$1 = function (S, res) { var Result = false; var Radix = 10; var N = ""; var J = undefined; N = S; if ((pas.System.Pos($mod.DecimalSeparator,N) !== 0) || (pas.System.Pos(".",N) !== 0)) return false; var $tmp = pas.System.Copy(N,1,1); if ($tmp === "$") { Radix = 16} else if ($tmp === "&") { Radix = 8} else if ($tmp === "%") Radix = 2; if ((Radix !== 16) && (pas.System.Pos("e",$mod.LowerCase(N)) !== 0)) return false; if (Radix !== 10) pas.System.Delete({get: function () { return N; }, set: function (v) { N = v; }},1,1); J = parseInt(N,Radix); Result = !isNaN(J); if (Result) res.set(rtl.trunc(J)); return Result; }; this.StrToIntDef = function (S, aDef) { var Result = 0; var R = 0; if ($mod.TryStrToInt$1(S,{get: function () { return R; }, set: function (v) { R = v; }})) { Result = R} else Result = aDef; return Result; }; this.TryStrToInt64 = function (S, res) { var Result = false; var R = 0; Result = $mod.TryStrToInt$1(S,{get: function () { return R; }, set: function (v) { R = v; }}); if (Result) res.set(R); return Result; }; this.StrToQWord = function (S) { var Result = 0; var N = 0; if (!$mod.TryStrToInt$1(S,{get: function () { return N; }, set: function (v) { N = v; }}) || (N < 0)) throw $mod.EConvertError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SErrInvalidInteger"),[S]]); Result = N; return Result; }; this.IntToHex = function (Value, Digits) { var Result = ""; Result = ""; if (Value < 0) if (Value<0) Value = 0xFFFFFFFF + Value + 1; Result=Value.toString(16); Result = $mod.UpperCase(Result); while (Result.length < Digits) Result = "0" + Result; return Result; }; this.TFloatFormat = {"0": "ffFixed", ffFixed: 0, "1": "ffGeneral", ffGeneral: 1, "2": "ffExponent", ffExponent: 2, "3": "ffNumber", ffNumber: 3, "4": "ffCurrency", ffCurrency: 4}; this.FloatToStr = function (Value) { var Result = ""; Result = $mod.FloatToStrF(Value,1,15,0); return Result; }; this.FloatToStrF = function (Value, format, Precision, Digits) { var Result = ""; var DS = ""; DS = $mod.DecimalSeparator; var $tmp = format; if ($tmp === 1) { Result = $impl.FormatGeneralFloat(Value,Precision,DS)} else if ($tmp === 2) { Result = $impl.FormatExponentFloat(Value,Precision,Digits,DS)} else if ($tmp === 0) { Result = $impl.FormatFixedFloat(Value,Digits,DS)} else if ($tmp === 3) { Result = $impl.FormatNumberFloat(Value,Digits,DS,$mod.ThousandSeparator)} else if ($tmp === 4) Result = $impl.FormatNumberCurrency(Value * 10000,Digits,DS,$mod.ThousandSeparator); if ((format !== 4) && (Result.length > 1) && (Result.charAt(0) === "-")) $impl.RemoveLeadingNegativeSign({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},DS); return Result; }; this.TryStrToFloat$1 = function (S, res) { var Result = false; var J = undefined; var N = ""; N = S; if ($mod.ThousandSeparator !== "") N = $mod.StringReplace(N,$mod.ThousandSeparator,"",rtl.createSet(0)); if ($mod.DecimalSeparator !== ".") N = $mod.StringReplace(N,$mod.DecimalSeparator,".",{}); J = parseFloat(N); Result = !isNaN(J); if (Result) res.set(rtl.getNumber(J)); return Result; }; this.StrToFloatDef = function (S, aDef) { var Result = 0.0; if (!$mod.TryStrToFloat$1(S,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }})) Result = aDef; return Result; }; this.OnShowException = null; this.SetOnUnCaughtExceptionHandler = function (aValue) { var Result = null; Result = $impl.OnPascalException; $impl.OnPascalException = aValue; $mod.HookUncaughtExceptions(); return Result; }; this.HookUncaughtExceptions = function () { rtl.onUncaughtException = $impl.RTLExceptionHook; rtl.showUncaughtExceptions = true; }; this.ShowException = function (ExceptObject, ExceptAddr) { var S = ""; S = rtl.getResStr($mod,"SApplicationException") + ExceptObject.$classname; if ($mod.Exception.isPrototypeOf(ExceptObject)) S = S + " : " + ExceptObject.fMessage; $impl.DoShowException(S); if (ExceptAddr === null) ; }; rtl.recNewT(this,"TTimeStamp",function () { this.Time = 0; this.Date = 0; this.$eq = function (b) { return (this.Time === b.Time) && (this.Date === b.Date); }; this.$assign = function (s) { this.Time = s.Time; this.Date = s.Date; return this; }; }); this.TimeSeparator = ":"; this.DateSeparator = "-"; this.ShortDateFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd"; this.LongDateFormat = "ddd, yyyy-mm-dd"; this.ShortTimeFormat = "hh:nn"; this.LongTimeFormat = "hh:nn:ss"; this.DecimalSeparator = "."; this.ThousandSeparator = ""; this.TimeAMString = "AM"; this.TimePMString = "PM"; this.HoursPerDay = 24; this.MinsPerHour = 60; this.SecsPerMin = 60; this.MSecsPerSec = 1000; this.MinsPerDay = 24 * 60; this.SecsPerDay = 1440 * 60; this.MSecsPerDay = 86400 * 1000; this.MaxDateTime = 2958465.99999999; this.DateDelta = 693594; this.MonthDays$a$clone = function (a) { var b = []; b.length = 2; for (var c = 0; c < 2; c++) b[c] = a[c].slice(0); return b; }; this.MonthDays = [[31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31],[31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]]; this.ShortMonthNames = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]; this.LongMonthNames = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"]; this.ShortDayNames = ["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"]; this.LongDayNames = ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"]; rtl.createClass(this,"TFormatSettings",pas.System.TObject,function () { this.GetTimeSeparator = function () { var Result = ""; Result = $mod.TimeSeparator; return Result; }; }); this.FormatSettings = null; this.TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow = 50; this.JSDateToDateTime = function (aDate) { var Result = 0.0; Result = $mod.EncodeDate(aDate.getFullYear(),aDate.getMonth() + 1,aDate.getDate()) + $mod.EncodeTime(aDate.getHours(),aDate.getMinutes(),aDate.getSeconds(),aDate.getMilliseconds()); return Result; }; this.DateTimeToTimeStamp = function (DateTime) { var Result = $mod.TTimeStamp.$new(); var D = 0.0; D = DateTime * 86400000; if (D < 0) { D = D - 0.5} else D = D + 0.5; Result.Time = pas.System.Trunc(Math.abs(pas.System.Trunc(D)) % 86400000); Result.Date = 693594 + rtl.trunc(pas.System.Trunc(D) / 86400000); return Result; }; this.TryEncodeDate = function (Year, Month, Day, date) { var Result = false; var c = 0; var ya = 0; Result = (Year > 0) && (Year < 10000) && (Month >= 1) && (Month <= 12) && (Day > 0) && (Day <= $mod.MonthDays[+$mod.IsLeapYear(Year)][Month - 1]); if (Result) { if (Month > 2) { Month -= 3} else { Month += 9; Year -= 1; }; c = rtl.trunc(Year / 100); ya = Year - (100 * c); date.set(((146097 * c) >>> 2) + ((1461 * ya) >>> 2) + rtl.trunc(((153 * Month) + 2) / 5) + Day); date.set(date.get() - 693900); }; return Result; }; this.TryEncodeTime = function (Hour, Min, Sec, MSec, Time) { var Result = false; Result = (Hour < 24) && (Min < 60) && (Sec < 60) && (MSec < 1000); if (Result) Time.set(((Hour * 3600000) + (Min * 60000) + (Sec * 1000) + MSec) / 86400000); return Result; }; this.EncodeDate = function (Year, Month, Day) { var Result = 0.0; if (!$mod.TryEncodeDate(Year,Month,Day,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }})) throw $mod.EConvertError.$create("CreateFmt",["%s-%s-%s is not a valid date specification",[$mod.IntToStr(Year),$mod.IntToStr(Month),$mod.IntToStr(Day)]]); return Result; }; this.EncodeTime = function (Hour, Minute, Second, MilliSecond) { var Result = 0.0; if (!$mod.TryEncodeTime(Hour,Minute,Second,MilliSecond,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }})) throw $mod.EConvertError.$create("CreateFmt",["%s:%s:%s.%s is not a valid time specification",[$mod.IntToStr(Hour),$mod.IntToStr(Minute),$mod.IntToStr(Second),$mod.IntToStr(MilliSecond)]]); return Result; }; this.DecodeDate = function (date, Year, Month, Day) { var ly = 0; var ld = 0; var lm = 0; var j = 0; if (date <= -693594) { Year.set(0); Month.set(0); Day.set(0); } else { if (date > 0) { date = date + (1 / (86400000 * 2))} else date = date - (1 / (86400000 * 2)); if (date > $mod.MaxDateTime) date = $mod.MaxDateTime; j = rtl.shl(pas.System.Trunc(date) + 693900,2) - 1; ly = rtl.trunc(j / 146097); j = j - (146097 * ly); ld = rtl.lw(j >>> 2); j = rtl.trunc((rtl.lw(ld << 2) + 3) / 1461); ld = rtl.lw(((rtl.lw(ld << 2) + 7) - (1461 * j)) >>> 2); lm = rtl.trunc(((5 * ld) - 3) / 153); ld = rtl.trunc((((5 * ld) + 2) - (153 * lm)) / 5); ly = (100 * ly) + j; if (lm < 10) { lm += 3} else { lm -= 9; ly += 1; }; Year.set(ly); Month.set(lm); Day.set(ld); }; }; this.DecodeDateFully = function (DateTime, Year, Month, Day, DOW) { var Result = false; $mod.DecodeDate(DateTime,Year,Month,Day); DOW.set($mod.DayOfWeek(DateTime)); Result = $mod.IsLeapYear(Year.get()); return Result; }; this.DecodeTime = function (Time, Hour, Minute, Second, MilliSecond) { var l = 0; l = $mod.DateTimeToTimeStamp(Time).Time; Hour.set(rtl.trunc(l / 3600000)); l = l % 3600000; Minute.set(rtl.trunc(l / 60000)); l = l % 60000; Second.set(rtl.trunc(l / 1000)); l = l % 1000; MilliSecond.set(l); }; this.DayOfWeek = function (DateTime) { var Result = 0; Result = 1 + ((pas.System.Trunc(DateTime) - 1) % 7); if (Result <= 0) Result += 7; return Result; }; this.Date = function () { var Result = 0.0; Result = pas.System.Trunc($mod.Now()); return Result; }; this.Now = function () { var Result = 0.0; Result = $mod.JSDateToDateTime(new Date()); return Result; }; this.IsLeapYear = function (Year) { var Result = false; Result = ((Year % 4) === 0) && (((Year % 100) !== 0) || ((Year % 400) === 0)); return Result; }; this.DateToStr = function (date) { var Result = ""; Result = $mod.FormatDateTime("ddddd",date); return Result; }; this.TimeToStr = function (Time) { var Result = ""; Result = $mod.FormatDateTime("tt",Time); return Result; }; this.DateTimeToStr = function (DateTime, ForceTimeIfZero) { var Result = ""; Result = $mod.FormatDateTime($impl.DateTimeToStrFormat[+ForceTimeIfZero],DateTime); return Result; }; this.FormatDateTime = function (FormatStr, DateTime) { var Result = ""; function StoreStr(APos, Len) { Result = Result + pas.System.Copy(FormatStr,APos,Len); }; function StoreString(AStr) { Result = Result + AStr; }; function StoreInt(Value, Digits) { var S = ""; S = $mod.IntToStr(Value); while (S.length < Digits) S = "0" + S; StoreString(S); }; var Year = 0; var Month = 0; var Day = 0; var DayOfWeek = 0; var Hour = 0; var Minute = 0; var Second = 0; var MilliSecond = 0; function StoreFormat(FormatStr, Nesting, TimeFlag) { var Token = ""; var lastformattoken = ""; var prevlasttoken = ""; var Count = 0; var Clock12 = false; var tmp = 0; var isInterval = false; var P = 0; var FormatCurrent = 0; var FormatEnd = 0; if (Nesting > 1) return; FormatCurrent = 1; FormatEnd = FormatStr.length; Clock12 = false; isInterval = false; P = 1; while (P <= FormatEnd) { Token = FormatStr.charAt(P - 1); var $tmp = Token; if (($tmp === "'") || ($tmp === '"')) { P += 1; while ((P < FormatEnd) && (FormatStr.charAt(P - 1) !== Token)) P += 1; } else if (($tmp === "A") || ($tmp === "a")) { if (($mod.CompareText(pas.System.Copy(FormatStr,P,3),"A\/P") === 0) || ($mod.CompareText(pas.System.Copy(FormatStr,P,4),"AMPM") === 0) || ($mod.CompareText(pas.System.Copy(FormatStr,P,5),"AM\/PM") === 0)) { Clock12 = true; break; }; }; P += 1; }; Token = "ÿ"; lastformattoken = " "; prevlasttoken = "H"; while (FormatCurrent <= FormatEnd) { Token = $mod.UpperCase(FormatStr.charAt(FormatCurrent - 1)).charAt(0); Count = 1; P = FormatCurrent + 1; var $tmp1 = Token; if (($tmp1 === "'") || ($tmp1 === '"')) { while ((P < FormatEnd) && (FormatStr.charAt(P - 1) !== Token)) P += 1; P += 1; Count = P - FormatCurrent; StoreStr(FormatCurrent + 1,Count - 2); } else if ($tmp1 === "A") { if ($mod.CompareText(pas.System.Copy(FormatStr,FormatCurrent,4),"AMPM") === 0) { Count = 4; if (Hour < 12) { StoreString($mod.TimeAMString)} else StoreString($mod.TimePMString); } else if ($mod.CompareText(pas.System.Copy(FormatStr,FormatCurrent,5),"AM\/PM") === 0) { Count = 5; if (Hour < 12) { StoreStr(FormatCurrent,2)} else StoreStr(FormatCurrent + 3,2); } else if ($mod.CompareText(pas.System.Copy(FormatStr,FormatCurrent,3),"A\/P") === 0) { Count = 3; if (Hour < 12) { StoreStr(FormatCurrent,1)} else StoreStr(FormatCurrent + 2,1); } else throw $mod.EConvertError.$create("Create$1",["Illegal character in format string"]); } else if ($tmp1 === "\/") { StoreString($mod.DateSeparator); } else if ($tmp1 === ":") { StoreString($mod.TimeSeparator)} else if (($tmp1 === " ") || ($tmp1 === "C") || ($tmp1 === "D") || ($tmp1 === "H") || ($tmp1 === "M") || ($tmp1 === "N") || ($tmp1 === "S") || ($tmp1 === "T") || ($tmp1 === "Y") || ($tmp1 === "Z") || ($tmp1 === "F")) { while ((P <= FormatEnd) && ($mod.UpperCase(FormatStr.charAt(P - 1)) === Token)) P += 1; Count = P - FormatCurrent; var $tmp2 = Token; if ($tmp2 === " ") { StoreStr(FormatCurrent,Count)} else if ($tmp2 === "Y") { if (Count > 2) { StoreInt(Year,4)} else StoreInt(Year % 100,2); } else if ($tmp2 === "M") { if (isInterval && ((prevlasttoken === "H") || TimeFlag)) { StoreInt(Minute + ((Hour + (pas.System.Trunc(Math.abs(DateTime)) * 24)) * 60),0)} else if ((lastformattoken === "H") || TimeFlag) { if (Count === 1) { StoreInt(Minute,0)} else StoreInt(Minute,2); } else { var $tmp3 = Count; if ($tmp3 === 1) { StoreInt(Month,0)} else if ($tmp3 === 2) { StoreInt(Month,2)} else if ($tmp3 === 3) { StoreString($mod.ShortMonthNames[Month - 1])} else { StoreString($mod.LongMonthNames[Month - 1]); }; }; } else if ($tmp2 === "D") { var $tmp4 = Count; if ($tmp4 === 1) { StoreInt(Day,0)} else if ($tmp4 === 2) { StoreInt(Day,2)} else if ($tmp4 === 3) { StoreString($mod.ShortDayNames[DayOfWeek - 1])} else if ($tmp4 === 4) { StoreString($mod.LongDayNames[DayOfWeek - 1])} else if ($tmp4 === 5) { StoreFormat($mod.ShortDateFormat,Nesting + 1,false)} else { StoreFormat($mod.LongDateFormat,Nesting + 1,false); }; } else if ($tmp2 === "H") { if (isInterval) { StoreInt(Hour + (pas.System.Trunc(Math.abs(DateTime)) * 24),0)} else if (Clock12) { tmp = Hour % 12; if (tmp === 0) tmp = 12; if (Count === 1) { StoreInt(tmp,0)} else StoreInt(tmp,2); } else { if (Count === 1) { StoreInt(Hour,0)} else StoreInt(Hour,2); }} else if ($tmp2 === "N") { if (isInterval) { StoreInt(Minute + ((Hour + (pas.System.Trunc(Math.abs(DateTime)) * 24)) * 60),0)} else if (Count === 1) { StoreInt(Minute,0)} else StoreInt(Minute,2)} else if ($tmp2 === "S") { if (isInterval) { StoreInt(Second + ((Minute + ((Hour + (pas.System.Trunc(Math.abs(DateTime)) * 24)) * 60)) * 60),0)} else if (Count === 1) { StoreInt(Second,0)} else StoreInt(Second,2)} else if ($tmp2 === "Z") { if (Count === 1) { StoreInt(MilliSecond,0)} else StoreInt(MilliSecond,3)} else if ($tmp2 === "T") { if (Count === 1) { StoreFormat($mod.ShortTimeFormat,Nesting + 1,true)} else StoreFormat($mod.LongTimeFormat,Nesting + 1,true)} else if ($tmp2 === "C") { StoreFormat($mod.ShortDateFormat,Nesting + 1,false); if ((Hour !== 0) || (Minute !== 0) || (Second !== 0)) { StoreString(" "); StoreFormat($mod.LongTimeFormat,Nesting + 1,true); }; } else if ($tmp2 === "F") { StoreFormat($mod.ShortDateFormat,Nesting + 1,false); StoreString(" "); StoreFormat($mod.LongTimeFormat,Nesting + 1,true); }; prevlasttoken = lastformattoken; lastformattoken = Token; } else { StoreString(Token); }; FormatCurrent += Count; }; }; $mod.DecodeDateFully(DateTime,{get: function () { return Year; }, set: function (v) { Year = v; }},{get: function () { return Month; }, set: function (v) { Month = v; }},{get: function () { return Day; }, set: function (v) { Day = v; }},{get: function () { return DayOfWeek; }, set: function (v) { DayOfWeek = v; }}); $mod.DecodeTime(DateTime,{get: function () { return Hour; }, set: function (v) { Hour = v; }},{get: function () { return Minute; }, set: function (v) { Minute = v; }},{get: function () { return Second; }, set: function (v) { Second = v; }},{get: function () { return MilliSecond; }, set: function (v) { MilliSecond = v; }}); if (FormatStr !== "") { StoreFormat(FormatStr,0,false)} else StoreFormat("C",0,false); return Result; }; this.TryStrToDate$1 = function (S, Value, separator) { var Result = false; Result = $mod.TryStrToDate$2(S,Value,$mod.ShortDateFormat,separator); return Result; }; this.TryStrToDate$2 = function (S, Value, useformat, separator) { var Result = false; var Msg = ""; Result = S.length !== 0; if (Result) { Value.set($impl.IntStrToDate({get: function () { return Msg; }, set: function (v) { Msg = v; }},S,useformat,separator)); Result = Msg === ""; }; return Result; }; this.TryStrToTime$1 = function (S, Value, separator) { var Result = false; var Msg = ""; Result = S.length !== 0; if (Result) { Value.set($impl.IntStrToTime({get: function () { return Msg; }, set: function (v) { Msg = v; }},S,S.length,separator)); Result = Msg === ""; }; return Result; }; this.StrToDateDef = function (S, Defvalue) { var Result = 0.0; Result = $mod.StrToDateDef$1(S,Defvalue,"\x00"); return Result; }; this.StrToDateDef$1 = function (S, Defvalue, separator) { var Result = 0.0; if (!$mod.TryStrToDate$1(S,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},separator)) Result = Defvalue; return Result; }; this.StrToTimeDef$1 = function (S, Defvalue, separator) { var Result = 0.0; if (!$mod.TryStrToTime$1(S,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},separator)) Result = Defvalue; return Result; }; this.CurrencyFormat = 0; this.NegCurrFormat = 0; this.CurrencyDecimals = 2; this.CurrencyString = "$"; $mod.$implcode = function () { $impl.DoShowException = function (S) { if ($mod.OnShowException != null) { $mod.OnShowException(S)} else { window.alert(S); }; }; $impl.OnPascalException = null; $impl.OnJSException = null; $impl.RTLExceptionHook = function (aError) { var S = ""; if (pas.JS.isClassInstance(aError)) { if ($impl.OnPascalException != null) { $impl.OnPascalException(rtl.getObject(aError))} else $mod.ShowException(rtl.getObject(aError),null); } else if (rtl.isObject(aError)) { if ($impl.OnJSException != null) { $impl.OnJSException(aError)} else { if (aError.hasOwnProperty("message")) { S = rtl.getResStr($mod,"SErrUnknownExceptionType") + ("" + aError["message"])} else S = rtl.getResStr($mod,"SErrUnknownExceptionType") + aError.toString(); $impl.DoShowException(S); }; } else { S = rtl.getResStr($mod,"SErrUnknownExceptionType") + ("" + aError); $impl.DoShowException(S); }; }; $impl.feInvalidFormat = 1; $impl.feMissingArgument = 2; $impl.feInvalidArgIndex = 3; $impl.DoFormatError = function (ErrCode, fmt) { var $tmp = ErrCode; if ($tmp === 1) { throw $mod.EConvertError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidFormat"),[fmt]])} else if ($tmp === 2) { throw $mod.EConvertError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SArgumentMissing"),[fmt]])} else if ($tmp === 3) throw $mod.EConvertError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidArgIndex"),[fmt]]); }; $impl.maxdigits = 15; $impl.ReplaceDecimalSep = function (S, DS) { var Result = ""; var P = 0; P = pas.System.Pos(".",S); if (P > 0) { Result = pas.System.Copy(S,1,P - 1) + DS + pas.System.Copy(S,P + 1,S.length - P)} else Result = S; return Result; }; $impl.FormatGeneralFloat = function (Value, Precision, DS) { var Result = ""; var P = 0; var PE = 0; var Q = 0; var Exponent = 0; if ((Precision === -1) || (Precision > 15)) Precision = 15; Result = rtl.floatToStr(Value,Precision + 7); Result = $mod.TrimLeft(Result); P = pas.System.Pos(".",Result); if (P === 0) return Result; PE = pas.System.Pos("E",Result); if (PE === 0) { Result = $impl.ReplaceDecimalSep(Result,DS); return Result; }; Q = PE + 2; Exponent = 0; while (Q <= Result.length) { Exponent = ((Exponent * 10) + Result.charCodeAt(Q - 1)) - 48; Q += 1; }; if (Result.charAt((PE + 1) - 1) === "-") Exponent = -Exponent; if (((P + Exponent) < PE) && (Exponent > -6)) { Result = rtl.strSetLength(Result,PE - 1); if (Exponent >= 0) { for (var $l = 0, $end = Exponent - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { Q = $l; Result = rtl.setCharAt(Result,P - 1,Result.charAt((P + 1) - 1)); P += 1; }; Result = rtl.setCharAt(Result,P - 1,"."); P = 1; if (Result.charAt(P - 1) === "-") P += 1; while ((Result.charAt(P - 1) === "0") && (P < Result.length) && (pas.System.Copy(Result,P + 1,DS.length) !== DS)) pas.System.Delete({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},P,1); } else { pas.System.Insert(pas.System.Copy("00000",1,-Exponent),{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},P - 1); Result = rtl.setCharAt(Result,P - Exponent - 1,Result.charAt(P - Exponent - 1 - 1)); Result = rtl.setCharAt(Result,P - 1,"."); if (Exponent !== -1) Result = rtl.setCharAt(Result,P - Exponent - 1 - 1,"0"); }; Q = Result.length; while ((Q > 0) && (Result.charAt(Q - 1) === "0")) Q -= 1; if (Result.charAt(Q - 1) === ".") Q -= 1; if ((Q === 0) || ((Q === 1) && (Result.charAt(0) === "-"))) { Result = "0"} else Result = rtl.strSetLength(Result,Q); } else { while (Result.charAt(PE - 1 - 1) === "0") { pas.System.Delete({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},PE - 1,1); PE -= 1; }; if (Result.charAt(PE - 1 - 1) === DS) { pas.System.Delete({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},PE - 1,1); PE -= 1; }; if (Result.charAt((PE + 1) - 1) === "+") { pas.System.Delete({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},PE + 1,1)} else PE += 1; while (Result.charAt((PE + 1) - 1) === "0") pas.System.Delete({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},PE + 1,1); }; Result = $impl.ReplaceDecimalSep(Result,DS); return Result; }; $impl.FormatExponentFloat = function (Value, Precision, Digits, DS) { var Result = ""; var P = 0; DS = $mod.DecimalSeparator; if ((Precision === -1) || (Precision > 15)) Precision = 15; Result = rtl.floatToStr(Value,Precision + 7); while (Result.charAt(0) === " ") pas.System.Delete({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},1,1); P = pas.System.Pos("E",Result); if (P === 0) { Result = $impl.ReplaceDecimalSep(Result,DS); return Result; }; P += 2; if (Digits > 4) Digits = 4; Digits = (Result.length - P - Digits) + 1; if (Digits < 0) { pas.System.Insert(pas.System.Copy("0000",1,-Digits),{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},P)} else while ((Digits > 0) && (Result.charAt(P - 1) === "0")) { pas.System.Delete({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},P,1); if (P > Result.length) { pas.System.Delete({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},P - 2,2); break; }; Digits -= 1; }; Result = $impl.ReplaceDecimalSep(Result,DS); return Result; }; $impl.FormatFixedFloat = function (Value, Digits, DS) { var Result = ""; if (Digits === -1) { Digits = 2} else if (Digits > 18) Digits = 18; Result = rtl.floatToStr(Value,0,Digits); if ((Result !== "") && (Result.charAt(0) === " ")) pas.System.Delete({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},1,1); Result = $impl.ReplaceDecimalSep(Result,DS); return Result; }; $impl.FormatNumberFloat = function (Value, Digits, DS, TS) { var Result = ""; var P = 0; if (Digits === -1) { Digits = 2} else if (Digits > 15) Digits = 15; Result = rtl.floatToStr(Value,0,Digits); if ((Result !== "") && (Result.charAt(0) === " ")) pas.System.Delete({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},1,1); P = pas.System.Pos(".",Result); if (P <= 0) P = Result.length + 1; Result = $impl.ReplaceDecimalSep(Result,DS); P -= 3; if ((TS !== "") && (TS !== "\x00")) while (P > 1) { if (Result.charAt(P - 1 - 1) !== "-") pas.System.Insert(TS,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},P); P -= 3; }; return Result; }; $impl.RemoveLeadingNegativeSign = function (AValue, DS) { var Result = false; var i = 0; var TS = ""; var StartPos = 0; Result = false; StartPos = 2; TS = $mod.ThousandSeparator; for (var $l = StartPos, $end = AValue.get().length; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; Result = (AValue.get().charCodeAt(i - 1) in rtl.createSet(48,DS.charCodeAt(),69,43)) || (AValue.get().charAt(i - 1) === TS); if (!Result) break; }; if (Result && (AValue.get().charAt(0) === "-")) pas.System.Delete(AValue,1,1); return Result; }; $impl.FormatNumberCurrency = function (Value, Digits, DS, TS) { var Result = ""; var Negative = false; var P = 0; if (Digits === -1) { Digits = $mod.CurrencyDecimals} else if (Digits > 18) Digits = 18; Result = rtl.floatToStr(Value / 10000,0,Digits); Negative = Result.charAt(0) === "-"; if (Negative) pas.System.Delete({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},1,1); P = pas.System.Pos(".",Result); if (TS !== "") { if (P !== 0) { Result = $impl.ReplaceDecimalSep(Result,DS)} else P = Result.length + 1; P -= 3; while (P > 1) { pas.System.Insert(TS,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},P); P -= 3; }; }; if (Negative) $impl.RemoveLeadingNegativeSign({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},DS); if (!Negative) { var $tmp = $mod.CurrencyFormat; if ($tmp === 0) { Result = $mod.CurrencyString + Result} else if ($tmp === 1) { Result = Result + $mod.CurrencyString} else if ($tmp === 2) { Result = $mod.CurrencyString + " " + Result} else if ($tmp === 3) Result = Result + " " + $mod.CurrencyString; } else { var $tmp1 = $mod.NegCurrFormat; if ($tmp1 === 0) { Result = "(" + $mod.CurrencyString + Result + ")"} else if ($tmp1 === 1) { Result = "-" + $mod.CurrencyString + Result} else if ($tmp1 === 2) { Result = $mod.CurrencyString + "-" + Result} else if ($tmp1 === 3) { Result = $mod.CurrencyString + Result + "-"} else if ($tmp1 === 4) { Result = "(" + Result + $mod.CurrencyString + ")"} else if ($tmp1 === 5) { Result = "-" + Result + $mod.CurrencyString} else if ($tmp1 === 6) { Result = Result + "-" + $mod.CurrencyString} else if ($tmp1 === 7) { Result = Result + $mod.CurrencyString + "-"} else if ($tmp1 === 8) { Result = "-" + Result + " " + $mod.CurrencyString} else if ($tmp1 === 9) { Result = "-" + $mod.CurrencyString + " " + Result} else if ($tmp1 === 10) { Result = Result + " " + $mod.CurrencyString + "-"} else if ($tmp1 === 11) { Result = $mod.CurrencyString + " " + Result + "-"} else if ($tmp1 === 12) { Result = $mod.CurrencyString + " " + "-" + Result} else if ($tmp1 === 13) { Result = Result + "-" + " " + $mod.CurrencyString} else if ($tmp1 === 14) { Result = "(" + $mod.CurrencyString + " " + Result + ")"} else if ($tmp1 === 15) Result = "(" + Result + " " + $mod.CurrencyString + ")"; }; return Result; }; $impl.RESpecials = "([\\$\\+\\[\\]\\(\\)\\\\\\.\\*\\^\\?])"; $impl.DateTimeToStrFormat = ["c","f"]; var WhiteSpace = " \b\t\n\f\r"; var Digits = "0123456789"; $impl.IntStrToDate = function (ErrorMsg, S, useformat, separator) { var Result = 0.0; function FixErrorMsg(errmarg) { ErrorMsg.set($mod.Format(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidDateFormat"),[errmarg])); }; var df = ""; var d = 0; var m = 0; var y = 0; var ly = 0; var ld = 0; var lm = 0; var n = 0; var i = 0; var len = 0; var c = 0; var dp = 0; var mp = 0; var yp = 0; var which = 0; var s1 = ""; var values = []; var YearMoreThenTwoDigits = false; values = rtl.arraySetLength(values,0,4); Result = 0; len = S.length; ErrorMsg.set(""); while ((len > 0) && (pas.System.Pos(S.charAt(len - 1),WhiteSpace) > 0)) len -= 1; if (len === 0) { FixErrorMsg(S); return Result; }; YearMoreThenTwoDigits = false; if (separator === "\x00") if ($mod.DateSeparator !== "\x00") { separator = $mod.DateSeparator} else separator = "-"; df = $mod.UpperCase(useformat); yp = 0; mp = 0; dp = 0; which = 0; i = 0; while ((i < df.length) && (which < 3)) { i += 1; var $tmp = df.charAt(i - 1); if ($tmp === "Y") { if (yp === 0) { which += 1; yp = which; }} else if ($tmp === "M") { if (mp === 0) { which += 1; mp = which; }} else if ($tmp === "D") if (dp === 0) { which += 1; dp = which; }; }; for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) values[i] = 0; s1 = ""; n = 0; for (var $l = 1, $end = len; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; if (pas.System.Pos(S.charAt(i - 1),Digits) > 0) s1 = s1 + S.charAt(i - 1); if ((separator !== " ") && (S.charAt(i - 1) === " ")) continue; if ((S.charAt(i - 1) === separator) || ((i === len) && (pas.System.Pos(S.charAt(i - 1),Digits) > 0))) { n += 1; if (n > 3) { FixErrorMsg(S); return Result; }; if ((n === yp) && (s1.length > 2)) YearMoreThenTwoDigits = true; pas.System.val$6(s1,{a: n, p: values, get: function () { return this.p[this.a]; }, set: function (v) { this.p[this.a] = v; }},{get: function () { return c; }, set: function (v) { c = v; }}); if (c !== 0) { FixErrorMsg(S); return Result; }; s1 = ""; } else if (pas.System.Pos(S.charAt(i - 1),Digits) === 0) { FixErrorMsg(S); return Result; }; }; if ((which < 3) && (n > which)) { FixErrorMsg(S); return Result; }; $mod.DecodeDate($mod.Date(),{get: function () { return ly; }, set: function (v) { ly = v; }},{get: function () { return lm; }, set: function (v) { lm = v; }},{get: function () { return ld; }, set: function (v) { ld = v; }}); if (n === 3) { y = values[yp]; m = values[mp]; d = values[dp]; } else { y = ly; if (n < 2) { d = values[1]; m = lm; } else if (dp < mp) { d = values[1]; m = values[2]; } else { d = values[2]; m = values[1]; }; }; if ((y >= 0) && (y < 100) && !YearMoreThenTwoDigits) { ly = ly - $mod.TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow; y += rtl.trunc(ly / 100) * 100; if (($mod.TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow > 0) && (y < ly)) y += 100; }; if (!$mod.TryEncodeDate(y,m,d,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }})) ErrorMsg.set(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SErrInvalidDate")); return Result; }; var AMPM_None = 0; var AMPM_AM = 1; var AMPM_PM = 2; var tiHour = 0; var tiMin = 1; var tiSec = 2; var tiMSec = 3; var Digits$1 = "0123456789"; $impl.IntStrToTime = function (ErrorMsg, S, Len, separator) { var Result = 0.0; var AmPm = 0; var TimeValues = []; function SplitElements(TimeValues, AmPm) { var Result = false; var Cur = 0; var Offset = 0; var ElemLen = 0; var Err = 0; var TimeIndex = 0; var FirstSignificantDigit = 0; var Value = 0; var DigitPending = false; var MSecPending = false; var AmPmStr = ""; var CurChar = ""; var I = 0; var allowedchars = ""; Result = false; AmPm.set(0); MSecPending = false; TimeIndex = 0; for (I = 0; I <= 3; I++) TimeValues.get()[I] = 0; Cur = 1; while ((Cur < Len) && (S.charAt(Cur - 1) === " ")) Cur += 1; Offset = Cur; if ((Cur > (Len - 1)) || (S.charAt(Cur - 1) === separator) || (S.charAt(Cur - 1) === $mod.DecimalSeparator)) { return Result; }; DigitPending = pas.System.Pos(S.charAt(Cur - 1),Digits$1) > 0; while (Cur <= Len) { CurChar = S.charAt(Cur - 1); if (pas.System.Pos(CurChar,Digits$1) > 0) { if (!DigitPending || (TimeIndex > 3)) { return Result; }; Offset = Cur; if (CurChar !== "0") { FirstSignificantDigit = Offset} else FirstSignificantDigit = -1; while ((Cur < Len) && (pas.System.Pos(S.charAt((Cur + 1) - 1),Digits$1) > 0)) { if ((FirstSignificantDigit === -1) && (S.charAt(Cur - 1) !== "0")) FirstSignificantDigit = Cur; Cur += 1; }; if (FirstSignificantDigit === -1) FirstSignificantDigit = Cur; ElemLen = (1 + Cur) - FirstSignificantDigit; if ((ElemLen <= 2) || ((ElemLen <= 3) && (TimeIndex === 3))) { pas.System.val$6(pas.System.Copy(S,FirstSignificantDigit,ElemLen),{get: function () { return Value; }, set: function (v) { Value = v; }},{get: function () { return Err; }, set: function (v) { Err = v; }}); TimeValues.get()[TimeIndex] = Value; TimeIndex += 1; DigitPending = false; } else { return Result; }; } else if (CurChar === " ") {} else if (CurChar === separator) { if (DigitPending || (TimeIndex > 2)) { return Result; }; DigitPending = true; MSecPending = false; } else if (CurChar === $mod.DecimalSeparator) { if (DigitPending || MSecPending || (TimeIndex !== 3)) { return Result; }; DigitPending = true; MSecPending = true; } else { if ((AmPm.get() !== 0) || DigitPending) { return Result; }; Offset = Cur; allowedchars = $mod.DecimalSeparator + " "; if (separator !== "\x00") allowedchars = allowedchars + separator; while ((Cur < Len) && (pas.System.Pos(S.charAt((Cur + 1) - 1),allowedchars) === 0) && (pas.System.Pos(S.charAt((Cur + 1) - 1),Digits$1) === 0)) Cur += 1; ElemLen = (1 + Cur) - Offset; AmPmStr = pas.System.Copy(S,Offset,ElemLen); if ($mod.CompareText(AmPmStr,$mod.TimeAMString) === 0) { AmPm.set(1)} else if ($mod.CompareText(AmPmStr,$mod.TimePMString) === 0) { AmPm.set(2)} else if ($mod.CompareText(AmPmStr,"AM") === 0) { AmPm.set(1)} else if ($mod.CompareText(AmPmStr,"PM") === 0) { AmPm.set(2)} else { return Result; }; if (TimeIndex === 0) { DigitPending = true; } else { TimeIndex = 3 + 1; DigitPending = false; }; }; Cur += 1; }; if ((TimeIndex === 0) || ((AmPm.get() !== 0) && ((TimeValues.get()[0] > 12) || (TimeValues.get()[0] === 0))) || DigitPending) return Result; Result = true; return Result; }; TimeValues = rtl.arraySetLength(TimeValues,0,4); if (separator === "\x00") if ($mod.TimeSeparator !== "\x00") { separator = $mod.TimeSeparator} else separator = ":"; AmPm = 0; if (!SplitElements({get: function () { return TimeValues; }, set: function (v) { TimeValues = v; }},{get: function () { return AmPm; }, set: function (v) { AmPm = v; }})) { ErrorMsg.set($mod.Format(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SErrInvalidTimeFormat"),[S])); return Result; }; if ((AmPm === 2) && (TimeValues[0] !== 12)) { TimeValues[0] += 12} else if ((AmPm === 1) && (TimeValues[0] === 12)) TimeValues[0] = 0; if (!$mod.TryEncodeTime(TimeValues[0],TimeValues[1],TimeValues[2],TimeValues[3],{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }})) ErrorMsg.set($mod.Format(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SErrInvalidTimeFormat"),[S])); return Result; }; $mod.$resourcestrings = {SApplicationException: {org: "Application raised an exception: "}, SErrUnknownExceptionType: {org: "Caught unknown exception type : "}}; }; $mod.$init = function () { (function () { $mod.FormatSettings = $mod.TFormatSettings.$create("Create"); })(); }; },[]); rtl.module("TypInfo",["System","SysUtils","Types","RTLConsts","JS"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; var $impl = $mod.$impl; this.pfGetFunction = 1; this.pfSetProcedure = 2; this.pfHasIndex = 16; rtl.createClass(this,"EPropertyError",pas.SysUtils.Exception,function () { }); this.GetPropInfo = function (TI, PropName) { var Result = null; var m = null; var i = 0; var C = null; C = TI; while (C !== null) { m = C.members[PropName]; if (rtl.isExt(m,rtl.tTypeMemberProperty)) return m; if (!rtl.isExt(C,rtl.tTypeInfoClass)) break; C = C.ancestor; }; Result = null; do { for (var $l = 0, $end = - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; if (pas.SysUtils.CompareText(PropName,[i]) === 0) { m = TI.members[[i]]; if (rtl.isExt(m,rtl.tTypeMemberProperty)) Result = m; return Result; }; }; if (!rtl.isExt(TI,rtl.tTypeInfoClass)) break; TI = TI.ancestor; } while (!(TI === null)); return Result; }; this.GetPropInfo$1 = function (TI, PropName, Kinds) { var Result = null; Result = $mod.GetPropInfo(TI,PropName); if (rtl.neSet(Kinds,{}) && (Result !== null) && !(Result.typeinfo.kind in Kinds)) Result = null; return Result; }; this.GetPropInfo$4 = function (aClass, PropName) { var Result = null; Result = $mod.GetPropInfo$1(aClass.$rtti,PropName,{}); return Result; }; this.GetJSValueProp$1 = function (Instance, PropInfo) { var Result = undefined; var gk = 0; gk = $impl.GetPropGetterKind(PropInfo); var $tmp = gk; if ($tmp === 0) { throw $mod.EPropertyError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SCantReadPropertyS"),[]])} else if ($tmp === 1) { Result = Instance[PropInfo.getter]} else if ($tmp === 2) { if ((16 & PropInfo.flags) > 0) { Result = Instance[PropInfo.getter](PropInfo.index)} else Result = Instance[PropInfo.getter]()} else if ($tmp === 3) throw $mod.EPropertyError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SIndexedPropertyNeedsParams"),[]]); return Result; }; this.GetJSValueProp$3 = function (Instance, PropInfo) { var Result = undefined; Result = $mod.GetJSValueProp$1(Instance,PropInfo); return Result; }; this.SetJSValueProp$1 = function (Instance, PropInfo, Value) { var sk = 0; sk = $impl.GetPropSetterKind(PropInfo); var $tmp = sk; if ($tmp === 0) { throw $mod.EPropertyError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SCantWritePropertyS"),[]])} else if ($tmp === 1) { Instance[PropInfo.setter] = Value} else if ($tmp === 2) { if ((16 & PropInfo.flags) > 0) { Instance[PropInfo.setter](PropInfo.index,Value)} else Instance[PropInfo.setter](Value)} else if ($tmp === 3) throw $mod.EPropertyError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SIndexedPropertyNeedsParams"),[]]); }; this.SetJSValueProp$3 = function (Instance, PropInfo, Value) { $mod.SetJSValueProp$1(Instance,PropInfo,Value); }; this.SetOrdProp$1 = function (Instance, PropInfo, Value) { var o = null; var i = 0; if (PropInfo.typeinfo.kind === 5) { o = new Object(); for (i = 0; i <= 31; i++) if (((1 << i) & Value) > 0) o["" + i] = true; $mod.SetJSValueProp$3(Instance,PropInfo,o); } else $mod.SetJSValueProp$3(Instance,PropInfo,Value); }; this.GetEnumValue = function (TypeInfo, Name) { var Result = 0; Result = TypeInfo.enumtype[Name]; return Result; }; this.SetStrProp$1 = function (Instance, PropInfo, Value) { $mod.SetJSValueProp$3(Instance,PropInfo,Value); }; this.SetFloatProp$1 = function (Instance, PropInfo, Value) { $mod.SetJSValueProp$3(Instance,PropInfo,Value); }; this.GetObjectProp$2 = function (Instance, PropInfo) { var Result = null; Result = $mod.GetObjectProp$3(Instance,PropInfo,null); return Result; }; this.GetObjectProp$3 = function (Instance, PropInfo, MinClass) { var Result = null; var O = null; O = rtl.getObject($mod.GetJSValueProp$3(Instance,PropInfo)); if ((MinClass !== null) && !O.$class.InheritsFrom(MinClass)) { Result = null} else Result = O; return Result; }; this.SetObjectProp$1 = function (Instance, PropInfo, Value) { $mod.SetJSValueProp$3(Instance,PropInfo,Value); }; this.SetMethodProp = function (Instance, PropInfo, Value) { var cb = null; var Code = null; Code = Value.Code; if (Code === null) { cb = null} else if (rtl.isFunction(Code)) { if ((Code["scope"] === Value.Data) && (rtl.isFunction(Code["fn"]) || rtl.isString(Code["fn"]))) { cb = Code; } else if (rtl.isString(Code["fn"])) { cb = rtl.createCallback(Value.Data,"" + Code["fn"])} else cb = rtl.createCallback(Value.Data,Code); } else cb = rtl.createCallback(Value.Data,Code); $mod.SetJSValueProp$3(Instance,PropInfo,cb); }; this.SetInterfaceProp$1 = function (Instance, PropInfo, Value) { var sk = 0; var Setter = ""; if (PropInfo.typeinfo.kind !== 18) throw pas.SysUtils.Exception.$create("Create$1",["Cannot set RAW interface from IInterface interface"]); sk = $impl.GetPropSetterKind(PropInfo); Setter = PropInfo.setter; var $tmp = sk; if ($tmp === 0) { throw $mod.EPropertyError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SCantWritePropertyS"),[]])} else if ($tmp === 1) { rtl.setIntfP(Instance,Setter,Value)} else if ($tmp === 2) { if ((16 & PropInfo.flags) > 0) { Instance[Setter](PropInfo.index,Value)} else Instance[Setter](Value)} else if ($tmp === 3) throw $mod.EPropertyError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SIndexedPropertyNeedsParams"),[]]); }; $mod.$implcode = function () { $impl.TGetterKind = {"0": "gkNone", gkNone: 0, "1": "gkField", gkField: 1, "2": "gkFunction", gkFunction: 2, "3": "gkFunctionWithParams", gkFunctionWithParams: 3}; $impl.GetPropGetterKind = function (PropInfo) { var Result = 0; if (PropInfo.getter === "") { Result = 0} else if ((1 & PropInfo.flags) > 0) { if (rtl.length(PropInfo.params) > 0) { Result = 3} else Result = 2; } else Result = 1; return Result; }; $impl.TSetterKind = {"0": "skNone", skNone: 0, "1": "skField", skField: 1, "2": "skProcedure", skProcedure: 2, "3": "skProcedureWithParams", skProcedureWithParams: 3}; $impl.GetPropSetterKind = function (PropInfo) { var Result = 0; if (PropInfo.setter === "") { Result = 0} else if ((2 & PropInfo.flags) > 0) { if (rtl.length(PropInfo.params) > 0) { Result = 3} else Result = 2; } else Result = 1; return Result; }; }; },[]); rtl.module("simplelinkedlist",["System"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; rtl.createClass(this,"TLinkedListItem",pas.System.TObject,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.System.TObject.$; this.Next = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.Next = undefined; pas.System.TObject.$; }; }); rtl.createClass(this,"TLinkedListVisitor",pas.System.TObject,function () { }); rtl.createClass(this,"TLinkedList",pas.System.TObject,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.System.TObject.$; this.FItemClass = null; this.FRoot = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FItemClass = undefined; this.FRoot = undefined; pas.System.TObject.$; }; this.Create$1 = function (AnItemClass) { this.FItemClass = AnItemClass; return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { this.Clear();; }; this.Clear = function () { var I = null; I = this.FRoot; while (I !== null) { this.FRoot = I; I = I.Next; this.FRoot.Next = null; pas.SysUtils.FreeAndNil({p: this, get: function () { return this.p.FRoot; }, set: function (v) { this.p.FRoot = v; }}); }; }; this.Add = function () { var Result = null; Result = this.FItemClass.$create("Create"); Result.Next = this.FRoot; this.FRoot = Result; return Result; }; this.ForEach = function (Visitor) { var I = null; I = this.FRoot; while ((I !== null) && Visitor.Visit(I)) I = I.Next; }; this.RemoveItem = function (Item, FreeItem) { var I = null; if ((Item !== null) && (this.FRoot !== null)) { if (Item === this.FRoot) { this.FRoot = Item.Next} else { I = this.FRoot; while ((I.Next !== null) && (I.Next !== Item)) I = I.Next; if (I.Next === Item) I.Next = Item.Next; }; if (FreeItem) Item = rtl.freeLoc(Item); }; }; }); },["SysUtils"]); rtl.module("Classes",["System","RTLConsts","Types","SysUtils","JS","TypInfo"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; var $impl = $mod.$impl; this.$rtti.$MethodVar("TNotifyEvent",{procsig: rtl.newTIProcSig([["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]]]), methodkind: 0}); rtl.createClass(this,"EStreamError",pas.SysUtils.Exception,function () { }); rtl.createClass(this,"EFilerError",this.EStreamError,function () { }); rtl.createClass(this,"EReadError",this.EFilerError,function () { }); rtl.createClass(this,"EClassNotFound",this.EFilerError,function () { }); rtl.createClass(this,"EResNotFound",pas.SysUtils.Exception,function () { }); rtl.createClass(this,"EListError",pas.SysUtils.Exception,function () { }); rtl.createClass(this,"EStringListError",this.EListError,function () { }); rtl.createClass(this,"EComponentError",pas.SysUtils.Exception,function () { }); rtl.createClass(this,"EParserError",pas.SysUtils.Exception,function () { }); rtl.createClass(this,"EOutOfResources",pas.SysUtils.EOutOfMemory,function () { }); this.TAlignment = {"0": "taLeftJustify", taLeftJustify: 0, "1": "taRightJustify", taRightJustify: 1, "2": "taCenter", taCenter: 2}; this.$rtti.$Enum("TAlignment",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 2, ordtype: 1, enumtype: this.TAlignment}); rtl.createClass(this,"TFPList",pas.System.TObject,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.System.TObject.$; this.FList = []; this.FCount = 0; this.FCapacity = 0; }; this.$final = function () { this.FList = undefined; pas.System.TObject.$; }; this.Get = function (Index) { var Result = undefined; if ((Index < 0) || (Index >= this.FCount)) this.RaiseIndexError(Index); Result = this.FList[Index]; return Result; }; this.SetCapacity = function (NewCapacity) { if (NewCapacity < this.FCount) this.$class.Error(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SListCapacityError"),"" + NewCapacity); if (NewCapacity === this.FCapacity) return; this.FList = rtl.arraySetLength(this.FList,undefined,NewCapacity); this.FCapacity = NewCapacity; }; this.SetCount = function (NewCount) { if (NewCount < 0) this.$class.Error(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SListCountError"),"" + NewCount); if (NewCount > this.FCount) { if (NewCount > this.FCapacity) this.SetCapacity(NewCount); }; this.FCount = NewCount; }; this.RaiseIndexError = function (Index) { this.$class.Error(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SListIndexError"),"" + Index); }; this.Destroy = function () { this.Clear();; }; this.Add = function (Item) { var Result = 0; if (this.FCount === this.FCapacity) this.Expand(); this.FList[this.FCount] = Item; Result = this.FCount; this.FCount += 1; return Result; }; this.Clear = function () { if (rtl.length(this.FList) > 0) { this.SetCount(0); this.SetCapacity(0); }; }; this.Delete = function (Index) { if ((Index < 0) || (Index >= this.FCount)) this.$class.Error(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SListIndexError"),"" + Index); this.FCount = this.FCount - 1; this.FList.splice(Index,1); this.FCapacity -= 1; }; this.Error = function (Msg, Data) { throw $mod.EListError.$create("CreateFmt",[Msg,[Data]]); }; this.Expand = function () { var Result = null; var IncSize = 0; if (this.FCount < this.FCapacity) return this; IncSize = 4; if (this.FCapacity > 3) IncSize = IncSize + 4; if (this.FCapacity > 8) IncSize = IncSize + 8; if (this.FCapacity > 127) IncSize += this.FCapacity >>> 2; this.SetCapacity(this.FCapacity + IncSize); Result = this; return Result; }; this.IndexOf = function (Item) { var Result = 0; var C = 0; Result = 0; C = this.FCount; while ((Result < C) && (this.FList[Result] != Item)) Result += 1; if (Result >= C) Result = -1; return Result; }; this.IndexOfItem = function (Item, Direction) { var Result = 0; if (Direction === 0) { Result = this.IndexOf(Item)} else { Result = this.FCount - 1; while ((Result >= 0) && (this.FList[Result] != Item)) Result = Result - 1; }; return Result; }; this.Insert = function (Index, Item) { if ((Index < 0) || (Index > this.FCount)) this.$class.Error(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SListIndexError"),"" + Index); this.FList.splice(Index,0,Item); this.FCapacity += 1; this.FCount += 1; }; this.Last = function () { var Result = undefined; if (this.FCount === 0) { Result = null} else Result = this.Get(this.FCount - 1); return Result; }; this.Remove = function (Item) { var Result = 0; Result = this.IndexOf(Item); if (Result !== -1) this.Delete(Result); return Result; }; }); this.TListNotification = {"0": "lnAdded", lnAdded: 0, "1": "lnExtracted", lnExtracted: 1, "2": "lnDeleted", lnDeleted: 2}; rtl.createClass(this,"TList",pas.System.TObject,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.System.TObject.$; this.FList = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FList = undefined; pas.System.TObject.$; }; this.Get = function (Index) { var Result = undefined; Result = this.FList.Get(Index); return Result; }; this.Notify = function (aValue, Action) { if (pas.System.Assigned(aValue)) ; if (Action === 1) ; }; this.GetCount = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.FList.FCount; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function () {; this.FList = $mod.TFPList.$create("Create"); return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { if (this.FList != null) this.Clear(); pas.SysUtils.FreeAndNil({p: this, get: function () { return this.p.FList; }, set: function (v) { this.p.FList = v; }}); }; this.Add = function (Item) { var Result = 0; Result = this.FList.Add(Item); if (pas.System.Assigned(Item)) this.Notify(Item,0); return Result; }; this.Clear = function () { while (this.FList.FCount > 0) this.Delete(this.GetCount() - 1); }; this.Delete = function (Index) { var V = undefined; V = this.FList.Get(Index); this.FList.Delete(Index); if (pas.System.Assigned(V)) this.Notify(V,2); }; this.Insert = function (Index, Item) { this.FList.Insert(Index,Item); if (pas.System.Assigned(Item)) this.Notify(Item,0); }; }); rtl.createClass(this,"TPersistent",pas.System.TObject,function () { this.AssignError = function (Source) { var SourceName = ""; if (Source !== null) { SourceName = Source.$classname} else SourceName = "Nil"; throw pas.SysUtils.EConvertError.$create("Create$1",["Cannot assign a " + SourceName + " to a " + this.$classname + "."]); }; this.DefineProperties = function (Filer) { if (Filer === null) return; }; this.AssignTo = function (Dest) { Dest.AssignError(this); }; this.Assign = function (Source) { if (Source !== null) { Source.AssignTo(this)} else this.AssignError(null); }; }); rtl.createClass(this,"TStrings",this.TPersistent,function () { this.$init = function () { $mod.TPersistent.$; this.FSpecialCharsInited = false; this.FAlwaysQuote = false; this.FQuoteChar = ""; this.FDelimiter = ""; this.FNameValueSeparator = ""; this.FUpdateCount = 0; this.FLBS = 0; this.FSkipLastLineBreak = false; this.FLineBreak = ""; }; this.DoSetTextStr = function (Value, DoClear) { var S = ""; var P = 0; try { this.BeginUpdate(); if (DoClear) this.Clear(); P = 1; while (this.GetNextLinebreak(Value,{get: function () { return S; }, set: function (v) { S = v; }},{get: function () { return P; }, set: function (v) { P = v; }})) this.Add(S); } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; }; this.GetLineBreak = function () { var Result = ""; this.CheckSpecialChars(); Result = this.FLineBreak; return Result; }; this.GetSkipLastLineBreak = function () { var Result = false; this.CheckSpecialChars(); Result = this.FSkipLastLineBreak; return Result; }; this.Error = function (Msg, Data) { throw $mod.EStringListError.$create("CreateFmt",[Msg,[pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(Data)]]); }; this.GetCapacity = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.GetCount(); return Result; }; this.GetObject = function (Index) { var Result = null; if (Index === 0) ; Result = null; return Result; }; this.GetTextStr = function () { var Result = ""; var I = 0; var S = ""; var NL = ""; this.CheckSpecialChars(); if (this.FLineBreak !== pas.System.sLineBreak) { NL = this.FLineBreak} else { var $tmp = this.FLBS; if ($tmp === 0) { NL = "\n"} else if ($tmp === 1) { NL = "\r\n"} else if ($tmp === 2) NL = "\r"; }; Result = ""; for (var $l = 0, $end = this.GetCount() - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { I = $l; S = this.Get(I); Result = Result + S; if ((I < (this.GetCount() - 1)) || !this.GetSkipLastLineBreak()) Result = Result + NL; }; return Result; }; this.PutObject = function (Index, AObject) { if (Index === 0) return; if (AObject === null) return; }; this.SetTextStr = function (Value) { this.CheckSpecialChars(); this.DoSetTextStr(Value,true); }; this.SetUpdateState = function (Updating) { if (Updating) ; }; this.DoCompareText = function (s1, s2) { var Result = 0; Result = pas.SysUtils.CompareText(s1,s2); return Result; }; this.CheckSpecialChars = function () { if (!this.FSpecialCharsInited) { this.FQuoteChar = '"'; this.FDelimiter = ","; this.FNameValueSeparator = "="; this.FLBS = pas.System.DefaultTextLineBreakStyle; this.FSpecialCharsInited = true; this.FLineBreak = pas.System.sLineBreak; }; }; this.GetNextLinebreak = function (Value, S, P) { var Result = false; var PP = 0; S.set(""); Result = false; if ((Value.length - P.get()) < 0) return Result; PP = Value.indexOf(this.GetLineBreak(),P.get() - 1) + 1; if (PP < 1) PP = Value.length + 1; S.set(pas.System.Copy(Value,P.get(),PP - P.get())); P.set(PP + this.GetLineBreak().length); Result = true; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function () {; this.FAlwaysQuote = false; return this; }; this.Destroy = function () {; }; this.Add = function (S) { var Result = 0; Result = this.GetCount(); this.Insert(this.GetCount(),S); return Result; }; this.AddObject = function (S, AObject) { var Result = 0; Result = this.Add(S); this.PutObject(Result,AObject); return Result; }; this.AddStrings = function (TheStrings) { var Runner = 0; for (var $l = 0, $end = TheStrings.GetCount() - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { Runner = $l; this.AddObject(TheStrings.Get(Runner),TheStrings.GetObject(Runner)); }; }; this.Assign = function (Source) { var S = null; if ($mod.TStrings.isPrototypeOf(Source)) { S = Source; this.BeginUpdate(); try { this.Clear(); this.FSpecialCharsInited = S.FSpecialCharsInited; this.FQuoteChar = S.FQuoteChar; this.FDelimiter = S.FDelimiter; this.FNameValueSeparator = S.FNameValueSeparator; this.FLBS = S.FLBS; this.FLineBreak = S.FLineBreak; this.AddStrings(S); } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; } else $,Source); }; this.BeginUpdate = function () { if (this.FUpdateCount === 0) this.SetUpdateState(true); this.FUpdateCount += 1; }; this.EndUpdate = function () { if (this.FUpdateCount > 0) this.FUpdateCount -= 1; if (this.FUpdateCount === 0) this.SetUpdateState(false); }; this.IndexOf = function (S) { var Result = 0; Result = 0; while ((Result < this.GetCount()) && (this.DoCompareText(this.Get(Result),S) !== 0)) Result = Result + 1; if (Result === this.GetCount()) Result = -1; return Result; }; }); rtl.recNewT(this,"TStringItem",function () { this.FString = ""; this.FObject = null; this.$eq = function (b) { return (this.FString === b.FString) && (this.FObject === b.FObject); }; this.$assign = function (s) { this.FString = s.FString; this.FObject = s.FObject; return this; }; }); this.TStringsSortStyle = {"0": "sslNone", sslNone: 0, "1": "sslUser", sslUser: 1, "2": "sslAuto", sslAuto: 2}; rtl.createClass(this,"TStringList",this.TStrings,function () { this.$init = function () { $mod.TStrings.$; this.FList = []; this.FCount = 0; this.FOnChange = null; this.FOnChanging = null; this.FDuplicates = 0; this.FCaseSensitive = false; this.FOwnsObjects = false; this.FSortStyle = 0; }; this.$final = function () { this.FList = undefined; this.FOnChange = undefined; this.FOnChanging = undefined; $mod.TStrings.$; }; this.GetSorted = function () { var Result = false; Result = this.FSortStyle in rtl.createSet(1,2); return Result; }; this.Grow = function () { var NC = 0; NC = this.GetCapacity(); if (NC >= 256) { NC = NC + rtl.trunc(NC / 4)} else if (NC === 0) { NC = 4} else NC = NC * 4; this.SetCapacity(NC); }; this.InternalClear = function (FromIndex, ClearOnly) { var I = 0; if (FromIndex < this.FCount) { if (this.FOwnsObjects) { for (var $l = FromIndex, $end = this.FCount - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { I = $l; this.FList[I].FString = ""; pas.SysUtils.FreeAndNil({p: this.FList[I], get: function () { return this.p.FObject; }, set: function (v) { this.p.FObject = v; }}); }; } else { for (var $l1 = FromIndex, $end1 = this.FCount - 1; $l1 <= $end1; $l1++) { I = $l1; this.FList[I].FString = ""; }; }; this.FCount = FromIndex; }; if (!ClearOnly) this.SetCapacity(0); }; this.CheckIndex = function (AIndex) { if ((AIndex < 0) || (AIndex >= this.FCount)) this.Error(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SListIndexError"),AIndex); }; this.Changed = function () { if (this.FUpdateCount === 0) { if (this.FOnChange != null) this.FOnChange(this); }; }; this.Changing = function () { if (this.FUpdateCount === 0) if (this.FOnChanging != null) this.FOnChanging(this); }; this.Get = function (Index) { var Result = ""; this.CheckIndex(Index); Result = this.FList[Index].FString; return Result; }; this.GetCapacity = function () { var Result = 0; Result = rtl.length(this.FList); return Result; }; this.GetCount = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.FCount; return Result; }; this.GetObject = function (Index) { var Result = null; this.CheckIndex(Index); Result = this.FList[Index].FObject; return Result; }; this.PutObject = function (Index, AObject) { this.CheckIndex(Index); this.Changing(); this.FList[Index].FObject = AObject; this.Changed(); }; this.SetCapacity = function (NewCapacity) { if (NewCapacity < 0) this.Error(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SListCapacityError"),NewCapacity); if (NewCapacity !== this.GetCapacity()) this.FList = rtl.arraySetLength(this.FList,$mod.TStringItem,NewCapacity); }; this.SetUpdateState = function (Updating) { if (Updating) { this.Changing()} else this.Changed(); }; this.InsertItem = function (Index, S) { this.InsertItem$1(Index,S,null); }; this.InsertItem$1 = function (Index, S, O) { var It = $mod.TStringItem.$new(); this.Changing(); if (this.FCount === this.GetCapacity()) this.Grow(); It.FString = S; It.FObject = O; this.FList.splice(Index,0,It); this.FCount += 1; this.Changed(); }; this.DoCompareText = function (s1, s2) { var Result = 0; if (this.FCaseSensitive) { Result = pas.SysUtils.CompareStr(s1,s2)} else Result = pas.SysUtils.CompareText(s1,s2); return Result; }; this.Destroy = function () { this.InternalClear(0,false); $; }; this.Add = function (S) { var Result = 0; if (!(this.FSortStyle === 2)) { Result = this.FCount} else if (this.Find(S,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }})) { var $tmp = this.FDuplicates; if ($tmp === 0) { return Result} else if ($tmp === 2) this.Error(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SDuplicateString"),0); }; this.InsertItem(Result,S); return Result; }; this.Clear = function () { if (this.FCount === 0) return; this.Changing(); this.InternalClear(0,false); this.Changed(); }; this.Find = function (S, Index) { var Result = false; var L = 0; var R = 0; var I = 0; var CompareRes = 0; Result = false; Index.set(-1); if (!this.GetSorted()) throw $mod.EListError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SErrFindNeedsSortedList")]); L = 0; R = this.GetCount() - 1; while (L <= R) { I = L + rtl.trunc((R - L) / 2); CompareRes = this.DoCompareText(S,this.FList[I].FString); if (CompareRes > 0) { L = I + 1} else { R = I - 1; if (CompareRes === 0) { Result = true; if (this.FDuplicates !== 1) L = I; }; }; }; Index.set(L); return Result; }; this.IndexOf = function (S) { var Result = 0; if (!this.GetSorted()) { Result = $,S)} else if (!this.Find(S,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }})) Result = -1; return Result; }; this.Insert = function (Index, S) { if (this.FSortStyle === 2) { this.Error(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SSortedListError"),0)} else { if ((Index < 0) || (Index > this.FCount)) this.Error(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SListIndexError"),Index); this.InsertItem(Index,S); }; }; }); rtl.createClass(this,"TCollectionItem",this.TPersistent,function () { this.$init = function () { $mod.TPersistent.$; this.FCollection = null; this.FID = 0; }; this.$final = function () { this.FCollection = undefined; $mod.TPersistent.$; }; this.SetCollection = function (Value) { if (Value !== this.FCollection) { if (this.FCollection != null) this.FCollection.RemoveItem(this); if (Value != null) Value.InsertItem(this); }; }; this.Create$1 = function (ACollection) {; this.SetCollection(ACollection); return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { this.SetCollection(null);; }; }); this.TCollectionNotification = {"0": "cnAdded", cnAdded: 0, "1": "cnExtracting", cnExtracting: 1, "2": "cnDeleting", cnDeleting: 2}; rtl.createClass(this,"TCollection",this.TPersistent,function () { this.$init = function () { $mod.TPersistent.$; this.FItemClass = null; this.FItems = null; this.FUpdateCount = 0; this.FNextID = 0; }; this.$final = function () { this.FItemClass = undefined; this.FItems = undefined; $mod.TPersistent.$; }; this.GetCount = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.FItems.FCount; return Result; }; this.InsertItem = function (Item) { if (!this.FItemClass.isPrototypeOf(Item)) return; this.FItems.Add(Item); Item.FCollection = this; Item.FID = this.FNextID; this.FNextID += 1; this.SetItemName(Item); this.Notify(Item,0); this.Changed(); }; this.RemoveItem = function (Item) { var I = 0; this.Notify(Item,1); I = this.FItems.IndexOfItem(Item,1); if (I !== -1) this.FItems.Delete(I); Item.FCollection = null; this.Changed(); }; this.DoClear = function () { var Item = null; while (this.FItems.FCount > 0) { Item = rtl.getObject(this.FItems.Last()); if (Item != null) Item.$destroy("Destroy"); }; }; this.Changed = function () { if (this.FUpdateCount === 0) this.Update(null); }; this.GetItem = function (Index) { var Result = null; Result = rtl.getObject(this.FItems.Get(Index)); return Result; }; this.SetItemName = function (Item) { if (Item === null) ; }; this.Update = function (Item) { if (Item === null) ; }; this.Notify = function (Item, Action) { if (Item === null) ; if (Action === 0) ; }; this.Destroy = function () { this.FUpdateCount = 1; try { this.DoClear(); } finally { this.FUpdateCount = 0; }; if (this.FItems != null) this.FItems.$destroy("Destroy");; }; this.Add = function () { var Result = null; Result = this.FItemClass.$create("Create$1",[this]); return Result; }; this.Assign = function (Source) { var I = 0; if ($mod.TCollection.isPrototypeOf(Source)) { this.Clear(); for (var $l = 0, $end = Source.GetCount() - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { I = $l; this.Add().Assign(Source.GetItem(I)); }; return; } else $,Source); }; this.BeginUpdate = function () { this.FUpdateCount += 1; }; this.Clear = function () { if (this.FItems.FCount === 0) return; this.BeginUpdate(); try { this.DoClear(); } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; }; this.EndUpdate = function () { if (this.FUpdateCount > 0) this.FUpdateCount -= 1; if (this.FUpdateCount === 0) this.Changed(); }; }); this.TOperation = {"0": "opInsert", opInsert: 0, "1": "opRemove", opRemove: 1}; this.TComponentStateItem = {"0": "csLoading", csLoading: 0, "1": "csReading", csReading: 1, "2": "csWriting", csWriting: 2, "3": "csDestroying", csDestroying: 3, "4": "csDesigning", csDesigning: 4, "5": "csAncestor", csAncestor: 5, "6": "csUpdating", csUpdating: 6, "7": "csFixups", csFixups: 7, "8": "csFreeNotification", csFreeNotification: 8, "9": "csInline", csInline: 9, "10": "csDesignInstance", csDesignInstance: 10}; this.TComponentStyleItem = {"0": "csInheritable", csInheritable: 0, "1": "csCheckPropAvail", csCheckPropAvail: 1, "2": "csSubComponent", csSubComponent: 2, "3": "csTransient", csTransient: 3}; rtl.createClass(this,"TComponent",this.TPersistent,function () { this.$init = function () { $mod.TPersistent.$; this.FOwner = null; this.FName = ""; this.FTag = 0; this.FComponents = null; this.FFreeNotifies = null; this.FDesignInfo = 0; this.FComponentState = {}; this.FComponentStyle = {}; }; this.$final = function () { this.FOwner = undefined; this.FComponents = undefined; this.FFreeNotifies = undefined; this.FComponentState = undefined; this.FComponentStyle = undefined; $mod.TPersistent.$; }; this.GetComponent = function (AIndex) { var Result = null; if (!(this.FComponents != null)) { Result = null} else Result = rtl.getObject(this.FComponents.Get(AIndex)); return Result; }; this.GetComponentCount = function () { var Result = 0; if (!(this.FComponents != null)) { Result = 0} else Result = this.FComponents.FCount; return Result; }; this.Insert = function (AComponent) { if (!(this.FComponents != null)) this.FComponents = $mod.TFPList.$create("Create"); this.FComponents.Add(AComponent); AComponent.FOwner = this; }; this.ReadLeft = function (AReader) { this.FDesignInfo = (this.FDesignInfo & 0xffff0000) | (AReader.ReadInteger() & 0xffff); }; this.ReadTop = function (AReader) { this.FDesignInfo = ((AReader.ReadInteger() & 0xffff) << 16) | (this.FDesignInfo & 0xffff); }; this.Remove = function (AComponent) { AComponent.FOwner = null; if (this.FComponents != null) { this.FComponents.Remove(AComponent); if (this.FComponents.FCount === 0) { this.FComponents.$destroy("Destroy"); this.FComponents = null; }; }; }; this.RemoveNotification = function (AComponent) { if (this.FFreeNotifies !== null) { this.FFreeNotifies.Remove(AComponent); if (this.FFreeNotifies.FCount === 0) { this.FFreeNotifies.$destroy("Destroy"); this.FFreeNotifies = null; this.FComponentState = rtl.excludeSet(this.FComponentState,8); }; }; }; this.SetReference = function (Enable) { var aField = null; var aValue = null; var aOwner = null; if (this.FName === "") return; if (this.FOwner != null) { aOwner = this.FOwner; aField = this.FOwner.$class.FieldAddress(this.FName); if (aField != null) { if (Enable) { aValue = this} else aValue = null; aOwner["" + aField["name"]] = aValue; }; }; }; this.WriteLeft = function (AWriter) { AWriter.WriteInteger(this.FDesignInfo & 0xffff); }; this.WriteTop = function (AWriter) { AWriter.WriteInteger((this.FDesignInfo >>> 16) & 0xffff); }; this.ChangeName = function (NewName) { this.FName = NewName; }; this.DefineProperties = function (Filer) { var Temp = 0; var Ancestor = null; Ancestor = Filer.FAncestor; if (Ancestor != null) { Temp = Ancestor.FDesignInfo} else Temp = 0; Filer.DefineProperty("Left",rtl.createCallback(this,"ReadLeft"),rtl.createCallback(this,"WriteLeft"),(this.FDesignInfo & 0xffff) !== (Temp & 0xffff)); Filer.DefineProperty("Top",rtl.createCallback(this,"ReadTop"),rtl.createCallback(this,"WriteTop"),(this.FDesignInfo & 0xffff0000) !== (Temp & 0xffff0000)); }; this.GetChildOwner = function () { var Result = null; Result = null; return Result; }; this.GetChildParent = function () { var Result = null; Result = this; return Result; }; this.Loaded = function () { this.FComponentState = rtl.excludeSet(this.FComponentState,0); }; this.Notification = function (AComponent, Operation) { var C = 0; if (Operation === 1) this.RemoveFreeNotification(AComponent); if (!(this.FComponents != null)) return; C = this.FComponents.FCount - 1; while (C >= 0) { rtl.getObject(this.FComponents.Get(C)).Notification(AComponent,Operation); C -= 1; if (C >= this.FComponents.FCount) C = this.FComponents.FCount - 1; }; }; this.ReadState = function (Reader) { Reader.ReadData(this); }; this.SetDesigning = function (Value, SetChildren) { var Runner = 0; if (Value) { this.FComponentState = rtl.includeSet(this.FComponentState,4)} else this.FComponentState = rtl.excludeSet(this.FComponentState,4); if ((this.FComponents != null) && SetChildren) for (var $l = 0, $end = this.FComponents.FCount - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { Runner = $l; rtl.getObject(this.FComponents.Get(Runner)).SetDesigning(Value,true); }; }; this.SetName = function (NewName) { if (this.FName === NewName) return; if ((NewName !== "") && !pas.SysUtils.IsValidIdent(NewName,false,false)) throw $mod.EComponentError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidName"),[NewName]]); if (this.FOwner != null) { this.FOwner.ValidateRename(this,this.FName,NewName)} else this.ValidateRename(null,this.FName,NewName); this.SetReference(false); this.ChangeName(NewName); this.SetReference(true); }; this.SetChildOrder = function (Child, Order) { if (Child === null) ; if (Order === 0) ; }; this.SetParentComponent = function (Value) { if (Value === null) ; }; this.ValidateRename = function (AComponent, CurName, NewName) { if ((AComponent !== null) && (pas.SysUtils.CompareText(CurName,NewName) !== 0) && (AComponent.FOwner === this) && (this.FindComponent(NewName) !== null)) throw $mod.EComponentError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SDuplicateName"),[NewName]]); if ((4 in this.FComponentState) && (this.FOwner !== null)) this.FOwner.ValidateRename(AComponent,CurName,NewName); }; this.ValidateContainer = function (AComponent) { AComponent.ValidateInsert(this); }; this.ValidateInsert = function (AComponent) { if (AComponent === null) ; }; this._AddRef = function () { var Result = 0; Result = -1; return Result; }; this._Release = function () { var Result = 0; Result = -1; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { this.FComponentStyle = rtl.createSet(0); if (AOwner != null) AOwner.InsertComponent(this); return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { var I = 0; var C = null; this.Destroying(); if (this.FFreeNotifies != null) { I = this.FFreeNotifies.FCount - 1; while (I >= 0) { C = rtl.getObject(this.FFreeNotifies.Get(I)); this.FFreeNotifies.Delete(I); C.Notification(this,1); if (this.FFreeNotifies === null) { I = 0} else if (I > this.FFreeNotifies.FCount) I = this.FFreeNotifies.FCount; I -= 1; }; pas.SysUtils.FreeAndNil({p: this, get: function () { return this.p.FFreeNotifies; }, set: function (v) { this.p.FFreeNotifies = v; }}); }; this.DestroyComponents(); if (this.FOwner !== null) this.FOwner.RemoveComponent(this);; }; this.BeforeDestruction = function () { if (!(3 in this.FComponentState)) this.Destroying(); }; this.DestroyComponents = function () { var acomponent = null; while (this.FComponents != null) { acomponent = rtl.getObject(this.FComponents.Last()); this.Remove(acomponent); acomponent.$destroy("Destroy"); }; }; this.Destroying = function () { var Runner = 0; if (3 in this.FComponentState) return; this.FComponentState = rtl.includeSet(this.FComponentState,3); if (this.FComponents != null) for (var $l = 0, $end = this.FComponents.FCount - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { Runner = $l; rtl.getObject(this.FComponents.Get(Runner)).Destroying(); }; }; this.QueryInterface = function (IID, Obj) { var Result = 0; if (this.GetInterface(IID,Obj)) { Result = 0} else Result = -2147467262; return Result; }; this.FindComponent = function (AName) { var Result = null; var I = 0; Result = null; if ((AName === "") || !(this.FComponents != null)) return Result; for (var $l = 0, $end = this.FComponents.FCount - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { I = $l; if (pas.SysUtils.CompareText(rtl.getObject(this.FComponents.Get(I)).FName,AName) === 0) { Result = rtl.getObject(this.FComponents.Get(I)); return Result; }; }; return Result; }; this.RemoveFreeNotification = function (AComponent) { this.RemoveNotification(AComponent); AComponent.RemoveNotification(this); }; this.GetParentComponent = function () { var Result = null; Result = null; return Result; }; this.InsertComponent = function (AComponent) { AComponent.ValidateContainer(this); this.ValidateRename(AComponent,"",AComponent.FName); this.Insert(AComponent); if (4 in this.FComponentState) AComponent.SetDesigning(true,true); this.Notification(AComponent,0); }; this.RemoveComponent = function (AComponent) { this.Notification(AComponent,1); this.Remove(AComponent); AComponent.SetDesigning(false,true); this.ValidateRename(AComponent,AComponent.FName,""); }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Name",6,rtl.string,"FName","SetName"); $r.addProperty("Tag",0,rtl.nativeint,"FTag","FTag",{Default: 0}); }); this.$rtti.$ClassRef("TComponentClass",{instancetype: this.$rtti["TComponent"]}); this.TSeekOrigin = {"0": "soBeginning", soBeginning: 0, "1": "soCurrent", soCurrent: 1, "2": "soEnd", soEnd: 2}; rtl.createClass(this,"TStream",pas.System.TObject,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.System.TObject.$; this.FEndian = 0; }; this.MakeInt = function (B, aSize, Signed) { var Result = 0; var Mem = null; var A = null; var D = null; var isLittle = false; isLittle = this.FEndian === 0; Mem = new ArrayBuffer(rtl.length(B)); A = new Uint8Array(Mem); A.set(B); D = new DataView(Mem); if (Signed) { var $tmp = aSize; if ($tmp === 1) { Result = D.getInt8(0)} else if ($tmp === 2) { Result = D.getInt16(0,isLittle)} else if ($tmp === 4) { Result = D.getInt32(0,isLittle)} else if ($tmp === 8) Result = Math.round(D.getFloat64(0,isLittle)); } else { var $tmp1 = aSize; if ($tmp1 === 1) { Result = D.getUint8(0)} else if ($tmp1 === 2) { Result = D.getUint16(0,isLittle)} else if ($tmp1 === 4) { Result = D.getUint32(0,isLittle)} else if ($tmp1 === 8) Result = Math.round(D.getFloat64(0,isLittle)); }; return Result; }; this.MakeBytes = function (B, aSize, Signed) { var Result = []; var Mem = null; var A = null; var D = null; var isLittle = false; isLittle = this.FEndian === 0; Mem = new ArrayBuffer(aSize); D = new DataView(Mem); if (Signed) { var $tmp = aSize; if ($tmp === 1) { D.setInt8(0,B)} else if ($tmp === 2) { D.setInt16(0,B,isLittle)} else if ($tmp === 4) { D.setInt32(0,B,isLittle)} else if ($tmp === 8) D.setFloat64(0,B,isLittle); } else { var $tmp1 = aSize; if ($tmp1 === 1) { D.setUint8(0,B)} else if ($tmp1 === 2) { D.setUint16(0,B,isLittle)} else if ($tmp1 === 4) { D.setUint32(0,B,isLittle)} else if ($tmp1 === 8) D.setFloat64(0,B,isLittle); }; Result = rtl.arraySetLength(Result,0,aSize); A = new Uint8Array(Mem); Result = $mod.TMemoryStream.MemoryToBytes$1(A); return Result; }; this.GetPosition = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.Seek(0,1); return Result; }; this.SetPosition = function (Pos) { this.Seek(Pos,0); }; this.GetSize = function () { var Result = 0; var p = 0; p = this.Seek(0,1); Result = this.Seek(0,2); this.Seek(p,0); return Result; }; this.ReadMaxSizeData = function (Buffer, aSize, aCount) { var Result = 0; var CP = 0; if (aCount <= aSize) { Result = this.Read({get: function () { return Buffer; }, set: function (v) { Buffer = v; }},aCount)} else { Result = this.Read({get: function () { return Buffer; }, set: function (v) { Buffer = v; }},aSize); CP = this.GetPosition(); Result = (Result + this.Seek(aCount - aSize,1)) - CP; }; return Result; }; this.WriteMaxSizeData = function (Buffer, aSize, aCount) { var Result = 0; var CP = 0; if (aCount <= aSize) { Result = this.Write(Buffer,aCount)} else { Result = this.Write(Buffer,aSize); CP = this.GetPosition(); Result = (Result + this.Seek(aCount - aSize,1)) - CP; }; return Result; }; this.Read = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; Result = this.Read$1(rtl.arrayRef(Buffer.get()),0,Count); return Result; }; this.Write = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; Result = this.Write$1(Buffer,0,Count); return Result; }; this.ReadData$3 = function (Buffer) { var Result = 0; Result = this.ReadData$4(Buffer,2); return Result; }; this.ReadData$4 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; var W = 0; Result = this.ReadData$12({get: function () { return W; }, set: function (v) { W = v; }},Count); if (Result === 2) Buffer.set(String.fromCharCode(W)); return Result; }; this.ReadData$6 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; var B = []; B = rtl.arraySetLength(B,0,Count); Result = this.ReadMaxSizeData(rtl.arrayRef(B),1,Count); if (Result >= 1) Buffer.set(this.MakeInt(rtl.arrayRef(B),1,true)); return Result; }; this.ReadData$8 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; var B = []; B = rtl.arraySetLength(B,0,Count); Result = this.ReadMaxSizeData(rtl.arrayRef(B),1,Count); if (Result >= 1) Buffer.set(this.MakeInt(rtl.arrayRef(B),1,false)); return Result; }; this.ReadData$10 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; var B = []; B = rtl.arraySetLength(B,0,Count); Result = this.ReadMaxSizeData(rtl.arrayRef(B),2,Count); if (Result >= 2) Buffer.set(this.MakeInt(rtl.arrayRef(B),2,true)); return Result; }; this.ReadData$12 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; var B = []; B = rtl.arraySetLength(B,0,Count); Result = this.ReadMaxSizeData(rtl.arrayRef(B),2,Count); if (Result >= 2) Buffer.set(this.MakeInt(rtl.arrayRef(B),2,false)); return Result; }; this.ReadData$14 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; var B = []; B = rtl.arraySetLength(B,0,Count); Result = this.ReadMaxSizeData(rtl.arrayRef(B),4,Count); if (Result >= 4) Buffer.set(this.MakeInt(rtl.arrayRef(B),4,true)); return Result; }; this.ReadData$16 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; var B = []; B = rtl.arraySetLength(B,0,Count); Result = this.ReadMaxSizeData(rtl.arrayRef(B),4,Count); if (Result >= 4) Buffer.set(this.MakeInt(rtl.arrayRef(B),4,false)); return Result; }; this.ReadData$18 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; var B = []; B = rtl.arraySetLength(B,0,Count); Result = this.ReadMaxSizeData(rtl.arrayRef(B),8,8); if (Result >= 8) Buffer.set(this.MakeInt(rtl.arrayRef(B),8,true)); return Result; }; this.ReadData$22 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; var B = []; var Mem = null; var A = null; var D = null; B = rtl.arraySetLength(B,0,Count); Result = this.ReadMaxSizeData(rtl.arrayRef(B),8,Count); if (Result >= 8) { Mem = new ArrayBuffer(8); A = new Uint8Array(Mem); A.set(B); D = new DataView(Mem); Buffer.set(D.getFloat64(0)); }; return Result; }; this.ReadBufferData$2 = function (Buffer) { this.ReadBufferData$3(Buffer,2); }; this.ReadBufferData$3 = function (Buffer, Count) { if (this.ReadData$4(Buffer,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SReadError")]); }; this.ReadBufferData$4 = function (Buffer) { this.ReadBufferData$5(Buffer,1); }; this.ReadBufferData$5 = function (Buffer, Count) { if (this.ReadData$6(Buffer,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SReadError")]); }; this.ReadBufferData$6 = function (Buffer) { this.ReadBufferData$7(Buffer,1); }; this.ReadBufferData$7 = function (Buffer, Count) { if (this.ReadData$8(Buffer,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SReadError")]); }; this.ReadBufferData$8 = function (Buffer) { this.ReadBufferData$9(Buffer,2); }; this.ReadBufferData$9 = function (Buffer, Count) { if (this.ReadData$10(Buffer,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SReadError")]); }; this.ReadBufferData$12 = function (Buffer) { this.ReadBufferData$13(Buffer,4); }; this.ReadBufferData$13 = function (Buffer, Count) { if (this.ReadData$14(Buffer,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SReadError")]); }; this.ReadBufferData$14 = function (Buffer) { this.ReadBufferData$15(Buffer,4); }; this.ReadBufferData$15 = function (Buffer, Count) { if (this.ReadData$16(Buffer,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SReadError")]); }; this.ReadBufferData$16 = function (Buffer) { this.ReadBufferData$17(Buffer,8); }; this.ReadBufferData$17 = function (Buffer, Count) { if (this.ReadData$18(Buffer,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SReadError")]); }; this.ReadBufferData$20 = function (Buffer) { this.ReadBufferData$21(Buffer,8); }; this.ReadBufferData$21 = function (Buffer, Count) { if (this.ReadData$22(Buffer,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SReadError")]); }; this.WriteBuffer = function (Buffer, Count) { this.WriteBuffer$1(Buffer,0,Count); }; this.WriteBuffer$1 = function (Buffer, Offset, Count) { if (this.Write$1(Buffer,Offset,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SWriteError")]); }; this.WriteData$4 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; var U = 0; U = Buffer.charCodeAt(); Result = this.WriteData$12(U,Count); return Result; }; this.WriteData$8 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; Result = this.WriteMaxSizeData(this.MakeBytes(Buffer,1,false),1,Count); return Result; }; this.WriteData$12 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; Result = this.WriteMaxSizeData(this.MakeBytes(Buffer,2,true),2,Count); return Result; }; this.WriteData$16 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; Result = this.WriteMaxSizeData(this.MakeBytes(Buffer,4,false),4,Count); return Result; }; this.WriteData$18 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; Result = this.WriteMaxSizeData(this.MakeBytes(Buffer,8,true),8,Count); return Result; }; this.WriteData$22 = function (Buffer, Count) { var Result = 0; var Mem = null; var A = null; var D = null; var B = []; var I = 0; Mem = new ArrayBuffer(8); D = new DataView(Mem); D.setFloat64(0,Buffer); B = rtl.arraySetLength(B,0,8); A = new Uint8Array(Mem); for (I = 0; I <= 7; I++) B[I] = A[I]; Result = this.WriteMaxSizeData(B,8,Count); return Result; }; this.WriteBufferData$4 = function (Buffer) { this.WriteBufferData$5(Buffer,2); }; this.WriteBufferData$5 = function (Buffer, Count) { if (this.WriteData$4(Buffer,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SWriteError")]); }; this.WriteBufferData$9 = function (Buffer, Count) { if (this.WriteData$8(Buffer,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SWriteError")]); }; this.WriteBufferData$12 = function (Buffer) { this.WriteBufferData$13(Buffer,2); }; this.WriteBufferData$13 = function (Buffer, Count) { if (this.WriteData$12(Buffer,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SWriteError")]); }; this.WriteBufferData$14 = function (Buffer) { this.WriteBufferData$15(Buffer,4); }; this.WriteBufferData$15 = function (Buffer, Count) { if (this.WriteData$16(Buffer,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SWriteError")]); }; this.WriteBufferData$16 = function (Buffer) { this.WriteBufferData$17(Buffer,8); }; this.WriteBufferData$17 = function (Buffer, Count) { if (this.WriteData$18(Buffer,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SWriteError")]); }; this.WriteBufferData$20 = function (Buffer) { this.WriteBufferData$21(Buffer,8); }; this.WriteBufferData$21 = function (Buffer, Count) { if (this.WriteData$22(Buffer,Count) !== Count) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SWriteError")]); }; this.WriteByte = function (b) { this.WriteBufferData$9(b,1); }; }); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomMemoryStream",this.TStream,function () { this.$init = function () { $mod.TStream.$; this.FMemory = null; this.FDataView = null; this.FDataArray = null; this.FSize = 0; this.FPosition = 0; this.FSizeBoundsSeek = false; }; this.$final = function () { this.FMemory = undefined; this.FDataView = undefined; this.FDataArray = undefined; $mod.TStream.$; }; this.GetDataArray = function () { var Result = null; if (this.FDataArray === null) this.FDataArray = new Uint8Array(this.FMemory); Result = this.FDataArray; return Result; }; this.GetDataView = function () { var Result = null; if (this.FDataView === null) this.FDataView = new DataView(this.FMemory); Result = this.FDataView; return Result; }; this.GetSize = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.FSize; return Result; }; this.GetPosition = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.FPosition; return Result; }; this.SetPointer = function (Ptr, ASize) { this.FMemory = Ptr; this.FSize = ASize; this.FDataView = null; this.FDataArray = null; }; this.MemoryToBytes = function (Mem) { var Result = []; Result = this.MemoryToBytes$1(new Uint8Array(Mem)); return Result; }; this.MemoryToBytes$1 = function (Mem) { var Result = []; var I = 0; for (var $l = 0, $end = Mem.length - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { I = $l; Result[I] = Mem[I]; }; return Result; }; this.Read$1 = function (Buffer, Offset, Count) { var Result = 0; var I = 0; var Src = 0; var Dest = 0; Result = 0; if ((this.FSize > 0) && (this.FPosition < this.FSize) && (this.FPosition >= 0)) { Result = Count; if (Result > (this.FSize - this.FPosition)) Result = this.FSize - this.FPosition; Src = this.FPosition; Dest = Offset; I = 0; while (I < Result) { Buffer[Dest] = this.GetDataView().getUint8(Src); Src += 1; Dest += 1; I += 1; }; this.FPosition = this.FPosition + Result; }; return Result; }; this.Seek = function (Offset, Origin) { var Result = 0; var $tmp = Origin; if ($tmp === 0) { this.FPosition = Offset} else if ($tmp === 2) { this.FPosition = this.FSize + Offset} else if ($tmp === 1) this.FPosition = this.FPosition + Offset; if (this.FSizeBoundsSeek && (this.FPosition > this.FSize)) this.FPosition = this.FSize; Result = this.FPosition; return Result; }; }); rtl.createClass(this,"TMemoryStream",this.TCustomMemoryStream,function () { this.$init = function () { $mod.TCustomMemoryStream.$; this.FCapacity = 0; }; this.SetCapacity = function (NewCapacity) { this.SetPointer(this.Realloc({get: function () { return NewCapacity; }, set: function (v) { NewCapacity = v; }}),this.FSize); this.FCapacity = NewCapacity; }; this.Realloc = function (NewCapacity) { var Result = null; var GC = 0; var DestView = null; if (NewCapacity.get() < 0) { NewCapacity.set(0)} else { GC = this.FCapacity + rtl.trunc(this.FCapacity / 4); if ((NewCapacity.get() > this.FCapacity) && (NewCapacity.get() < GC)) NewCapacity.set(GC); NewCapacity.set((NewCapacity.get() + (4096 - 1)) & ~(4096 - 1)); }; if (NewCapacity.get() === this.FCapacity) { Result = this.FMemory} else if (NewCapacity.get() === 0) { Result = null} else { Result = new ArrayBuffer(NewCapacity.get()); if (Result === null) throw $mod.EStreamError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr($mod,"SMemoryStreamError")]); DestView = new Uint8Array(Result); DestView.set(this.GetDataArray()); }; return Result; }; this.Destroy = function () { this.Clear();; }; this.Clear = function () { this.FSize = 0; this.FPosition = 0; this.SetCapacity(0); }; this.Write$1 = function (Buffer, Offset, Count) { var Result = 0; var NewPos = 0; if ((Count === 0) || (this.FPosition < 0)) return 0; NewPos = this.FPosition + Count; if (NewPos > this.FSize) { if (NewPos > this.FCapacity) this.SetCapacity(NewPos); this.FSize = NewPos; }; this.GetDataArray().set(rtl.arrayCopy(0,Buffer,Offset,Count),this.FPosition); this.FPosition = NewPos; Result = Count; return Result; }; }); rtl.createClass(this,"TBytesStream",this.TMemoryStream,function () { this.GetBytes = function () { var Result = []; Result = $mod.TMemoryStream.MemoryToBytes(this.FMemory); return Result; }; }); rtl.createClass(this,"TStringStream",this.TMemoryStream,function () { this.Create$1 = function (aString) { var $Self = this; function StrToBuf(aLen) { var Result = null; var I = 0; Result = new ArrayBuffer(aLen * 2); var $with = new Uint16Array(Result); for (var $l = 0, $end = aLen - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { I = $l; $with[I] = aString.charCodeAt(I); }; return Result; }; var Len = 0;; Len = aString.length; this.SetPointer(StrToBuf(Len),Len * 2); this.FCapacity = Len * 2; return this; }; }); this.TFilerFlag = {"0": "ffInherited", ffInherited: 0, "1": "ffChildPos", ffChildPos: 1, "2": "ffInline", ffInline: 2}; rtl.createClass(this,"TFiler",pas.System.TObject,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.System.TObject.$; this.FRoot = null; this.FLookupRoot = null; this.FAncestor = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FRoot = undefined; this.FLookupRoot = undefined; this.FAncestor = undefined; pas.System.TObject.$; }; }); this.TValueType = {"0": "vaNull", vaNull: 0, "1": "vaList", vaList: 1, "2": "vaInt8", vaInt8: 2, "3": "vaInt16", vaInt16: 3, "4": "vaInt32", vaInt32: 4, "5": "vaDouble", vaDouble: 5, "6": "vaString", vaString: 6, "7": "vaIdent", vaIdent: 7, "8": "vaFalse", vaFalse: 8, "9": "vaTrue", vaTrue: 9, "10": "vaBinary", vaBinary: 10, "11": "vaSet", vaSet: 11, "12": "vaNil", vaNil: 12, "13": "vaCollection", vaCollection: 13, "14": "vaCurrency", vaCurrency: 14, "15": "vaDate", vaDate: 15, "16": "vaNativeInt", vaNativeInt: 16}; rtl.createClass(this,"TAbstractObjectReader",pas.System.TObject,function () { }); rtl.createClass(this,"TBinaryObjectReader",this.TAbstractObjectReader,function () { this.$init = function () { $mod.TAbstractObjectReader.$; this.FStream = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FStream = undefined; $mod.TAbstractObjectReader.$; }; this.ReadDWord = function () { var Result = 0; this.FStream.ReadBufferData$14({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }}); return Result; }; this.SkipProperty = function () { this.ReadStr(); this.SkipValue(); }; this.SkipSetBody = function () { while (this.ReadStr().length > 0) { }; }; this.Create$1 = function (Stream) {; if (Stream === null) throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SEmptyStreamIllegalReader")]); this.FStream = Stream; return this; }; this.NextValue = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.ReadValue(); this.FStream.Seek(-1,1); return Result; }; this.ReadValue = function () { var Result = 0; var b = 0; this.FStream.ReadBufferData$6({get: function () { return b; }, set: function (v) { b = v; }}); Result = b; return Result; }; this.BeginRootComponent = function () { this.ReadSignature(); }; this.BeginComponent = function (Flags, AChildPos, CompClassName, CompName) { var Prefix = 0; var ValueType = 0; Flags.set({}); if ((this.NextValue() & 0xf0) === 0xf0) { Prefix = this.ReadValue(); Flags.set({}); if ((Prefix & 0x1) !== 0) Flags.set(rtl.includeSet(Flags.get(),0)); if ((Prefix & 0x2) !== 0) Flags.set(rtl.includeSet(Flags.get(),1)); if ((Prefix & 0x4) !== 0) Flags.set(rtl.includeSet(Flags.get(),2)); if (1 in Flags.get()) { ValueType = this.ReadValue(); var $tmp = ValueType; if ($tmp === 2) { AChildPos.set(this.ReadInt8())} else if ($tmp === 3) { AChildPos.set(this.ReadInt16())} else if ($tmp === 4) { AChildPos.set(this.ReadInt32())} else if ($tmp === 16) { AChildPos.set(this.ReadNativeInt())} else { throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidPropertyValue")]); }; }; }; CompClassName.set(this.ReadStr()); CompName.set(this.ReadStr()); }; this.BeginProperty = function () { var Result = ""; Result = this.ReadStr(); return Result; }; this.Read = function (Buffer, Count) { this.FStream.Read(Buffer,Count); }; this.ReadFloat = function () { var Result = 0.0; this.FStream.ReadBufferData$20({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }}); return Result; }; this.ReadCurrency = function () { var Result = 0; Result = rtl.trunc(this.ReadFloat() * 10000); return Result; }; this.ReadIdent = function (ValueType) { var Result = ""; var i = 0; var c = ""; var $tmp = ValueType; if ($tmp === 7) { this.FStream.ReadBufferData$6({get: function () { return i; }, set: function (v) { i = v; }}); Result = rtl.strSetLength(Result,i); for (var $l = 1, $end = Result.length; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; this.FStream.ReadBufferData$2({get: function () { return c; }, set: function (v) { c = v; }}); Result = rtl.setCharAt(Result,i - 1,c); }; } else if ($tmp === 12) { Result = "nil"} else if ($tmp === 8) { Result = "False"} else if ($tmp === 9) { Result = "True"} else if ($tmp === 0) Result = "Null"; return Result; }; this.ReadInt8 = function () { var Result = 0; this.FStream.ReadBufferData$4({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }}); return Result; }; this.ReadInt16 = function () { var Result = 0; this.FStream.ReadBufferData$8({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }}); return Result; }; this.ReadInt32 = function () { var Result = 0; this.FStream.ReadBufferData$12({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }}); return Result; }; this.ReadNativeInt = function () { var Result = 0; this.FStream.ReadBufferData$16({get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }}); return Result; }; this.ReadSet = function (EnumType) { var Result = 0; var Name = ""; var Value = 0; try { Result = 0; while (true) { Name = this.ReadStr(); if (Name.length === 0) break; Value = EnumType.enumtype[Name]; if (Value === -1) throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidPropertyValue")]); Result = Result | (1 << Value); }; } catch ($e) { this.SkipSetBody(); throw $e; }; return Result; }; this.ReadSignature = function () { var Signature = 0; this.FStream.ReadBufferData$12({get: function () { return Signature; }, set: function (v) { Signature = v; }}); if (Signature !== 809914452) throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidImage")]); }; this.ReadStr = function () { var Result = ""; var l = 0; var i = 0; var c = ""; this.FStream.ReadBufferData$6({get: function () { return l; }, set: function (v) { l = v; }}); Result = rtl.strSetLength(Result,l); for (var $l = 1, $end = l; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; this.FStream.ReadBufferData$2({get: function () { return c; }, set: function (v) { c = v; }}); Result = rtl.setCharAt(Result,i - 1,c); }; return Result; }; this.ReadString = function (StringType) { var Result = ""; var i = 0; var C = ""; Result = ""; if (StringType !== 6) throw $mod.EFilerError.$create("Create$1",["Invalid string type passed to ReadString"]); i = this.ReadDWord(); Result = rtl.strSetLength(Result,i); for (var $l = 1, $end = Result.length; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; this.FStream.ReadBufferData$2({get: function () { return C; }, set: function (v) { C = v; }}); Result = rtl.setCharAt(Result,i - 1,C); }; return Result; }; this.SkipComponent = function (SkipComponentInfos) { var Flags = {}; var Dummy = 0; var CompClassName = ""; var CompName = ""; if (SkipComponentInfos) this.BeginComponent({get: function () { return Flags; }, set: function (v) { Flags = v; }},{get: function () { return Dummy; }, set: function (v) { Dummy = v; }},{get: function () { return CompClassName; }, set: function (v) { CompClassName = v; }},{get: function () { return CompName; }, set: function (v) { CompName = v; }}); while (this.NextValue() !== 0) this.SkipProperty(); this.ReadValue(); while (this.NextValue() !== 0) this.SkipComponent(true); this.ReadValue(); }; this.SkipValue = function () { var $Self = this; function SkipBytes(Count) { var Dummy = []; var SkipNow = 0; while (Count > 0) { if (Count > 1024) { SkipNow = 1024} else SkipNow = Count; Dummy = rtl.arraySetLength(Dummy,0,SkipNow); $Self.Read({get: function () { return Dummy; }, set: function (v) { Dummy = v; }},SkipNow); Count -= SkipNow; }; }; var Count = 0; var $tmp = this.ReadValue(); if (($tmp === 0) || ($tmp === 8) || ($tmp === 9) || ($tmp === 12)) {} else if ($tmp === 1) { while (this.NextValue() !== 0) this.SkipValue(); this.ReadValue(); } else if ($tmp === 2) { SkipBytes(1)} else if ($tmp === 3) { SkipBytes(2)} else if ($tmp === 4) { SkipBytes(4)} else if (($tmp === $mod.TValueType.vaNativeInt) || ($tmp === 5)) { SkipBytes(8)} else if (($tmp === 6) || ($tmp === 7)) { this.ReadStr()} else if ($tmp === 10) { Count = this.ReadDWord() & 0xFFFFFFFF; SkipBytes(Count); } else if ($tmp === 11) { this.SkipSetBody()} else if ($tmp === 13) { while (this.NextValue() !== 0) { if (this.NextValue() in rtl.createSet(2,3,4)) this.SkipValue(); SkipBytes(1); while (this.NextValue() !== 0) this.SkipProperty(); this.ReadValue(); }; this.ReadValue(); }; }; }); rtl.createClass(this,"TReader",this.TFiler,function () { this.$init = function () { $mod.TFiler.$; this.FDriver = null; this.FOwner = null; this.FParent = null; this.FFixups = null; this.FLoaded = null; this.FOnFindMethod = null; this.FOnSetMethodProperty = null; this.FOnSetName = null; this.FOnReferenceName = null; this.FOnAncestorNotFound = null; this.FOnError = null; this.FOnPropertyNotFound = null; this.FOnFindComponentClass = null; this.FOnCreateComponent = null; this.FPropName = ""; this.FCanHandleExcepts = false; this.FOnReadStringProperty = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FDriver = undefined; this.FOwner = undefined; this.FParent = undefined; this.FFixups = undefined; this.FLoaded = undefined; this.FOnFindMethod = undefined; this.FOnSetMethodProperty = undefined; this.FOnSetName = undefined; this.FOnReferenceName = undefined; this.FOnAncestorNotFound = undefined; this.FOnError = undefined; this.FOnPropertyNotFound = undefined; this.FOnFindComponentClass = undefined; this.FOnCreateComponent = undefined; this.FOnReadStringProperty = undefined; $mod.TFiler.$; }; this.DoFixupReferences = function () { var R = null; var RN = null; var G = null; var Ref = ""; var C = null; var P = 0; var L = null; var $ir = rtl.createIntfRefs(); try { if (this.FFixups != null) { L = this.FFixups; R = L.FRoot; while (R !== null) { RN = R.Next; Ref = R.FRelative; if (this.FOnReferenceName != null) this.FOnReferenceName(this,{get: function () { return Ref; }, set: function (v) { Ref = v; }}); C = $mod.FindNestedComponent(R.FRoot,Ref,true); if (C != null) { if (R.FPropInfo.typeinfo.kind === 18) { pas.TypInfo.SetInterfaceProp$1(R.Finstance,R.FPropInfo,$ir.ref(1,rtl.queryIntfT(C,pas.System.IUnknown)))} else pas.TypInfo.SetObjectProp$1(R.Finstance,R.FPropInfo,C)} else { P = pas.System.Pos(".",R.FRelative); if (P !== 0) { G = $impl.AddtoResolveList(R.Finstance); G.AddReference(R.FRoot,R.FPropInfo,pas.System.Copy(R.FRelative,1,P - 1),pas.System.Copy(R.FRelative,P + 1,R.FRelative.length - P)); }; }; L.RemoveItem(R,true); R = RN; }; pas.SysUtils.FreeAndNil({p: this, get: function () { return this.p.FFixups; }, set: function (v) { this.p.FFixups = v; }}); }; } finally { $; }; }; this.FindComponentClass = function (AClassName) { var $Self = this; var Result = null; var PersistentClass = null; function FindClassInFieldTable(Instance) { var Result = null; var aClass = null; var i = 0; var ClassTI = null; var MemberClassTI = null; var MemberTI = null; aClass = Instance.$class.ClassType(); while (aClass !== null) { ClassTI = aClass.$rtti; for (var $l = 0, $end = ClassTI.fields.length - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; MemberTI = ClassTI.getField(i).typeinfo; if (MemberTI.kind === 13) { MemberClassTI = MemberTI; if (pas.SysUtils.SameText(,AClassName) &&,$mod.TComponent)) return MemberClassTI.class; }; }; aClass = aClass.$ancestor; }; return Result; }; Result = null; Result = FindClassInFieldTable(this.FRoot); if ((Result === null) && (this.FLookupRoot != null) && (this.FLookupRoot !== this.FRoot)) Result = FindClassInFieldTable(this.FLookupRoot); if (Result === null) { PersistentClass = $mod.GetClass(AClassName); if (PersistentClass.InheritsFrom($mod.TComponent)) Result = PersistentClass; }; if ((Result === null) && (this.FOnFindComponentClass != null)) this.FOnFindComponentClass($Self,AClassName,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }}); if ((Result === null) || !Result.InheritsFrom($mod.TComponent)) throw $mod.EClassNotFound.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SClassNotFound"),[AClassName]]); return Result; }; this.Error = function (Message) { var Result = false; Result = false; if (this.FOnError != null) this.FOnError(this,Message,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }}); return Result; }; this.FindMethod = function (ARoot, AMethodName) { var Result = null; var ErrorResult = false; Result = null; if ((ARoot === null) || (AMethodName === "")) return Result; Result = ARoot.$class.MethodAddress(AMethodName); ErrorResult = Result === null; if (this.FOnFindMethod != null) this.FOnFindMethod(this,AMethodName,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},{get: function () { return ErrorResult; }, set: function (v) { ErrorResult = v; }}); if (ErrorResult) throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidPropertyValue")]); return Result; }; this.ReadProperty = function (AInstance) { var $Self = this; var Path = ""; var Instance = null; var PropInfo = null; var Obj = null; var Name = ""; var Skip = false; var Handled = false; var OldPropName = ""; var DotPos = ""; var NextPos = 0; function HandleMissingProperty(IsPath) { var Result = false; Result = true; if ($Self.FOnPropertyNotFound != null) { OldPropName = $Self.FPropName; Handled = false; Skip = false; $Self.FOnPropertyNotFound($Self,Instance,{p: $Self, get: function () { return this.p.FPropName; }, set: function (v) { this.p.FPropName = v; }},IsPath,{get: function () { return Handled; }, set: function (v) { Handled = v; }},{get: function () { return Skip; }, set: function (v) { Skip = v; }}); if (Handled && !Skip && (OldPropName !== $Self.FPropName)) PropInfo = pas.TypInfo.GetPropInfo$4(Instance.$class.ClassType(),$Self.FPropName); if (Skip) { $Self.FDriver.SkipValue(); Result = false; return Result; }; }; return Result; }; try { Path = this.FDriver.BeginProperty(); try { Instance = AInstance; this.FCanHandleExcepts = true; DotPos = Path; while (true) { NextPos = pas.System.Pos(".",DotPos); if (NextPos > 0) { this.FPropName = pas.System.Copy(DotPos,1,NextPos - 1)} else { this.FPropName = DotPos; break; }; pas.System.Delete({get: function () { return DotPos; }, set: function (v) { DotPos = v; }},1,NextPos); PropInfo = pas.TypInfo.GetPropInfo$4(Instance.$class.ClassType(),this.FPropName); if (!(PropInfo != null)) { if (!HandleMissingProperty(true)) return; if (!(PropInfo != null)) this.PropertyError(); }; if (PropInfo.typeinfo.kind === 13) { Obj = pas.TypInfo.GetObjectProp$2(Instance,PropInfo)} else Obj = null; if (!$mod.TPersistent.isPrototypeOf(Obj)) { this.FDriver.SkipValue(); throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidPropertyPath")]); }; Instance = Obj; }; PropInfo = pas.TypInfo.GetPropInfo$4(Instance.$class.ClassType(),this.FPropName); if (PropInfo != null) { this.ReadPropValue(Instance,PropInfo)} else { this.FCanHandleExcepts = false; Instance.DefineProperties($Self); this.FCanHandleExcepts = true; if (this.FPropName.length > 0) { if (!HandleMissingProperty(false)) return; if (!(PropInfo != null)) this.PropertyError(); }; }; } catch ($e) { if (pas.SysUtils.Exception.isPrototypeOf($e)) { var e = $e; Name = rtl.strSetLength(Name,0); if (AInstance.$class.InheritsFrom($mod.TComponent)) Name = AInstance.FName; if (Name.length === 0) Name = AInstance.$classname; throw $mod.EReadError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SPropertyException"),[Name,".",Path,e.fMessage]]); } else throw $e }; } catch ($e) { if (pas.SysUtils.Exception.isPrototypeOf($e)) { var e = $e; if (!this.FCanHandleExcepts || !this.Error(e.fMessage)) throw $e; } else throw $e }; }; var NullMethod = pas.System.TMethod.$clone({Code: null, Data: null}); this.ReadPropValue = function (Instance, PropInfo) { var PropType = null; var Value = 0; var Ident = ""; var Method = pas.System.TMethod.$new(); var Handled = false; var TmpStr = ""; if (PropInfo.setter === "") throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SReadOnlyProperty")]); PropType = PropInfo.typeinfo; var $tmp = PropType.kind; if ($tmp === 1) { var $tmp1 = this.FDriver.NextValue(); if ($tmp1 === 7) { Ident = this.ReadIdent(); if ($impl.GlobalIdentToInt(Ident,{get: function () { return Value; }, set: function (v) { Value = v; }})) { pas.TypInfo.SetOrdProp$1(Instance,PropInfo,Value)} else throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidPropertyValue")]); } else if ($tmp1 === 16) { pas.TypInfo.SetOrdProp$1(Instance,PropInfo,this.ReadNativeInt())} else if ($tmp1 === 14) { pas.TypInfo.SetFloatProp$1(Instance,PropInfo,this.ReadCurrency() / 10000)} else { pas.TypInfo.SetOrdProp$1(Instance,PropInfo,this.ReadInteger()); }; } else if ($tmp === 7) { pas.TypInfo.SetOrdProp$1(Instance,PropInfo,this.ReadBoolean() + 0)} else if ($tmp === 2) { pas.TypInfo.SetOrdProp$1(Instance,PropInfo,this.ReadChar().charCodeAt())} else if ($tmp === 4) { Value = pas.TypInfo.GetEnumValue(PropType,this.ReadIdent()); if (Value === -1) throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidPropertyValue")]); pas.TypInfo.SetOrdProp$1(Instance,PropInfo,Value); } else if ($tmp === pas.System.TTypeKind.tkDouble) { pas.TypInfo.SetFloatProp$1(Instance,PropInfo,this.ReadFloat())} else if ($tmp === 5) { this.CheckValue(11); if (PropType.comptype.kind === 4) pas.TypInfo.SetOrdProp$1(Instance,PropInfo,this.FDriver.ReadSet(PropType.comptype)); } else if (($tmp === 9) || ($tmp === 17)) { if (this.FDriver.NextValue() === 12) { this.FDriver.ReadValue(); pas.TypInfo.SetMethodProp(Instance,PropInfo,NullMethod); } else { Handled = false; Ident = this.ReadIdent(); if (this.FOnSetMethodProperty != null) this.FOnSetMethodProperty(this,Instance,PropInfo,Ident,{get: function () { return Handled; }, set: function (v) { Handled = v; }}); if (!Handled) { Method.Code = this.FindMethod(this.FRoot,Ident); Method.Data = this.FRoot; if (Method.Code != null) pas.TypInfo.SetMethodProp(Instance,PropInfo,Method); }; }} else if ($tmp === 3) { TmpStr = this.ReadString(); if (this.FOnReadStringProperty != null) this.FOnReadStringProperty(this,Instance,PropInfo,{get: function () { return TmpStr; }, set: function (v) { TmpStr = v; }}); pas.TypInfo.SetStrProp$1(Instance,PropInfo,TmpStr); } else if ($tmp === 16) { pas.TypInfo.SetJSValueProp$3(Instance,PropInfo,this.ReadVariant()); } else if (($tmp === 13) || ($tmp === 18)) { var $tmp2 = this.FDriver.NextValue(); if ($tmp2 === 12) { this.FDriver.ReadValue(); pas.TypInfo.SetOrdProp$1(Instance,PropInfo,0); } else if ($tmp2 === 13) { this.FDriver.ReadValue(); this.ReadCollection(pas.TypInfo.GetObjectProp$2(Instance,PropInfo)); } else { if (!(this.FFixups != null)) this.FFixups = pas.simplelinkedlist.TLinkedList.$create("Create$1",[$impl.TLocalUnResolvedReference]); var $with = this.FFixups.Add(); $with.Finstance = Instance; $with.FRoot = this.FRoot; $with.FPropInfo = PropInfo; $with.FRelative = this.ReadIdent(); }; } else { throw $mod.EReadError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SUnknownPropertyType"),[pas.System.TTypeKind[PropType.kind]]]); }; }; this.PropertyError = function () { this.FDriver.SkipValue(); throw $mod.EReadError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SUnknownProperty"),[this.FPropName]]); }; this.ReadData = function (Instance) { var SavedOwner = null; var SavedParent = null; while (!this.EndOfList()) this.ReadProperty(Instance); this.ReadListEnd(); SavedOwner = this.FOwner; SavedParent = this.FParent; try { this.FOwner = Instance.GetChildOwner(); if (!(this.FOwner != null)) this.FOwner = this.FRoot; this.FParent = Instance.GetChildParent(); while (!this.EndOfList()) this.ReadComponent(null); this.ReadListEnd(); } finally { this.FOwner = SavedOwner; this.FParent = SavedParent; }; if (Instance === this.FRoot) this.DoFixupReferences(); }; this.CreateDriver = function (Stream) { var Result = null; Result = $mod.TBinaryObjectReader.$create("Create$1",[Stream]); return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (Stream) {; if (Stream === null) throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SEmptyStreamIllegalReader")]); this.FDriver = this.CreateDriver(Stream); return this; }; this.Destroy = function () {,"FDriver");; }; this.CheckValue = function (Value) { if (this.FDriver.NextValue() !== Value) { throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidPropertyValue")])} else this.FDriver.ReadValue(); }; this.DefineProperty = function (Name, AReadData, WriteData, HasData) { if ((AReadData != null) && pas.SysUtils.SameText(Name,this.FPropName)) { AReadData(this); this.FPropName = rtl.strSetLength(this.FPropName,0); } else if ((WriteData != null) && HasData) ; }; this.EndOfList = function () { var Result = false; Result = this.FDriver.NextValue() === 0; return Result; }; this.NextValue = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.FDriver.NextValue(); return Result; }; this.ReadBoolean = function () { var Result = false; var ValueType = 0; ValueType = this.FDriver.ReadValue(); if (ValueType === 9) { Result = true} else if (ValueType === 8) { Result = false} else throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidPropertyValue")]); return Result; }; this.ReadChar = function () { var Result = ""; var s = ""; s = this.ReadString(); if (s.length === 1) { Result = s.charAt(0)} else throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidPropertyValue")]); return Result; }; this.ReadCollection = function (Collection) { var Item = null; Collection.BeginUpdate(); if (!this.EndOfList()) Collection.Clear(); while (!this.EndOfList()) { this.ReadListBegin(); Item = Collection.Add(); while (this.NextValue() !== 0) this.ReadProperty(Item); this.ReadListEnd(); }; Collection.EndUpdate(); this.ReadListEnd(); }; this.ReadComponent = function (Component) { var $Self = this; var Result = null; var Flags = {}; function Recover(E, aComponent) { var Result = false; Result = false; if (!((0 in Flags) || (Component != null))) aComponent.set(rtl.freeLoc(aComponent.get())); aComponent.set(null); $Self.FDriver.SkipComponent(false); Result = $Self.Error(E.fMessage); return Result; }; var CompClassName = ""; var Name = ""; var n = 0; var ChildPos = 0; var SavedParent = null; var SavedLookupRoot = null; var ComponentClass = null; var C = null; var NewComponent = null; var SubComponents = null; this.FDriver.BeginComponent({get: function () { return Flags; }, set: function (v) { Flags = v; }},{get: function () { return ChildPos; }, set: function (v) { ChildPos = v; }},{get: function () { return CompClassName; }, set: function (v) { CompClassName = v; }},{get: function () { return Name; }, set: function (v) { Name = v; }}); SavedParent = this.FParent; SavedLookupRoot = this.FLookupRoot; SubComponents = null; try { Result = Component; if (!(Result != null)) try { if (0 in Flags) { if (this.FLookupRoot != null) { Result = this.FLookupRoot.FindComponent(Name)} else Result = null; if (!(Result != null)) { if (this.FOnAncestorNotFound != null) this.FOnAncestorNotFound($Self,Name,this.FindComponentClass(CompClassName),{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }}); if (!(Result != null)) throw $mod.EReadError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SAncestorNotFound"),[Name]]); }; this.FParent = Result.GetParentComponent(); if (!(this.FParent != null)) this.FParent = this.FRoot; } else { Result = null; ComponentClass = this.FindComponentClass(CompClassName); if (this.FOnCreateComponent != null) this.FOnCreateComponent($Self,ComponentClass,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }}); if (!(Result != null)) { NewComponent = Object.create(ComponentClass); NewComponent.$init(); if (2 in Flags) NewComponent.FComponentState = rtl.unionSet(NewComponent.FComponentState,rtl.createSet(0,9)); NewComponent.Create$1(this.FOwner); NewComponent.AfterConstruction(); Result = NewComponent; }; Result.FComponentState = rtl.includeSet(Result.FComponentState,0); }; } catch ($e) { if (pas.SysUtils.Exception.isPrototypeOf($e)) { var E = $e; if (!Recover(E,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }})) throw $e; } else throw $e }; if (Result != null) try { Result.FComponentState = rtl.includeSet(Result.FComponentState,0); SubComponents = $mod.TList.$create("Create$1"); for (var $l = 0, $end = Result.GetComponentCount() - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { n = $l; C = Result.GetComponent(n); if (2 in C.FComponentStyle) { SubComponents.Add(C); C.FComponentState = rtl.includeSet(C.FComponentState,0); }; }; if (!(0 in Flags)) try { Result.SetParentComponent(this.FParent); if (this.FOnSetName != null) this.FOnSetName($Self,Result,{get: function () { return Name; }, set: function (v) { Name = v; }}); Result.SetName(Name); if ($mod.FindGlobalComponent(Name) === Result) Result.FComponentState = rtl.includeSet(Result.FComponentState,9); } catch ($e) { if (pas.SysUtils.Exception.isPrototypeOf($e)) { var E = $e; if (!Recover(E,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }})) throw $e; } else throw $e }; if (!(Result != null)) return Result; if (9 in Result.FComponentState) this.FLookupRoot = Result; Result.FComponentState = rtl.includeSet(Result.FComponentState,1); for (var $l1 = 0, $end1 = SubComponents.GetCount() - 1; $l1 <= $end1; $l1++) { n = $l1; rtl.getObject(SubComponents.Get(n)).FComponentState = rtl.includeSet(rtl.getObject(SubComponents.Get(n)).FComponentState,1); }; Result.ReadState($Self); Result.FComponentState = rtl.excludeSet(Result.FComponentState,1); for (var $l2 = 0, $end2 = SubComponents.GetCount() - 1; $l2 <= $end2; $l2++) { n = $l2; rtl.getObject(SubComponents.Get(n)).FComponentState = rtl.excludeSet(rtl.getObject(SubComponents.Get(n)).FComponentState,1); }; if (1 in Flags) this.FParent.SetChildOrder(Result,ChildPos); if (!((0 in Flags) || (9 in Result.FComponentState)) || (this.FLoaded.IndexOf(Result) < 0)) { for (var $l3 = 0, $end3 = SubComponents.GetCount() - 1; $l3 <= $end3; $l3++) { n = $l3; this.FLoaded.Add(SubComponents.Get(n)); }; this.FLoaded.Add(Result); }; } catch ($e) { if ((0 in Flags) || (Component != null)) Result = rtl.freeLoc(Result); throw $e; }; } finally { this.FParent = SavedParent; this.FLookupRoot = SavedLookupRoot; SubComponents = rtl.freeLoc(SubComponents); }; return Result; }; this.ReadFloat = function () { var Result = 0.0; if (this.FDriver.NextValue() === $mod.TValueType.vaDouble) { this.ReadValue(); Result = this.FDriver.ReadFloat(); } else Result = this.ReadNativeInt(); return Result; }; this.ReadCurrency = function () { var Result = 0; if (this.FDriver.NextValue() === 14) { this.FDriver.ReadValue(); Result = this.FDriver.ReadCurrency(); } else Result = this.ReadInteger() * 10000; return Result; }; this.ReadIdent = function () { var Result = ""; var ValueType = 0; ValueType = this.FDriver.ReadValue(); if (ValueType in rtl.createSet(7,12,8,9,0)) { Result = this.FDriver.ReadIdent(ValueType)} else throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidPropertyValue")]); return Result; }; this.ReadInteger = function () { var Result = 0; var $tmp = this.FDriver.ReadValue(); if ($tmp === 2) { Result = this.FDriver.ReadInt8()} else if ($tmp === 3) { Result = this.FDriver.ReadInt16()} else if ($tmp === 4) { Result = this.FDriver.ReadInt32()} else { throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidPropertyValue")]); }; return Result; }; this.ReadNativeInt = function () { var Result = 0; if (this.FDriver.NextValue() === $mod.TValueType.vaNativeInt) { this.FDriver.ReadValue(); Result = this.FDriver.ReadNativeInt(); } else Result = this.ReadInteger(); return Result; }; this.ReadListBegin = function () { this.CheckValue(1); }; this.ReadListEnd = function () { this.CheckValue(0); }; this.ReadRootComponent = function (ARoot) { var Result = null; var Dummy = 0; var i = 0; var Flags = {}; var CompClassName = ""; var CompName = ""; var ResultName = ""; this.FDriver.BeginRootComponent(); Result = null; try { this.FDriver.BeginComponent({get: function () { return Flags; }, set: function (v) { Flags = v; }},{get: function () { return Dummy; }, set: function (v) { Dummy = v; }},{get: function () { return CompClassName; }, set: function (v) { CompClassName = v; }},{get: function () { return CompName; }, set: function (v) { CompName = v; }}); if (!(ARoot != null)) { Result = $mod.FindClass(CompClassName).$create("Create$1",[null]); Result.SetName(CompName); } else { Result = ARoot; if (!(4 in Result.FComponentState)) { Result.FComponentState = rtl.unionSet(Result.FComponentState,rtl.createSet(0,1)); i = 0; ResultName = CompName; while ($mod.FindGlobalComponent(ResultName) != null) { i += 1; ResultName = CompName + "_" + pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(i); }; Result.SetName(ResultName); }; }; this.FRoot = Result; this.FLookupRoot = Result; if ($impl.GlobalLoaded != null) { this.FLoaded = $impl.GlobalLoaded} else this.FLoaded = $mod.TFPList.$create("Create"); try { if (this.FLoaded.IndexOf(this.FRoot) < 0) this.FLoaded.Add(this.FRoot); this.FOwner = this.FRoot; this.FRoot.FComponentState = rtl.unionSet(this.FRoot.FComponentState,rtl.createSet(0,1)); this.FRoot.ReadState(this); this.FRoot.FComponentState = rtl.excludeSet(this.FRoot.FComponentState,1); if (!($impl.GlobalLoaded != null)) for (var $l = 0, $end = this.FLoaded.FCount - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; rtl.getObject(this.FLoaded.Get(i)).Loaded(); }; } finally { if (!($impl.GlobalLoaded != null)),"FLoaded"); this.FLoaded = null; }; $impl.GlobalFixupReferences(); } catch ($e) { $mod.RemoveFixupReferences(ARoot,""); if (!(ARoot != null)) Result = rtl.freeLoc(Result); throw $e; }; return Result; }; this.ReadVariant = function () { var Result = undefined; var nv = 0; nv = this.NextValue(); var $tmp = nv; if ($tmp === 12) { Result = undefined; this.ReadValue(); } else if ($tmp === 0) { Result = null; this.ReadValue(); } else if (($tmp === 2) || ($tmp === 3) || ($tmp === 4)) { Result = this.ReadInteger(); } else if ($tmp === $mod.TValueType.vaNativeInt) { Result = this.ReadNativeInt(); } else if (($tmp === 8) || ($tmp === 9)) { Result = nv !== 8; this.ReadValue(); } else if ($tmp === 14) { Result = this.ReadCurrency() / 10000; } else if ($tmp === 5) { Result = this.ReadFloat(); } else if ($tmp === 6) { Result = this.ReadString(); } else { throw $mod.EReadError.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SUnsupportedPropertyVariantType"),[nv]]); }; return Result; }; this.ReadString = function () { var Result = ""; var StringType = 0; StringType = this.FDriver.ReadValue(); if (StringType === 6) { Result = this.FDriver.ReadString(StringType)} else throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SInvalidPropertyValue")]); return Result; }; this.ReadValue = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.FDriver.ReadValue(); return Result; }; }); rtl.createClass(this,"TAbstractObjectWriter",pas.System.TObject,function () { }); rtl.createClass(this,"TWriter",this.TFiler,function () { this.$init = function () { $mod.TFiler.$; this.FDriver = null; this.FDestroyDriver = false; this.FPropPath = ""; }; this.$final = function () { this.FDriver = undefined; $mod.TFiler.$; }; this.Destroy = function () { if (this.FDestroyDriver),"FDriver");; }; this.DefineProperty = function (Name, ReadData, AWriteData, HasData) { if (HasData && (AWriteData != null)) { this.FDriver.BeginProperty(this.FPropPath + Name); AWriteData(this); this.FDriver.EndProperty(); } else if (ReadData != null) ; }; this.WriteInteger = function (Value) { this.FDriver.WriteInteger(Value); }; this.WriteListBegin = function () { this.FDriver.BeginList(); }; this.WriteListEnd = function () { this.FDriver.EndList(); }; this.WriteString = function (Value) { this.FDriver.WriteString(Value); }; }); this.TParserToken = {"0": "toUnknown", toUnknown: 0, "1": "toEOF", toEOF: 1, "2": "toSymbol", toSymbol: 2, "3": "ToString", ToString: 3, "4": "toInteger", toInteger: 4, "5": "toFloat", toFloat: 5, "6": "toMinus", toMinus: 6, "7": "toSetStart", toSetStart: 7, "8": "toListStart", toListStart: 8, "9": "toCollectionStart", toCollectionStart: 9, "10": "toBinaryStart", toBinaryStart: 10, "11": "toSetEnd", toSetEnd: 11, "12": "toListEnd", toListEnd: 12, "13": "toCollectionEnd", toCollectionEnd: 13, "14": "toBinaryEnd", toBinaryEnd: 14, "15": "toComma", toComma: 15, "16": "toDot", toDot: 16, "17": "toEqual", toEqual: 17, "18": "toColon", toColon: 18, "19": "toPlus", toPlus: 19}; rtl.createClass(this,"TParser",pas.System.TObject,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.System.TObject.$; this.fStream = null; this.fBuf = []; this.FBufLen = 0; this.fPos = 0; this.fDeltaPos = 0; this.fFloatType = ""; this.fSourceLine = 0; this.fToken = 0; this.fEofReached = false; this.fLastTokenStr = ""; }; this.$final = function () { this.fStream = undefined; this.fBuf = undefined; pas.System.TObject.$; }; this.GetTokenName = function (aTok) { var Result = ""; Result = $impl.TokNames[aTok]; return Result; }; this.LoadBuffer = function () { var CharsRead = 0; var i = 0; CharsRead = 0; for (i = 0; i <= 4095; i++) { if (this.fStream.ReadData$3({a: i, p: this.fBuf, get: function () { return this.p[this.a]; }, set: function (v) { this.p[this.a] = v; }}) !== 2) break; CharsRead += 1; }; this.fDeltaPos += CharsRead; this.fPos = 0; this.FBufLen = CharsRead; this.fEofReached = CharsRead === 0; }; this.CheckLoadBuffer = function () { if (this.fPos >= this.FBufLen) this.LoadBuffer(); }; this.ProcessChar = function () { this.fLastTokenStr = this.fLastTokenStr + this.fBuf[this.fPos]; this.GotoToNextChar(); }; this.IsNumber = function () { var Result = false; Result = this.fBuf[this.fPos].charCodeAt() in rtl.createSet(null,48,57); return Result; }; this.IsHexNum = function () { var Result = false; Result = this.fBuf[this.fPos].charCodeAt() in rtl.createSet(null,48,57,null,65,70,null,97,102); return Result; }; this.IsAlpha = function () { var Result = false; Result = this.fBuf[this.fPos].charCodeAt() in rtl.createSet(95,null,65,90,null,97,122); return Result; }; this.IsAlphaNum = function () { var Result = false; Result = this.IsAlpha() || this.IsNumber(); return Result; }; this.GetHexValue = function (c) { var Result = 0; var $tmp = c; if (($tmp >= "0") && ($tmp <= "9")) { Result = c.charCodeAt() - 0x30} else if (($tmp >= "A") && ($tmp <= "F")) { Result = c.charCodeAt() - 0x37} else if (($tmp >= "a") && ($tmp <= "f")) Result = c.charCodeAt() - 0x57; return Result; }; this.GetAlphaNum = function () { var Result = ""; if (!this.IsAlpha()) this.ErrorFmt(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SParserExpected"),[this.GetTokenName(2)]); Result = ""; while (this.IsAlphaNum()) { Result = Result + this.fBuf[this.fPos]; this.GotoToNextChar(); }; return Result; }; this.HandleNewLine = function () { if (this.fBuf[this.fPos] === "\r") this.GotoToNextChar(); if (this.fBuf[this.fPos] === "\n") this.GotoToNextChar(); this.fSourceLine += 1; this.fDeltaPos = -(this.fPos - 1); }; this.SkipBOM = function () { }; this.SkipSpaces = function () { while (!this.fEofReached && (this.fBuf[this.fPos].charCodeAt() in rtl.createSet(32,9))) this.GotoToNextChar(); }; this.SkipWhitespace = function () { while (!this.fEofReached) { var $tmp = this.fBuf[this.fPos]; if (($tmp === " ") || ($tmp === "\t")) { this.SkipSpaces()} else if (($tmp === "\n") || ($tmp === "\r")) { this.HandleNewLine()} else { break; }; }; }; this.HandleEof = function () { this.fToken = 1; this.fLastTokenStr = ""; }; this.HandleAlphaNum = function () { this.fLastTokenStr = this.GetAlphaNum(); this.fToken = 2; }; var floatPunct = {"0": "fpDot", fpDot: 0, "1": "fpE", fpE: 1}; this.HandleNumber = function () { var allowed = {}; this.fLastTokenStr = ""; while (this.IsNumber()) this.ProcessChar(); this.fToken = 4; if (this.fBuf[this.fPos].charCodeAt() in rtl.createSet(46,101,69)) { this.fToken = 5; allowed = rtl.createSet(0,1); while (this.fBuf[this.fPos].charCodeAt() in rtl.createSet(46,101,69,null,48,57)) { var $tmp = this.fBuf[this.fPos]; if ($tmp === ".") { if (0 in allowed) { allowed = rtl.excludeSet(allowed,0)} else break} else if (($tmp === "E") || ($tmp === "e")) if (1 in allowed) { allowed = {}; this.ProcessChar(); if (this.fBuf[this.fPos].charCodeAt() in rtl.createSet(43,45)) this.ProcessChar(); if (!(this.fBuf[this.fPos].charCodeAt() in rtl.createSet(null,48,57))) this.ErrorFmt(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SParserInvalidFloat"),[this.fLastTokenStr + this.fBuf[this.fPos]]); } else break; this.ProcessChar(); }; }; if (this.fBuf[this.fPos].charCodeAt() in rtl.createSet(115,83,100,68,99,67)) { this.fFloatType = this.fBuf[this.fPos]; this.GotoToNextChar(); this.fToken = 5; } else this.fFloatType = "\x00"; }; this.HandleHexNumber = function () { var valid = false; this.fLastTokenStr = "$"; this.GotoToNextChar(); valid = false; while (this.IsHexNum()) { valid = true; this.ProcessChar(); }; if (!valid) this.ErrorFmt(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SParserInvalidInteger"),[this.fLastTokenStr]); this.fToken = 4; }; this.HandleQuotedString = function () { var Result = ""; Result = ""; this.GotoToNextChar(); while (true) { var $tmp = this.fBuf[this.fPos]; if ($tmp === "\x00") { this.ErrorStr(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SParserUnterminatedString"))} else if (($tmp === "\r") || ($tmp === "\n")) { this.ErrorStr(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SParserUnterminatedString"))} else if ($tmp === "'") { this.GotoToNextChar(); if (this.fBuf[this.fPos] !== "'") return Result; }; Result = Result + this.fBuf[this.fPos]; this.GotoToNextChar(); }; return Result; }; this.HandleDecimalCharacter = function () { var Result = ""; var i = 0; this.GotoToNextChar(); i = 0; while (this.IsNumber() && (i < 65535)) { i = ((i * 10) + this.fBuf[this.fPos].charCodeAt()) - 48; this.GotoToNextChar(); }; if (i > 65535) i = 0; Result = String.fromCharCode(i); return Result; }; this.HandleString = function () { var s = ""; this.fLastTokenStr = ""; while (true) { var $tmp = this.fBuf[this.fPos]; if ($tmp === "'") { s = this.HandleQuotedString(); this.fLastTokenStr = this.fLastTokenStr + s; } else if ($tmp === "#") { this.fLastTokenStr = this.fLastTokenStr + this.HandleDecimalCharacter(); } else { break; }; }; this.fToken = 3; }; this.HandleMinus = function () { this.GotoToNextChar(); if (this.IsNumber()) { this.HandleNumber(); this.fLastTokenStr = "-" + this.fLastTokenStr; } else { this.fToken = 6; this.fLastTokenStr = "-"; }; }; this.HandleUnknown = function () { this.fToken = 0; this.fLastTokenStr = this.fBuf[this.fPos]; this.GotoToNextChar(); }; this.GotoToNextChar = function () { this.fPos += 1; this.CheckLoadBuffer(); }; this.Create$1 = function (Stream) { this.fStream = Stream; this.fBuf = rtl.arraySetLength(this.fBuf,"",4096); this.FBufLen = 0; this.fPos = 0; this.fDeltaPos = 1; this.fSourceLine = 1; this.fEofReached = false; this.fLastTokenStr = ""; this.fFloatType = "\x00"; this.fToken = 1; this.LoadBuffer(); this.SkipBOM(); this.NextToken(); return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { var aCount = 0; aCount = this.fLastTokenStr.length * 2; this.fStream.SetPosition(this.SourcePos() - aCount); }; this.CheckToken = function (T) { if (this.fToken !== T) this.ErrorFmt(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SParserWrongTokenType"),[this.GetTokenName(T),this.GetTokenName(this.fToken)]); }; this.CheckTokenSymbol = function (S) { this.CheckToken(2); if (pas.SysUtils.CompareText(this.fLastTokenStr,S) !== 0) this.ErrorFmt(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SParserWrongTokenSymbol"),[S,this.fLastTokenStr]); }; this.Error = function (Ident) { this.ErrorStr(Ident); }; this.ErrorFmt = function (Ident, Args) { this.ErrorStr(pas.SysUtils.Format(Ident,Args)); }; this.ErrorStr = function (Message) { throw $mod.EParserError.$create("CreateFmt",[Message + rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SParserLocInfo"),[this.fSourceLine,this.fPos + this.fDeltaPos,this.SourcePos()]]); }; this.HexToBinary = function (Stream) { var outbuf = []; var b = 0; var i = 0; outbuf = rtl.arraySetLength(outbuf,0,4096); i = 0; this.SkipWhitespace(); while (this.IsHexNum()) { b = this.GetHexValue(this.fBuf[this.fPos]) << 4; this.GotoToNextChar(); if (!this.IsHexNum()) this.Error(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SParserUnterminatedBinValue")); b = b | this.GetHexValue(this.fBuf[this.fPos]); this.GotoToNextChar(); outbuf[i] = b; i += 1; if (i >= 4096) { Stream.WriteBuffer(outbuf,i); i = 0; }; this.SkipWhitespace(); }; if (i > 0) Stream.WriteBuffer(outbuf,i); this.NextToken(); }; this.NextToken = function () { var $Self = this; var Result = 0; function SetToken(aToken) { $Self.fToken = aToken; $Self.GotoToNextChar(); }; this.SkipWhitespace(); if (this.fEofReached) { this.HandleEof()} else { var $tmp = this.fBuf[this.fPos]; if (($tmp === "_") || (($tmp >= "A") && ($tmp <= "Z")) || (($tmp >= "a") && ($tmp <= "z"))) { this.HandleAlphaNum()} else if ($tmp === "$") { this.HandleHexNumber()} else if ($tmp === "-") { this.HandleMinus()} else if (($tmp >= "0") && ($tmp <= "9")) { this.HandleNumber()} else if (($tmp === "'") || ($tmp === "#")) { this.HandleString()} else if ($tmp === "[") { SetToken(7)} else if ($tmp === "(") { SetToken(8)} else if ($tmp === "<") { SetToken(9)} else if ($tmp === "{") { SetToken(10)} else if ($tmp === "]") { SetToken(11)} else if ($tmp === ")") { SetToken(12)} else if ($tmp === ">") { SetToken(13)} else if ($tmp === "}") { SetToken(14)} else if ($tmp === ",") { SetToken(15)} else if ($tmp === ".") { SetToken(16)} else if ($tmp === "=") { SetToken(17)} else if ($tmp === ":") { SetToken(18)} else if ($tmp === "+") { SetToken(19)} else { this.HandleUnknown(); }; }; Result = this.fToken; return Result; }; this.SourcePos = function () { var Result = 0; Result = (this.fStream.GetPosition() - this.FBufLen) + this.fPos; return Result; }; this.TokenComponentIdent = function () { var Result = ""; if (this.fToken !== 2) this.ErrorFmt(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SParserExpected"),[this.GetTokenName(2)]); this.CheckLoadBuffer(); while (this.fBuf[this.fPos] === ".") { this.ProcessChar(); this.fLastTokenStr = this.fLastTokenStr + this.GetAlphaNum(); }; Result = this.fLastTokenStr; return Result; }; this.TokenFloat = function () { var Result = 0.0; var errcode = 0; pas.System.val$8(this.fLastTokenStr,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }},{get: function () { return errcode; }, set: function (v) { errcode = v; }}); if (errcode !== 0) this.ErrorFmt(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SParserInvalidFloat"),[this.fLastTokenStr]); return Result; }; this.TokenInt = function () { var Result = 0; if (!pas.SysUtils.TryStrToInt64(this.fLastTokenStr,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }})) Result = pas.SysUtils.StrToQWord(this.fLastTokenStr); return Result; }; this.TokenString = function () { var Result = ""; var $tmp = this.fToken; if ($tmp === 5) { if (this.fFloatType !== "\x00") { Result = this.fLastTokenStr + this.fFloatType} else Result = this.fLastTokenStr} else { Result = this.fLastTokenStr; }; return Result; }; this.TokenSymbolIs = function (S) { var Result = false; Result = (this.fToken === 2) && (pas.SysUtils.CompareText(this.fLastTokenStr,S) === 0); return Result; }; }); rtl.createClass(this,"TObjectTextConverter",pas.System.TObject,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.System.TObject.$; this.FParser = null; this.FInput = null; this.Foutput = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FParser = undefined; this.FInput = undefined; this.Foutput = undefined; pas.System.TObject.$; }; this.WriteDouble = function (e) { this.Foutput.WriteBufferData$20(e); }; this.WriteDWord = function (lw) { this.Foutput.WriteBufferData$14(lw); }; this.WriteInteger = function (value) { if ((value >= -128) && (value <= 127)) { this.Foutput.WriteByte(2); this.Foutput.WriteByte(value & 255); } else if ((value >= -32768) && (value <= 32767)) { this.Foutput.WriteByte(3); this.WriteWord(value & 65535); } else if ((value >= -2147483648) && (value <= 2147483647)) { this.Foutput.WriteByte(4); this.WriteDWord(value >>> 0); } else { this.Foutput.WriteByte($mod.TValueType.vaNativeInt); this.WriteQWord(value); }; }; this.WriteQWord = function (q) { this.Foutput.WriteBufferData$16(q); }; this.WriteString = function (s) { var i = 0; var size = 0; if (s.length > 255) { size = 255} else size = s.length; this.Foutput.WriteByte(size); for (var $l = 1, $end = s.length; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; this.Foutput.WriteBufferData$4(s.charAt(i - 1)); }; }; this.WriteWord = function (w) { this.Foutput.WriteBufferData$12(w); }; this.WriteWString = function (s) { var i = 0; this.WriteDWord(s.length); for (var $l = 1, $end = s.length; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; this.Foutput.WriteBufferData$4(s.charAt(i - 1)); }; }; this.ProcessObject = function () { var Flags = 0; var ObjectName = ""; var ObjectType = ""; var ChildPos = 0; if (this.FParser.TokenSymbolIs("OBJECT")) { Flags = 0} else { if (this.FParser.TokenSymbolIs("INHERITED")) { Flags = 1} else { this.FParser.CheckTokenSymbol("INLINE"); Flags = 4; }; }; this.FParser.NextToken(); this.FParser.CheckToken(2); ObjectName = ""; ObjectType = this.FParser.TokenString(); this.FParser.NextToken(); if (this.FParser.fToken === 18) { this.FParser.NextToken(); this.FParser.CheckToken(2); ObjectName = ObjectType; ObjectType = this.FParser.TokenString(); this.FParser.NextToken(); if (this.FParser.fToken === 7) { this.FParser.NextToken(); ChildPos = this.FParser.TokenInt(); this.FParser.NextToken(); this.FParser.CheckToken(11); this.FParser.NextToken(); Flags = Flags | 2; }; }; if (Flags !== 0) { this.Foutput.WriteByte(0xf0 | Flags); if ((Flags & 2) !== 0) this.WriteInteger(ChildPos); }; this.WriteString(ObjectType); this.WriteString(ObjectName); while (!(this.FParser.TokenSymbolIs("END") || this.FParser.TokenSymbolIs("OBJECT") || this.FParser.TokenSymbolIs("INHERITED") || this.FParser.TokenSymbolIs("INLINE"))) this.ProcessProperty(); this.Foutput.WriteByte(0); while (!this.FParser.TokenSymbolIs("END")) this.ProcessObject(); this.FParser.NextToken(); this.Foutput.WriteByte(0); }; this.ProcessProperty = function () { var name = ""; this.FParser.CheckToken(2); name = this.FParser.TokenString(); while (true) { this.FParser.NextToken(); if (this.FParser.fToken !== 16) break; this.FParser.NextToken(); this.FParser.CheckToken(2); name = name + "." + this.FParser.TokenString(); }; this.WriteString(name); this.FParser.CheckToken(17); this.FParser.NextToken(); this.ProcessValue(); }; this.ProcessValue = function () { var flt = 0.0; var stream = null; var $tmp = this.FParser.fToken; if ($tmp === 4) { this.WriteInteger(this.FParser.TokenInt()); this.FParser.NextToken(); } else if ($tmp === 5) { this.Foutput.WriteByte($mod.TValueType.vaDouble); flt = this.FParser.TokenFloat(); this.WriteDouble(flt); this.FParser.NextToken(); } else if ($tmp === 3) { this.ProcessWideString("")} else if ($tmp === 2) { if (pas.SysUtils.CompareText(this.FParser.TokenString(),"True") === 0) { this.Foutput.WriteByte(9)} else if (pas.SysUtils.CompareText(this.FParser.TokenString(),"False") === 0) { this.Foutput.WriteByte(8)} else if (pas.SysUtils.CompareText(this.FParser.TokenString(),"nil") === 0) { this.Foutput.WriteByte(12)} else { this.Foutput.WriteByte(7); this.WriteString(this.FParser.TokenComponentIdent()); }; this.FParser.NextToken(); } else if ($tmp === 7) { this.FParser.NextToken(); this.Foutput.WriteByte(11); if (this.FParser.fToken !== 11) while (true) { this.FParser.CheckToken(2); this.WriteString(this.FParser.TokenString()); this.FParser.NextToken(); if (this.FParser.fToken === 11) break; this.FParser.CheckToken(15); this.FParser.NextToken(); }; this.Foutput.WriteByte(0); this.FParser.NextToken(); } else if ($tmp === 8) { this.FParser.NextToken(); this.Foutput.WriteByte(1); while (this.FParser.fToken !== 12) this.ProcessValue(); this.Foutput.WriteByte(0); this.FParser.NextToken(); } else if ($tmp === 9) { this.FParser.NextToken(); this.Foutput.WriteByte(13); while (this.FParser.fToken !== 13) { this.FParser.CheckTokenSymbol("item"); this.FParser.NextToken(); this.Foutput.WriteByte(1); while (!this.FParser.TokenSymbolIs("end")) this.ProcessProperty(); this.FParser.NextToken(); this.Foutput.WriteByte(0); }; this.Foutput.WriteByte(0); this.FParser.NextToken(); } else if ($tmp === 10) { this.Foutput.WriteByte(10); stream = $mod.TBytesStream.$create("Create"); try { this.FParser.HexToBinary(stream); this.WriteDWord(stream.GetSize()); this.Foutput.WriteBuffer(stream.GetBytes(),stream.GetSize()); } finally { stream = rtl.freeLoc(stream); }; this.FParser.NextToken(); } else { this.FParser.Error(rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SParserInvalidProperty")); }; }; this.ProcessWideString = function (left) { var ws = ""; ws = left + this.FParser.TokenString(); while (this.FParser.NextToken() === 19) { this.FParser.NextToken(); if (!(this.FParser.fToken === 3)) this.FParser.CheckToken(3); ws = ws + this.FParser.TokenString(); }; this.Foutput.WriteByte($mod.TValueType.vaString); this.WriteWString(ws); }; this.ObjectTextToBinary = function (aInput, aOutput) { this.FInput = aInput; this.Foutput = aOutput; this.Execute(); }; this.Execute = function () { if (!(this.FInput != null)) throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",["Missing input stream"]); if (!(this.Foutput != null)) throw $mod.EReadError.$create("Create$1",["Missing output stream"]); this.FParser = $mod.TParser.$create("Create$1",[this.FInput]); try { this.Foutput.WriteBufferData$14(809914452); this.ProcessObject(); } finally {,"FParser"); }; }; }); rtl.recNewT(this,"TIdentMapEntry",function () { this.Value = 0; this.Name = ""; this.$eq = function (b) { return (this.Value === b.Value) && (this.Name === b.Name); }; this.$assign = function (s) { this.Value = s.Value; this.Name = s.Name; return this; }; }); this.$rtti.$ProcVar("TInitComponentHandler",{procsig: rtl.newTIProcSig([["Instance",this.$rtti["TComponent"]],["RootAncestor",pas.System.$rtti["TClass"]]],rtl.boolean)}); this.RegisterInitComponentHandler = function (ComponentClass, Handler) { var I = 0; var H = null; if ($impl.InitHandlerList === null) $impl.InitHandlerList = $mod.TList.$create("Create$1"); H = $impl.TInitHandler.$create("Create"); H.AClass = ComponentClass; H.AHandler = Handler; try { var $with = $impl.InitHandlerList; I = 0; while ((I < $with.GetCount()) && !H.AClass.InheritsFrom(rtl.getObject($with.Get(I)).AClass)) I += 1; if ((I < $with.GetCount()) && (rtl.getObject($with.Get(I)).AClass === H.AClass)) { rtl.getObject($with.Get(I)).AHandler = Handler; H = rtl.freeLoc(H); } else $impl.InitHandlerList.Insert(I,H); } catch ($e) { H = rtl.freeLoc(H); throw $e; }; }; this.GetClass = function (AClassName) { var Result = null; Result = null; if (AClassName === "") return Result; if (!$impl.ClassList.hasOwnProperty(AClassName)) return Result; Result = rtl.getObject($impl.ClassList[AClassName]); return Result; }; this.FindGlobalComponent = function (Name) { var Result = null; var i = 0; Result = null; if ($impl.FindGlobalComponentList != null) { for (var $l = $impl.FindGlobalComponentList.FCount - 1; $l >= 0; $l--) { i = $l; Result = $impl.FindGlobalComponentList.Get(i)(Name); if (Result != null) break; }; }; return Result; }; this.FindNestedComponent = function (Root, APath, CStyle) { var Result = null; function GetNextName() { var Result = ""; var P = 0; var CM = false; P = pas.System.Pos(".",APath); CM = false; if (P === 0) { if (CStyle) { P = pas.System.Pos("->",APath); CM = P !== 0; }; if (P === 0) P = APath.length + 1; }; Result = pas.System.Copy(APath,1,P - 1); pas.System.Delete({get: function () { return APath; }, set: function (v) { APath = v; }},1,P + (CM + 0)); return Result; }; var C = null; var S = ""; if (APath === "") { Result = null} else { Result = Root; while ((APath !== "") && (Result !== null)) { C = Result; S = pas.SysUtils.UpperCase(GetNextName()); Result = C.FindComponent(S); if ((Result === null) && (S === "OWNER")) Result = C; }; }; return Result; }; this.RemoveFixupReferences = function (Root, RootName) { if ($impl.NeedResolving === null) return; $impl.VisitResolveList($impl.TRemoveReferenceVisitor.$create("Create$1",[Root,RootName])); }; this.RegisterIntegerConsts = function (IntegerType, IdentToIntFn, IntToIdentFn) { if (!($impl.IntConstList != null)) $impl.IntConstList = $mod.TFPList.$create("Create"); $impl.IntConstList.Add($impl.TIntConst.$create("Create$1",[IntegerType,IdentToIntFn,IntToIdentFn])); }; this.IdentToInt = function (Ident, Int, map) { var Result = false; var i = 0; for (var $l = 0, $end = rtl.length(map) - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; if (pas.SysUtils.CompareText(map[i].Name,Ident) === 0) { Int.set(map[i].Value); return true; }; }; Result = false; return Result; }; this.IntToIdent = function (Int, Ident, map) { var Result = false; var i = 0; for (var $l = 0, $end = rtl.length(map) - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; if (map[i].Value === Int) { Ident.set(map[i].Name); return true; }; }; Result = false; return Result; }; this.FindClass = function (AClassName) { var Result = null; Result = $mod.GetClass(AClassName); if (!(Result != null)) throw $mod.EClassNotFound.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.RTLConsts,"SClassNotFound"),[AClassName]]); return Result; }; this.ObjectTextToBinary = function (aInput, aOutput) { var Conv = null; Conv = $mod.TObjectTextConverter.$create("Create"); try { Conv.ObjectTextToBinary(aInput,aOutput); } finally { Conv = rtl.freeLoc(Conv); }; }; this.vaExtended = 5; this.vaWString = 6; this.vaInt64 = 16; $mod.$implcode = function () { $impl.GlobalLoaded = null; $impl.IntConstList = null; rtl.createClass($impl,"TIntConst",pas.System.TObject,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.System.TObject.$; this.IntegerType = null; this.IdentToIntFn = null; this.IntToIdentFn = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.IdentToIntFn = undefined; this.IntToIdentFn = undefined; pas.System.TObject.$; }; this.Create$1 = function (AIntegerType, AIdentToInt, AIntToIdent) { this.IntegerType = AIntegerType; this.IdentToIntFn = AIdentToInt; this.IntToIdentFn = AIntToIdent; return this; }; }); $impl.GlobalIdentToInt = function (Ident, Int) { var Result = false; var i = 0; Result = false; if (!($impl.IntConstList != null)) return Result; var $with = $impl.IntConstList; for (var $l = 0, $end = $with.FCount - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; if (rtl.getObject($with.Get(i)).IdentToIntFn(Ident,Int)) return true; }; return Result; }; $impl.TMSGrow = 4096; $impl.FilerSignatureInt = 809914452; rtl.createClass($impl,"TUnresolvedReference",pas.simplelinkedlist.TLinkedListItem,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.simplelinkedlist.TLinkedListItem.$; this.FRoot = null; this.FPropInfo = null; this.FGlobal = ""; this.FRelative = ""; }; this.$final = function () { this.FRoot = undefined; this.FPropInfo = undefined; pas.simplelinkedlist.TLinkedListItem.$; }; this.Resolve = function (Instance) { var Result = false; var C = null; C = $mod.FindGlobalComponent(this.FGlobal); Result = C !== null; if (Result) { C = $mod.FindNestedComponent(C,this.FRelative,true); Result = C !== null; if (Result) pas.TypInfo.SetObjectProp$1(Instance,this.FPropInfo,C); }; return Result; }; this.RootMatches = function (ARoot) { var Result = false; Result = (ARoot === null) || (ARoot === this.FRoot); return Result; }; this.NextRef = function () { var Result = null; Result = this.Next; return Result; }; }); rtl.createClass($impl,"TLocalUnResolvedReference",$impl.TUnresolvedReference,function () { this.$init = function () { $impl.TUnresolvedReference.$; this.Finstance = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.Finstance = undefined; $impl.TUnresolvedReference.$; }; var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addField("Finstance",$mod.$rtti["TPersistent"]); }); rtl.createClass($impl,"TUnResolvedInstance",pas.simplelinkedlist.TLinkedListItem,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.simplelinkedlist.TLinkedListItem.$; this.Instance = null; this.FUnresolved = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.Instance = undefined; this.FUnresolved = undefined; pas.simplelinkedlist.TLinkedListItem.$; }; this.Destroy = function () {,"FUnresolved");; }; this.AddReference = function (ARoot, APropInfo, AGlobal, ARelative) { var Result = null; if (this.FUnresolved === null) this.FUnresolved = pas.simplelinkedlist.TLinkedList.$create("Create$1",[$impl.TUnresolvedReference]); Result =,$impl.TUnresolvedReference); Result.FGlobal = AGlobal; Result.FRelative = ARelative; Result.FPropInfo = APropInfo; Result.FRoot = ARoot; return Result; }; this.RootUnresolved = function () { var Result = null; Result = null; if (this.FUnresolved != null) Result = this.FUnresolved.FRoot; return Result; }; this.ResolveReferences = function () { var Result = false; var R = null; var RN = null; R = this.RootUnresolved(); while (R !== null) { RN = R.NextRef(); if (R.Resolve(this.Instance)) this.FUnresolved.RemoveItem(R,true); R = RN; }; Result = this.RootUnresolved() === null; return Result; }; }); rtl.createClass($impl,"TBuildListVisitor",pas.simplelinkedlist.TLinkedListVisitor,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.simplelinkedlist.TLinkedListVisitor.$; this.List = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.List = undefined; pas.simplelinkedlist.TLinkedListVisitor.$; }; this.Add = function (Item) { if (this.List === null) this.List = $mod.TFPList.$create("Create"); this.List.Add(Item); }; this.Destroy = function () { var I = 0; if (this.List != null) for (var $l = 0, $end = this.List.FCount - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { I = $l; $impl.NeedResolving.RemoveItem(rtl.getObject(this.List.Get(I)),true); }; pas.SysUtils.FreeAndNil({p: this, get: function () { return this.p.List; }, set: function (v) { this.p.List = v; }});; }; }); rtl.createClass($impl,"TResolveReferenceVisitor",$impl.TBuildListVisitor,function () { this.Visit = function (Item) { var Result = false; if (Item.ResolveReferences()) this.Add(Item); Result = true; return Result; }; var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addMethod("Visit",1,[["Item",pas.simplelinkedlist.$rtti["TLinkedListItem"]]],rtl.boolean); }); rtl.createClass($impl,"TRemoveReferenceVisitor",$impl.TBuildListVisitor,function () { this.$init = function () { $impl.TBuildListVisitor.$; this.FRef = ""; this.FRoot = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FRoot = undefined; $impl.TBuildListVisitor.$; }; this.Create$1 = function (ARoot, ARef) { this.FRoot = ARoot; this.FRef = pas.SysUtils.UpperCase(ARef); return this; }; this.Visit = function (Item) { var Result = false; var I = 0; var UI = null; var R = null; var L = null; UI = Item; R = UI.RootUnresolved(); L = null; try { while (R !== null) { if (R.RootMatches(this.FRoot) && ((this.FRef === "") || (this.FRef === pas.SysUtils.UpperCase(R.FGlobal)))) { if (!(L != null)) L = $mod.TFPList.$create("Create"); L.Add(R); }; R = R.NextRef(); }; if (L != null) { for (var $l = 0, $end = L.FCount - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { I = $l; UI.FUnresolved.RemoveItem(rtl.getObject(L.Get(I)),true); }; }; if (UI.FUnresolved.FRoot === null) { if (this.List === null) this.List = $mod.TFPList.$create("Create"); this.List.Add(UI); }; } finally { L = rtl.freeLoc(L); }; Result = true; return Result; }; }); $impl.NeedResolving = null; $impl.FindUnresolvedInstance = function (AInstance) { var Result = null; Result = null; if ($impl.NeedResolving != null) { Result = $impl.NeedResolving.FRoot; while ((Result !== null) && (Result.Instance !== AInstance)) Result = Result.Next; }; return Result; }; $impl.AddtoResolveList = function (AInstance) { var Result = null; Result = $impl.FindUnresolvedInstance(AInstance); if (Result === null) { if (!($impl.NeedResolving != null)) $impl.NeedResolving = pas.simplelinkedlist.TLinkedList.$create("Create$1",[$impl.TUnResolvedInstance]); Result =$impl.NeedResolving.Add(),$impl.TUnResolvedInstance); Result.Instance = AInstance; }; return Result; }; $impl.VisitResolveList = function (V) { try { $impl.NeedResolving.ForEach(V); } finally { pas.SysUtils.FreeAndNil({get: function () { return V; }, set: function (v) { V = v; }}); }; }; $impl.GlobalFixupReferences = function () { if ($impl.NeedResolving === null) return; $impl.VisitResolveList($impl.TResolveReferenceVisitor.$create("Create")); }; $impl.ClassList = null; $impl.InitHandlerList = null; $impl.FindGlobalComponentList = null; rtl.createClass($impl,"TInitHandler",pas.System.TObject,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.System.TObject.$; this.AHandler = null; this.AClass = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.AHandler = undefined; this.AClass = undefined; pas.System.TObject.$; }; var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addField("AHandler",$mod.$rtti["TInitComponentHandler"]); $r.addField("AClass",$mod.$rtti["TComponentClass"]); }); $impl.ParseBufSize = 4096; $impl.TokNames = ["?","EOF","Symbol","String","Integer","Float","-","[","(","<","{","]",")",">","}",",",".","=",":","+"]; $mod.$resourcestrings = {SReadError: {org: "Could not read data from stream"}, SWriteError: {org: "Could not write data to stream"}, SMemoryStreamError: {org: "Could not allocate memory"}}; }; $mod.$init = function () { $impl.ClassList = new Object(); }; },["simplelinkedlist"]); rtl.module("Web",["System","Types","JS"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; }); rtl.module("Graphics",["System","Classes","SysUtils","Types","Web"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; var $impl = $mod.$impl; this.$rtti.$Int("TFontCharSet",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 255, ordtype: 3}); this.TFontStyle = {"0": "fsBold", fsBold: 0, "1": "fsItalic", fsItalic: 1, "2": "fsUnderline", fsUnderline: 2, "3": "fsStrikeOut", fsStrikeOut: 3}; this.$rtti.$Enum("TFontStyle",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 3, ordtype: 1, enumtype: this.TFontStyle}); this.$rtti.$Set("TFontStyles",{comptype: this.$rtti["TFontStyle"]}); this.TTextLayout = {"0": "tlTop", tlTop: 0, "1": "tlCenter", tlCenter: 1, "2": "tlBottom", tlBottom: 2}; this.$rtti.$Enum("TTextLayout",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 2, ordtype: 1, enumtype: this.TTextLayout}); this.TPenStyle = {"0": "psSolid", psSolid: 0, "1": "psDash", psDash: 1, "2": "psDot", psDot: 2, "3": "psDashDot", psDashDot: 3, "4": "psDashDotDot", psDashDotDot: 4, "5": "psInsideFrame", psInsideFrame: 5, "6": "psPattern", psPattern: 6, "7": "psClear", psClear: 7}; this.$rtti.$Enum("TPenStyle",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 7, ordtype: 1, enumtype: this.TPenStyle}); this.TBrushStyle = {"0": "bsSolid", bsSolid: 0, "1": "bsClear", bsClear: 1, "2": "bsHorizontal", bsHorizontal: 2, "3": "bsVertical", bsVertical: 3, "4": "bsFDiagonal", bsFDiagonal: 4, "5": "bsBDiagonal", bsBDiagonal: 5, "6": "bsCross", bsCross: 6, "7": "bsDiagCross", bsDiagCross: 7, "8": "bsImage", bsImage: 8, "9": "bsPattern", bsPattern: 9}; this.$rtti.$Enum("TBrushStyle",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 9, ordtype: 1, enumtype: this.TBrushStyle}); rtl.createClass(this,"TFont",pas.Classes.TPersistent,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Classes.TPersistent.$; this.FCharSet = 0; this.FColor = 0; this.FName = ""; this.FSize = 0; this.FStyle = {}; this.FUpdateCount = 0; this.FOnChange = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FStyle = undefined; this.FOnChange = undefined; pas.Classes.TPersistent.$; }; this.GetHeight = function () { var Result = 0; Result = Math.round((-this.FSize * 72) / 96); return Result; }; this.SetCharSet = function (AValue) { if (this.FCharSet !== AValue) { this.FCharSet = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetColor = function (AValue) { if (this.FColor !== AValue) { this.FColor = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetHeight = function (AValue) { this.SetSize(Math.round((-AValue * 96) / 72)); }; this.SetName = function (AValue) { if (this.FName !== AValue) { this.FName = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetSize = function (AValue) { if (this.FSize !== AValue) { this.FSize = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetStyle = function (AValue) { if (rtl.neSet(this.FStyle,AValue)) { this.FStyle = rtl.refSet(AValue); this.Changed(); }; }; this.Changed = function () { if ((this.FUpdateCount === 0) && (this.FOnChange != null)) { this.FOnChange(this); }; }; this.Create$1 = function () {; this.FColor = 0; this.FName = $mod.ffSans; this.FSize = 10; this.FStyle = {}; this.FUpdateCount = 0; return this; }; this.Assign = function (Source) { var VFont = null; if ((Source != null) && $mod.TFont.isPrototypeOf(Source)) { this.BeginUpdate(); try { VFont = Source; this.FCharSet = VFont.FCharSet; this.FColor = VFont.FColor; this.FName = VFont.FName; this.FSize = VFont.FSize; this.FStyle = rtl.refSet(VFont.FStyle); } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; } else {,Source); }; }; this.BeginUpdate = function () { this.FUpdateCount += 1; }; this.EndUpdate = function () { if (this.FUpdateCount > 0) { this.FUpdateCount -= 1; if (this.FUpdateCount === 0) { this.Changed(); }; }; }; this.IsEqual = function (AFont) { var Result = false; if (AFont != null) { if ((this.FCharSet !== AFont.FCharSet) || (this.FColor !== AFont.FColor) || (this.FName !== AFont.FName) || (this.FSize !== AFont.FSize) || rtl.neSet(this.FStyle,AFont.FStyle)) { Result = false; } else { Result = true; }; } else { Result = false; }; return Result; }; this.TextExtent = function (AText) { var Result = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); Result.$assign($mod.JSMeasureText(AText,this.FName,this.FSize,0)); return Result; }; this.TextHeight = function (AText) { var Result = 0; Result = this.TextExtent(AText).cy; return Result; }; this.TextWidth = function (AText) { var Result = 0; Result = this.TextExtent(AText).cx; return Result; }; var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("CharSet",2,$mod.$rtti["TFontCharSet"],"FCharSet","SetCharSet"); $r.addProperty("Color",2,rtl.longint,"FColor","SetColor"); $r.addProperty("Height",3,rtl.nativeint,"GetHeight","SetHeight"); $r.addProperty("Name",2,rtl.string,"FName","SetName"); $r.addProperty("Size",2,rtl.nativeint,"FSize","SetSize"); $r.addProperty("Style",2,$mod.$rtti["TFontStyles"],"FStyle","SetStyle"); $r.addProperty("OnChange",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnChange","FOnChange"); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TPen",pas.Classes.TPersistent,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Classes.TPersistent.$; this.FColor = 0; this.FStyle = 0; this.FWidth = 0; this.FUpdateCount = 0; this.FOnChange = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FOnChange = undefined; pas.Classes.TPersistent.$; }; this.SetColor = function (AValue) { if (this.FColor !== AValue) { this.FColor = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetStyle = function (AValue) { if (this.FStyle !== AValue) { this.FStyle = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetWidth = function (AValue) { if (this.FWidth !== AValue) { this.FWidth = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.Changed = function () { if ((this.FUpdateCount === 0) && (this.FOnChange != null)) { this.FOnChange(this); }; }; this.Assign = function (Source) { var VPen = null; if ((Source != null) && $mod.TPen.isPrototypeOf(Source)) { this.BeginUpdate(); try { VPen = Source; this.FColor = VPen.FColor; this.FStyle = VPen.FStyle; this.FWidth = VPen.FWidth; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; } else {,Source); }; }; this.BeginUpdate = function () { this.FUpdateCount += 1; }; this.EndUpdate = function () { if (this.FUpdateCount > 0) { this.FUpdateCount -= 1; if (this.FUpdateCount === 0) { this.Changed(); }; }; }; var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Color",2,rtl.longint,"FColor","SetColor"); $r.addProperty("Style",2,$mod.$rtti["TPenStyle"],"FStyle","SetStyle"); $r.addProperty("Width",2,rtl.nativeint,"FWidth","SetWidth"); $r.addProperty("OnChange",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnChange","FOnChange"); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TBrush",pas.Classes.TPersistent,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Classes.TPersistent.$; this.FColor = 0; this.FStyle = 0; this.FUpdateCount = 0; this.FOnChange = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FOnChange = undefined; pas.Classes.TPersistent.$; }; this.SetColor = function (AValue) { if (this.FColor !== AValue) { this.FColor = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetStyle = function (AValue) { if (this.FStyle === AValue) { this.FStyle = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.Changed = function () { if ((this.FUpdateCount === 0) && (this.FOnChange != null)) { this.FOnChange(this); }; }; this.Assign = function (Source) { var VBrush = null; if ((Source != null) && $mod.TBrush.isPrototypeOf(Source)) { this.BeginUpdate(); try { VBrush = Source; this.FColor = VBrush.FColor; this.FStyle = VBrush.FStyle; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; } else {,Source); }; }; this.BeginUpdate = function () { this.FUpdateCount += 1; }; this.EndUpdate = function () { if (this.FUpdateCount > 0) { this.FUpdateCount -= 1; if (this.FUpdateCount === 0) { this.Changed(); }; }; }; var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Color",2,rtl.longint,"FColor","SetColor"); $r.addProperty("Style",2,$mod.$rtti["TBrushStyle"],"FStyle","SetStyle"); $r.addProperty("OnChange",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnChange","FOnChange"); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TPicture",pas.Classes.TPersistent,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Classes.TPersistent.$; this.FData = ""; this.FUpdateCount = 0; this.FOnChange = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FOnChange = undefined; pas.Classes.TPersistent.$; }; this.SetData = function (AValue) { if (this.FData !== AValue) { this.FData = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.Changed = function () { if ((this.FUpdateCount === 0) && (this.FOnChange != null)) { this.FOnChange(this); }; }; this.Create$1 = function () { this.FData = ""; this.FUpdateCount = 0; this.FOnChange = null; return this; }; this.Assign = function (Source) { var VPicture = null; if ((Source != null) && $mod.TPicture.isPrototypeOf(Source)) { this.BeginUpdate(); try { VPicture = Source; this.FData = VPicture.FData; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; } else {,Source); }; }; this.BeginUpdate = function () { this.FUpdateCount += 1; }; this.EndUpdate = function () { if (this.FUpdateCount > 0) { this.FUpdateCount -= 1; if (this.FUpdateCount === 0) { this.Changed(); }; }; }; var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Data",2,rtl.string,"FData","SetData"); $r.addProperty("OnChange",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnChange","FOnChange"); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TCanvas",pas.Classes.TPersistent,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Classes.TPersistent.$; this.FBrush = null; this.FFont = null; this.FPen = null; this.FOnChange = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FBrush = undefined; this.FFont = undefined; this.FPen = undefined; this.FOnChange = undefined; pas.Classes.TPersistent.$; }; this.Destroy = function () { this.FBrush.$destroy("Destroy"); this.FFont.$destroy("Destroy"); this.FPen.$destroy("Destroy"); this.FBrush = null; this.FFont = null; this.FPen = null;; }; var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Brush",0,$mod.$rtti["TBrush"],"FBrush","FBrush"); $r.addProperty("Font",0,$mod.$rtti["TFont"],"FFont","FFont"); $r.addProperty("Pen",0,$mod.$rtti["TPen"],"FPen","FPen"); $r.addProperty("OnChange",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnChange","FOnChange"); }); this.clBlack = 0x0; this.clMaroon = 0x80; this.clGreen = 0x8000; this.clOlive = 0x8080; this.clNavy = 0x800000; this.clPurple = 0x800080; this.clTeal = 0x808000; this.clGray = 0x808080; this.clSilver = 0xC0C0C0; this.clRed = 0xFF; this.clLime = 0xFF00; this.clYellow = 0xFFFF; this.clBlue = 0xFF0000; this.clFuchsia = 0xFF00FF; this.clAqua = 0xFFFF00; this.clWhite = 0xFFFFFF; this.clMoneyGreen = 0xC0DCC0; this.clSkyBlue = 0xF0CAA6; this.clCream = 0xF0FBFF; this.clMedGray = 0xA4A0A0; this.clNone = 0x1FFFFFFF; this.clDefault = 0x20000000; this.clBase = 0x80000000; this.clScrollBar = -2147483648 + 0; this.clBackground = -2147483648 + 1; this.clActiveCaption = -2147483648 + 2; this.clInactiveCaption = -2147483648 + 3; this.clMenu = -2147483648 + 4; this.clWindow = -2147483648 + 5; this.clWindowFrame = -2147483648 + 6; this.clMenuText = -2147483648 + 7; this.clWindowText = -2147483648 + 8; this.clCaptionText = -2147483648 + 9; this.clActiveBorder = -2147483648 + 10; this.clInactiveBorder = -2147483648 + 11; this.clAppWorkspace = -2147483648 + 12; this.clHighlight = -2147483648 + 13; this.clHighlightText = -2147483648 + 14; this.clBtnFace = -2147483648 + 15; this.clBtnShadow = -2147483648 + 16; this.clGrayText = -2147483648 + 17; this.clBtnText = -2147483648 + 18; this.clInactiveCaptionText = -2147483648 + 19; this.clBtnHighlight = -2147483648 + 20; this.cl3DDkShadow = -2147483648 + 21; this.cl3DLight = -2147483648 + 22; this.clInfoText = -2147483648 + 23; this.clInfoBk = -2147483648 + 24; this.ffSans = '"Arial Narrow", Arial, "Helvetica Condensed", Helvetica, sans-serif'; this.JSColor = function (AColor, AAlpha) { var Result = ""; var R = 0; var G = 0; var B = 0; var A = 0; A = AAlpha; var $tmp = AColor; if ($tmp === -2147483648) { Result = "Scrollbar"} else if ($tmp === -2147483647) { Result = "Background"} else if ($tmp === -2147483646) { Result = "ActiveCaption"} else if ($tmp === -2147483645) { Result = "InactiveCaption"} else if ($tmp === -2147483644) { Result = "Menu"} else if ($tmp === -2147483643) { Result = "Window"} else if ($tmp === -2147483642) { Result = "WindowFrame"} else if ($tmp === -2147483641) { Result = "MenuText"} else if ($tmp === -2147483640) { Result = "WindowText"} else if ($tmp === -2147483639) { Result = "CaptionText"} else if ($tmp === -2147483638) { Result = "ActiveBorder"} else if ($tmp === -2147483637) { Result = "InactiveBorder"} else if ($tmp === -2147483636) { Result = "AppWorkspace"} else if ($tmp === -2147483635) { Result = "Highlight"} else if ($tmp === -2147483634) { Result = "HighlightText"} else if ($tmp === -2147483633) { Result = "ButtonFace"} else if ($tmp === -2147483632) { Result = "ButtonShadow"} else if ($tmp === -2147483631) { Result = "GrayText"} else if ($tmp === -2147483630) { Result = "ButtonText"} else if ($tmp === -2147483629) { Result = "InactiveCaptionText"} else if ($tmp === -2147483628) { Result = "ButtonHighlight"} else if ($tmp === -2147483627) { Result = "ThreeDDarkShadow"} else if ($tmp === -2147483626) { Result = "ThreeDHighlight"} else if ($tmp === -2147483625) { Result = "InfoText"} else if ($tmp === -2147483624) { Result = "InfoBackground"} else { R = AColor & 0xFF; G = (AColor >>> 8) & 0xFF; B = (AColor >>> 16) & 0xFF; Result = "#" + pas.SysUtils.IntToHex(R,2) + pas.SysUtils.IntToHex(G,2) + pas.SysUtils.IntToHex(B,2) + pas.SysUtils.IntToHex(A,2); }; return Result; }; this.JSFont = function (AFont) { var Result = ""; Result = ""; if (AFont != null) { if (0 in AFont.FStyle) { Result = Result + "bold "; }; if (1 in AFont.FStyle) { Result = Result + "italic "; }; Result = Result + pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(AFont.FSize) + "px " + AFont.FName; }; return Result; }; this.JSMeasureText = function (AText, AFontName, AFontSize, AFixedWidth) { var Result = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); var VDiv = null; Result.$assign(pas.Types.Size(0,0)); if (AText !== "") { VDiv = document.createElement("div");"font-family",AFontName);"font-size",pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(AFontSize) + "px");"overflow","scroll"); if (AFixedWidth === 0) {"display","inline-block");"white-space","nowrap"); } else {"max-width",pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(AFixedWidth) + "px");"width",pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(AFixedWidth) + "px"); }; VDiv.innerHTML = AText; document.body.appendChild(VDiv); Result.$assign(pas.Types.Size(VDiv.scrollWidth,VDiv.scrollHeight)); document.body.removeChild(VDiv); }; return Result; }; this.ColorToIdent = function (Color, Ident) { var Result = false; Result = pas.Classes.IntToIdent(Color,Ident,$impl.Colors); return Result; }; this.IdentToColor = function (Ident, Color) { var Result = false; Result = pas.Classes.IdentToInt(Ident,Color,$impl.Colors); return Result; }; $mod.$implcode = function () { $impl.Colors$a$clone = function (a) { var b = []; b.length = 47; for (var c = 0; c < 47; c++) b[c] = pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone(a[c]); return b; }; $impl.Colors = [pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 0, Name: "clBlack"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 128, Name: "clMaroon"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 32768, Name: "clGreen"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 32896, Name: "clOlive"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 8388608, Name: "clNavy"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 8388736, Name: "clPurple"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 8421376, Name: "clTeal"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 8421504, Name: "clGray"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 12632256, Name: "clSilver"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 255, Name: "clRed"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 65280, Name: "clLime"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 65535, Name: "clYellow"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 16711680, Name: "clBlue"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 16711935, Name: "clFuchsia"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 16776960, Name: "clAqua"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 16777215, Name: "clWhite"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 12639424, Name: "clMoneyGreen"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 15780518, Name: "clSkyBlue"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 15793151, Name: "clCream"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 10789024, Name: "clMedGray"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 536870911, Name: "clNone"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 536870912, Name: "clDefault"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483648, Name: "clScrollBar"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483647, Name: "clBackground"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483646, Name: "clActiveCaption"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483645, Name: "clInactiveCaption"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483644, Name: "clMenu"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483641, Name: "clMenuText"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483643, Name: "clWindow"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483642, Name: "clWindowFrame"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483640, Name: "clWindowText"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483639, Name: "clCaptionText"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483638, Name: "clActiveBorder"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483637, Name: "clInactiveBorder"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483636, Name: "clAppWorkspace"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483635, Name: "clHighlight"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483634, Name: "clHighlightText"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483633, Name: "clBtnFace"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483632, Name: "clBtnShadow"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483631, Name: "clGrayText"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483630, Name: "clBtnText"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483629, Name: "clInactiveCaptionText"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483628, Name: "clBtnHighlight"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483627, Name: "cl3DDkShadow"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483626, Name: "cl3DLight"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483625, Name: "clInfoText"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2147483624, Name: "clInfoBk"})]; 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}; }; this.SetTop = function (AValue) { if (this.FTop !== AValue) { this.FTop = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.Changed = function () { if ((this.FUpdateCount === 0) && (this.FOnChange != null)) { this.FOnChange(this); }; }; this.Create$1 = function () {; this.FBottom = 0; this.FLeft = 0; this.FRight = 0; this.FTop = 0; this.FUpdateCount = 0; return this; }; this.Assign = function (Source) { var VSpacing = null; if ((Source != null) && $mod.TControlBorderSpacing.isPrototypeOf(Source)) { this.BeginUpdate(); try { VSpacing = Source; this.FAround = VSpacing.FAround; this.FBottom = VSpacing.FBottom; this.FLeft = VSpacing.FLeft; this.FRight = VSpacing.FRight; this.FTop = VSpacing.FTop; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; } else {,Source); }; }; this.BeginUpdate = function () { this.FUpdateCount += 1; }; this.EndUpdate = function () { if (this.FUpdateCount > 0) { this.FUpdateCount -= 1; if (this.FUpdateCount === 0) { this.Changed(); }; }; }; var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Around",2,rtl.nativeint,"FAround","SetAround"); $r.addProperty("Bottom",2,rtl.nativeint,"FBottom","SetBottom"); $r.addProperty("Left",2,rtl.nativeint,"FLeft","SetLeft"); $r.addProperty("Right",2,rtl.nativeint,"FRight","SetRight"); $r.addProperty("Top",2,rtl.nativeint,"FTop","SetTop"); $r.addProperty("OnChange",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnChange","FOnChange"); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TControl",pas.Classes.TComponent,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Classes.TComponent.$; this.FAlign = 0; this.FAlpha = 0; this.FAnchors = {}; this.FAutoSize = false; this.FBorderSpacing = null; this.FBorderStyle = $mod.TFormBorderStyle.bsNone; this.FCaption = ""; this.FColor = 0; this.FControlFlags = {}; this.FControls = null; this.FCursor = 0; this.FDesignRect = pas.Types.TRect.$new(); this.FEnabled = false; this.FFont = null; this.FHandleClass = ""; this.FHandleElement = null; this.FHandleId = ""; this.FHeight = 0; this.FHint = ""; this.FLeft = 0; this.FParent = null; this.FParentColor = false; this.FParentFont = false; this.FParentShowHint = false; this.FPopupMenu = null; this.FShowHint = false; this.FTabOrder = 0; this.FTabStop = false; this.FTop = 0; this.FUpdateCount = 0; this.FVisible = false; this.FWidth = 0; this.FOnClick = null; this.FOnDblClick = null; this.FOnMouseDown = null; this.FOnMouseEnter = null; this.FOnMouseLeave = null; this.FOnMouseMove = null; this.FOnMouseUp = null; this.FOnMouseWheel = null; this.FOnResize = null; this.FOnScroll = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FAnchors = undefined; this.FBorderSpacing = undefined; this.FControlFlags = undefined; this.FControls = undefined; this.FDesignRect = undefined; this.FFont = undefined; this.FHandleElement = undefined; this.FParent = undefined; this.FPopupMenu = undefined; this.FOnClick = undefined; this.FOnDblClick = undefined; this.FOnMouseDown = undefined; this.FOnMouseEnter = undefined; this.FOnMouseLeave = undefined; this.FOnMouseMove = undefined; this.FOnMouseUp = undefined; this.FOnMouseWheel = undefined; this.FOnResize = undefined; this.FOnScroll = undefined; pas.Classes.TComponent.$; }; this.GetClientHeight = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.GetClientRect().Bottom; return Result; }; this.GetClientRect = function () { var Result = pas.Types.TRect.$new(); Result.$assign(pas.Types.Rect(0,0,this.FWidth - 1,this.FHeight - 1)); return Result; }; this.GetClientWidth = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.GetClientRect().Right; return Result; }; this.GetText = function () { var Result = ""; Result = this.RealGetText(); return Result; }; this.IsAnchorsStored = function () { var Result = false; Result = rtl.neSet(this.FAnchors,$mod.AnchorAlign[this.FAlign]); return Result; }; this.SetAlign = function (AValue) { var oldalign = 0; if (this.FAlign !== AValue) { oldalign = this.FAlign; this.FAlign = AValue; if (rtl.eqSet(this.FAnchors,$mod.AnchorAlign[oldalign]) && rtl.neSet(this.FAnchors,$mod.AnchorAlign[this.FAlign])) this.SetAnchors(rtl.refSet($mod.AnchorAlign[this.FAlign])); if (this.FParent != null) { this.FParent.ReAlign()} else this.ReAlign(); }; }; this.SetAlpha = function (AValue) { if (this.FAlpha === AValue) return; this.FAlpha = AValue; this.Changed(); }; this.SetAnchors = function (AValue) { if (rtl.eqSet(this.FAnchors,AValue)) return; this.FAnchors = rtl.refSet(AValue); }; this.SetAutoSize = function (AValue) { if (this.FAutoSize !== AValue) { this.FAutoSize = AValue; if (this.FAutoSize) { this.AdjustSize(); }; }; }; this.SetBorderSpacing = function (AValue) { this.FBorderSpacing.Assign(AValue); }; this.SetClientSize = function (AValue) { var VClient = pas.Types.TRect.$new(); VClient.$assign(this.GetClientRect()); this.SetBounds(this.FLeft,this.FTop,(this.FWidth - VClient.Right) + AValue.x,(this.FHeight - VClient.Bottom) + AValue.y); }; this.SetClientHeight = function (AValue) { this.SetClientSize(pas.Types.TPoint.$clone(pas.Types.Point(this.GetClientWidth(),AValue))); }; this.SetClientWidth = function (AValue) { this.SetClientSize(pas.Types.TPoint.$clone(pas.Types.Point(AValue,this.GetClientHeight()))); }; this.SetColor = function (AValue) { if (this.FColor !== AValue) { this.FColor = AValue; this.FParentColor = false; this.ColorChanged(this); }; }; this.SetCursor = function (AValue) { if (this.FCursor !== AValue) { this.FCursor = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetEnabled = function (AValue) { if (this.FEnabled !== AValue) { this.FEnabled = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetFont = function (AValue) { if (!this.FFont.IsEqual(AValue)) { this.FFont.Assign(AValue); }; }; this.SetHandleClass = function (AValue) { if (this.FHandleClass !== AValue) { this.FHandleClass = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetHandleId = function (AValue) { if (this.FHandleId !== AValue) { this.FHandleId = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetHeight = function (AValue) { this.SetBounds(this.FLeft,this.FTop,this.FWidth,AValue); }; this.SetHint = function (AValue) { if (this.FHint !== AValue) { this.FHint = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetLeft = function (AValue) { this.SetBounds(AValue,this.FTop,this.FWidth,this.FHeight); }; this.SetParent = function (AValue) { if (this.FParent != null) { this.FParent.UnRegisterChild(this); }; this.CheckNewParent(AValue); this.FParent = AValue; if (this.FParent != null) { this.FParent.RegisterChild(this); this.BeginUpdate(); try { if (this.FParentColor) { this.FColor = this.FParent.FColor; }; if (this.FParentFont) { this.FFont.Assign(this.FParent.FFont); }; if (this.FParentShowHint) { this.FShowHint = this.FParent.FShowHint; }; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; }; }; this.SetParentColor = function (AValue) { if (this.FParentColor !== AValue) { this.FParentColor = AValue; if (this.FParentColor && (this.FParent != null)) { this.FColor = this.FParent.FColor; this.Changed(); }; }; }; this.SetParentFont = function (AValue) { if (this.FParentFont !== AValue) { this.FParentFont = AValue; if (this.FParentFont && (this.FParent != null) && !this.FFont.IsEqual(this.FParent.FFont)) { this.FFont.Assign(this.FParent.FFont); }; }; }; this.SetParentShowHint = function (AValue) { if (this.FParentShowHint !== AValue) { this.FParentShowHint = AValue; if (this.FParentShowHint && (this.FParent != null)) { this.FShowHint = this.FParent.FShowHint; this.Changed(); }; }; }; this.SetPopupMenu = function (AValue) { if (this.FPopupMenu === AValue) return; this.FPopupMenu = AValue; }; this.SetShowHint = function (AValue) { if (this.FShowHint !== AValue) { this.FShowHint = AValue; this.FParentShowHint = false; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetTabOrder = function (AValue) { if (this.FTabOrder !== AValue) { this.FTabOrder = AValue; if (this.FParent != null) { this.FParent.UpdateTabOrder(this); }; }; }; this.SetTabStop = function (AValue) { if (this.FTabStop !== AValue) { this.FTabStop = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetText = function (AValue) { this.RealSetText(AValue); }; this.SetTop = function (AValue) { this.SetBounds(this.FLeft,AValue,this.FWidth,this.FHeight); }; this.SetVisible = function (AValue) { if (this.FVisible !== AValue) { this.FVisible = AValue; this.ReAlign(); }; }; this.SetWidth = function (AValue) { this.SetBounds(this.FLeft,this.FTop,AValue,this.FHeight); }; this.SetBorderStyle = function (AValue) { if (this.FBorderStyle !== AValue) { this.FBorderStyle = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.Click = function () { if (this.FOnClick != null) { this.FOnClick(this); }; }; this.DblClick = function () { if (this.FOnDblClick != null) { this.FOnDblClick(this); }; }; this.DoResize = function () { if (this.FOnResize != null) { this.FOnResize(this); }; }; this.DoScroll = function () { if (this.FOnScroll != null) { this.FOnScroll(this); }; }; this.MouseDown = function (Button, Shift, X, Y) { if (this.FOnMouseDown != null) { this.FOnMouseDown(this,Button,rtl.refSet(Shift),X,Y); }; }; this.MouseEnter = function () { if (this.FOnMouseEnter != null) { this.FOnMouseEnter(this); }; }; this.MouseLeave = function () { if (this.FOnMouseLeave != null) { this.FOnMouseLeave(this); }; }; this.MouseMove = function (Shift, X, Y) { if (this.FOnMouseMove != null) { this.FOnMouseMove(this,rtl.refSet(Shift),X,Y); }; }; this.MouseUp = function (Button, Shift, X, Y) { if (this.FOnMouseUp != null) { this.FOnMouseUp(this,Button,rtl.refSet(Shift),X,Y); }; }; this.MouseWeel = function (Shift, WheelDelta, MousePos, Handled) { if (this.FOnMouseWheel != null) { this.FOnMouseWheel(this,rtl.refSet(Shift),WheelDelta,pas.Types.TPoint.$clone(MousePos),Handled); }; }; this.HandleClick = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; if ( !== this.FHandleElement) if (!rtl.isExt(,HTMLCanvasElement)) { return Result} else if ( !== this.FHandleElement) return Result; this.Click(); Result = true; return Result; }; this.HandleContextMenu = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; var VOffSets = pas.Types.TRect.$new(); var X = 0; var Y = 0; if ( !== this.FHandleElement) if (!rtl.isExt(,HTMLCanvasElement)) { return Result} else if ( !== this.FHandleElement) return Result; if (this.FPopupMenu != null) { AEvent.preventDefault(); VOffSets.$assign($mod.OffSets(this.FHandleElement)); X = pas.System.Trunc(AEvent.clientX); Y = pas.System.Trunc(AEvent.clientY); this.FPopupMenu.Popup$1(X,Y); }; Result = true; return Result; }; this.HandleDblClick = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; if ( !== this.FHandleElement) if (!rtl.isExt(,HTMLCanvasElement)) { return Result} else if ( !== this.FHandleElement) return Result; this.DblClick(); Result = true; return Result; }; this.HandleMouseDown = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; var VButton = 0; var VOffSets = pas.Types.TRect.$new(); var VShift = {}; var X = 0; var Y = 0; if ( !== this.FHandleElement) if (!rtl.isExt(,HTMLCanvasElement)) { return Result} else if ( !== this.FHandleElement) return Result; VButton = $mod.ExtractMouseButton(AEvent); VOffSets.$assign($mod.OffSets(this.FHandleElement)); VShift = rtl.refSet($mod.ExtractShiftState$1(AEvent)); X = pas.System.Trunc(AEvent.clientX - VOffSets.Left); Y = pas.System.Trunc(AEvent.clientY - VOffSets.Top); this.MouseDown(VButton,rtl.refSet(VShift),X,Y); Result = true; return Result; }; this.HandleMouseEnter = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; if ( !== this.FHandleElement) if (!rtl.isExt(,HTMLCanvasElement)) { return Result} else if ( !== this.FHandleElement) return Result; this.MouseEnter(); Result = true; return Result; }; this.HandleMouseLeave = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; if ( !== this.FHandleElement) if (!rtl.isExt(,HTMLCanvasElement)) { return Result} else if ( !== this.FHandleElement) return Result; this.MouseLeave(); Result = true; return Result; }; this.HandleMouseMove = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; var VOffSets = pas.Types.TRect.$new(); var VShift = {}; var X = 0; var Y = 0; if ( !== this.FHandleElement) if (!rtl.isExt(,HTMLCanvasElement)) { return Result} else if ( !== this.FHandleElement) return Result; VOffSets.$assign($mod.OffSets(this.FHandleElement)); VShift = rtl.refSet($mod.ExtractShiftState$1(AEvent)); X = pas.System.Trunc(AEvent.clientX - VOffSets.Left); Y = pas.System.Trunc(AEvent.clientY - VOffSets.Top); this.MouseMove(rtl.refSet(VShift),X,Y); Result = true; return Result; }; this.HandleMouseUp = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; var VButton = 0; var VOffSets = pas.Types.TRect.$new(); var VShift = {}; var X = 0; var Y = 0; if ( !== this.FHandleElement) if (!rtl.isExt(,HTMLCanvasElement)) { return Result} else if ( !== this.FHandleElement) return Result; VButton = $mod.ExtractMouseButton(AEvent); VOffSets.$assign($mod.OffSets(this.FHandleElement)); VShift = rtl.refSet($mod.ExtractShiftState$1(AEvent)); X = pas.System.Trunc(AEvent.clientX - VOffSets.Left); Y = pas.System.Trunc(AEvent.clientY - VOffSets.Top); this.MouseUp(VButton,rtl.refSet(VShift),X,Y); Result = true; return Result; }; this.HandleMouseWheel = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; var VDelta = 0; var VHandled = false; var VMousePos = pas.Types.TPoint.$new(); var VShift = {}; var VOffSets = pas.Types.TRect.$new(); if ( !== this.FHandleElement) if (!rtl.isExt(,HTMLCanvasElement)) { return Result} else if ( !== this.FHandleElement) return Result; VDelta = pas.System.Trunc(-AEvent.deltaY); VHandled = false; VOffSets.$assign($mod.OffSets(this.FHandleElement)); VMousePos.$assign(pas.Types.Point(VOffSets.Left,VOffSets.Top)); VShift = rtl.refSet($mod.ExtractShiftState$1(AEvent)); this.MouseWeel(rtl.refSet(VShift),VDelta,pas.Types.TPoint.$clone(VMousePos),{get: function () { return VHandled; }, set: function (v) { VHandled = v; }}); Result = true; return Result; }; this.HandleResize = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; if ( !== this.FHandleElement) if (!rtl.isExt(,HTMLCanvasElement)) { return Result} else if ( !== this.FHandleElement) return Result; this.DoResize(); Result = true; return Result; }; this.HandleScroll = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; if ( !== this.FHandleElement) if (!rtl.isExt(,HTMLCanvasElement)) { return Result} else if ( !== this.FHandleElement) return Result; this.DoScroll(); Result = true; return Result; }; this.Loaded = function () {; this.FDesignRect.$assign(pas.Types.Rect(this.FLeft,this.FTop,(this.FLeft + this.FWidth) - 1,(this.FTop + this.FHeight) - 1)); this.Changed(); }; this.Changed = function () { var $Self = this; var form = null; function AdjustWithPPI(aValue) { var Result = 0; if (form != null) { Result = pas.System.Trunc((96 * aValue) / form.FDesignTimePPI)} else Result = aValue; return Result; }; function FindParentForm() { var Result = null; var p = null; p = $Self.FParent; while ((p != null) && !pas.Forms.TCustomForm.isPrototypeOf(p)) p = p.FParent; if (pas.Forms.TCustomForm.isPrototypeOf(p)) { Result = p} else Result = null; return Result; }; if (!this.IsUpdating() && rtl.eqSet(rtl.intersectSet(rtl.createSet(0,3),this.FComponentState),{})) { form = FindParentForm(); var $with = this.FHandleElement; if (this.FHandleId !== "") { $with.setAttribute("id",this.FHandleId); } else { $with.removeAttribute("id"); }; if (this.FHandleClass !== "") { $with.setAttribute("class",this.FHandleClass); } else { $with.removeAttribute("class"); }; if ((this.FHandleClass === "") && (this.FHandleId === "")) { $"color",pas.Graphics.JSColor(this.FFont.FColor,this.FAlpha)); $mod.UpdateHtmlElementFont(this.FHandleElement,this.FFont,false); if (this.FColor in rtl.createSet(536870912,536870911)) { $"background-color"); } else { $"background-color",pas.Graphics.JSColor(this.FColor,this.FAlpha)); }; }; $"left",pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(AdjustWithPPI(this.FLeft)) + "px"); $"top",pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(AdjustWithPPI(this.FTop)) + "px"); $"width",pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(AdjustWithPPI(this.FWidth)) + "px"); $"height",pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(AdjustWithPPI(this.FHeight)) + "px"); $"cursor",$mod.JSCursor(this.FCursor)); if (this.FEnabled) { $with.removeAttribute("disabled"); $"opacity"); } else { $with.setAttribute("disabled","true"); $"opacity","0.5"); }; if (this.FVisible) { $"visibility","visible"); $"display","block"); } else { $"visibility","hidden"); $"display","none"); }; if ((this.FHint !== "") && this.FShowHint) { $with.setAttribute("title",this.FHint); } else { $with.removeAttribute("title"); }; if (this.FBorderStyle === 0) { $"border-style","none"); } else { $"border-style"); }; $with.setAttribute("tabindex",$mod.IfThen$3(this.FTabStop,"1","-1")); $"position","absolute"); $"overflow","hidden"); $"-webkit-box-sizing","border-box"); $"-moz-box-sizing","border-box"); $"box-sizing","border-box"); }; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; throw new Error(pas.SysUtils.Format("%s.CreateHandleElement=nil",[this.$classname])); return Result; }; this.RegisterHandleEvents = function () { this.FHandleElement.addEventListener("mousedown",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleMouseDown")); var $with = this.FHandleElement; $with.addEventListener("click",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleClick")); $with.addEventListener("dblclick",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleDblClick")); $with.addEventListener("mousedown",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleMouseDown")); $with.addEventListener("mouseenter",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleMouseEnter")); $with.addEventListener("mouseleave",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleMouseLeave")); $with.addEventListener("mousemove",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleMouseMove")); $with.addEventListener("mouseup",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleMouseUp")); $with.addEventListener("scroll",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleScroll")); $with.addEventListener("resize",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleResize")); $with.addEventListener("wheel",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleMouseWheel")); $with.addEventListener("contextmenu",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleContextMenu")); }; this.UnRegisterHandleEvents = function () { var $with = this.FHandleElement; $with.removeEventListener("click",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleClick")); $with.removeEventListener("dblclick",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleDblClick")); $with.removeEventListener("mousedown",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleMouseDown")); $with.removeEventListener("mouseenter",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleMouseEnter")); $with.removeEventListener("mouseleave",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleMouseLeave")); $with.removeEventListener("mousemove",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleMouseMove")); $with.removeEventListener("mouseup",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleMouseUp")); $with.removeEventListener("scroll",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleScroll")); $with.removeEventListener("resize",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleResize")); $with.removeEventListener("wheel",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleMouseWheel")); $with.removeEventListener("contextmenu",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleContextMenu")); }; this.CheckNewParent = function (AParent) { if ((AParent != null) && !AParent.CheckChildClassAllowed(this.$class.ClassType())) { throw new Error(pas.SysUtils.Format("Control of class '%s' can't have control of class '%s' as a child",[AParent.$class.ClassType(),this.$classname])); }; if (pas.Forms.TCustomForm.isPrototypeOf(this) && pas.Forms.TCustomForm.isPrototypeOf(AParent)) { throw new Error('A "Form" can\'t have another "Form" as parent'); }; if (this === AParent) { throw new Error('A "Control" can\'t have itself as a Parent'); }; }; this.RegisterChild = function (AControl) { var VIndex = 0; if (AControl != null) { VIndex = this.FControls.indexOf(AControl); if (VIndex < 0) { this.FControls.push(AControl); if (!this.FHandleElement.contains(AControl.FHandleElement)) { this.FHandleElement.appendChild(AControl.FHandleElement); }; this.ReAlign(); AControl.SetTabOrder(this.FControls.length); }; }; }; this.UnRegisterChild = function (AControl) { var VIndex = 0; if (AControl != null) { VIndex = this.FControls.indexOf(AControl); if (VIndex >= 0) { this.FControls.splice(VIndex,1); if (this.FHandleElement.contains(AControl.FHandleElement)) { this.FHandleElement.removeChild(AControl.FHandleElement); }; this.ReAlign(); this.UpdateTabOrder(null); }; }; }; this.AlignControls = function () { var $Self = this; var VControl = null; var VSpacing = null; var VIndex = 0; var VLeft = 0; var VTop = 0; var VRight = 0; var VBotton = 0; var VWidth = 0; var newleft = 0; var newtop = 0; var newright = 0; var newbottom = 0; if (0 in this.FControlFlags) return; this.FControlFlags = rtl.includeSet(this.FControlFlags,0); this.BeginUpdate(); try { VLeft = 0; VTop = 0; VRight = this.FWidth; VBotton = this.FHeight; VWidth = this.FWidth; for (var $l = 0, $end = this.FControls.length - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { VIndex = $l; VControl = rtl.getObject(this.FControls[VIndex]); if ((VControl != null) && (VControl.FAlign === 1) && VControl.FVisible) { VControl.BeginUpdate(); try { VSpacing = VControl.FBorderSpacing; VControl.SetLeft(VLeft + VSpacing.FLeft + VSpacing.FAround); VControl.SetTop(VTop + VSpacing.FTop + VSpacing.FAround); VControl.SetWidth(VWidth - VSpacing.FLeft - VSpacing.FRight - (VSpacing.FAround * 2)); VControl.SetHeight(VControl.FHeight); } finally { VControl.EndUpdate(); }; VTop = VTop + VControl.FHeight + VSpacing.FTop + VSpacing.FBottom + (VSpacing.FAround * 2); }; }; if (VTop < 0) { VTop = 0; }; for (var $l1 = 0, $end1 = this.FControls.length - 1; $l1 <= $end1; $l1++) { VIndex = $l1; VControl = rtl.getObject(this.FControls[VIndex]); if ((VControl != null) && (VControl.FAlign === 2) && VControl.FVisible) { VControl.BeginUpdate(); try { VSpacing = VControl.FBorderSpacing; VControl.SetLeft(VLeft + VSpacing.FLeft + VSpacing.FAround); if (!(0 in VControl.FAnchors)) { VControl.SetTop(VBotton - VControl.FHeight - VSpacing.FBottom - VSpacing.FAround)} else VControl.SetTop(VControl.FTop); VControl.SetWidth(VWidth - VSpacing.FLeft - VSpacing.FRight - (VSpacing.FAround * 2)); if (!(0 in VControl.FAnchors)) { VControl.SetHeight(VControl.FHeight)} else VControl.SetHeight(VBotton - VControl.FTop); } finally { VControl.EndUpdate(); }; VBotton = VBotton - VControl.FHeight - VSpacing.FTop - VSpacing.FBottom - (VSpacing.FAround * 2); }; }; if (VBotton < 0) { VBotton = 0; }; for (var $l2 = 0, $end2 = this.FControls.length - 1; $l2 <= $end2; $l2++) { VIndex = $l2; VControl = rtl.getObject(this.FControls[VIndex]); if ((VControl != null) && (VControl.FAlign === 3) && VControl.FVisible) { VControl.BeginUpdate(); try { VSpacing = VControl.FBorderSpacing; VControl.SetLeft(VLeft + VSpacing.FLeft + VSpacing.FAround); VControl.SetTop(VTop + VSpacing.FTop + VSpacing.FAround); VControl.SetWidth(VControl.FWidth); VControl.SetHeight(VBotton - VTop - VSpacing.FTop - VSpacing.FBottom - (VSpacing.FAround * 2)); } finally { VControl.EndUpdate(); }; VLeft = VLeft + VControl.FWidth + VSpacing.FLeft + VSpacing.FRight + (VSpacing.FAround * 2); }; }; if (VLeft < 0) { VLeft = 0; }; for (var $l3 = 0, $end3 = this.FControls.length - 1; $l3 <= $end3; $l3++) { VIndex = $l3; VControl = rtl.getObject(this.FControls[VIndex]); if ((VControl != null) && (VControl.FAlign === 4) && VControl.FVisible) { VControl.BeginUpdate(); try { VSpacing = VControl.FBorderSpacing; if (!(1 in VControl.FAnchors)) { VControl.SetLeft(VRight - VControl.FWidth - VSpacing.FRight - VSpacing.FAround)} else VControl.SetLeft(VControl.FLeft); VControl.SetTop(VTop + VSpacing.FTop + VSpacing.FAround); if (!(1 in VControl.FAnchors)) { VControl.SetWidth(VControl.FWidth)} else VControl.SetWidth(VRight - VControl.FLeft); VControl.SetHeight(VBotton - VTop - VSpacing.FTop - VSpacing.FBottom - (VSpacing.FAround * 2)); } finally { VControl.EndUpdate(); }; VRight = VRight - VControl.FWidth - VSpacing.FLeft - VSpacing.FRight - (VSpacing.FAround * 2); }; }; if (VRight < 0) { VRight = 0; }; for (var $l4 = 0, $end4 = this.FControls.length - 1; $l4 <= $end4; $l4++) { VIndex = $l4; VControl = rtl.getObject(this.FControls[VIndex]); if ((VControl != null) && (VControl.FAlign === 5) && VControl.FVisible) { VControl.BeginUpdate(); try { VSpacing = VControl.FBorderSpacing; VControl.SetLeft(VLeft + VSpacing.FLeft + VSpacing.FAround); VControl.SetTop(VTop + VSpacing.FTop + VSpacing.FAround); VControl.SetWidth(VRight - VLeft - VSpacing.FLeft - VSpacing.FRight - (VSpacing.FAround * 2)); VControl.SetHeight(VBotton - VTop - VSpacing.FTop - VSpacing.FBottom - (VSpacing.FAround * 2)); } finally { VControl.EndUpdate(); }; }; }; for (var $l5 = 0, $end5 = this.FControls.length - 1; $l5 <= $end5; $l5++) { VIndex = $l5; VControl = rtl.getObject(this.FControls[VIndex]); if ((VControl != null) && (VControl.FAlign === 0) && VControl.FVisible && rtl.neSet(VControl.FAnchors,{})) { VControl.BeginUpdate(); try { if (1 in VControl.FAnchors) newleft = VControl.FLeft; if (0 in VControl.FAnchors) newtop = VControl.FTop; if (3 in VControl.FAnchors) newbottom = this.FHeight - (this.FDesignRect.Bottom - VControl.FDesignRect.Bottom); if (2 in VControl.FAnchors) newright = this.FWidth - (this.FDesignRect.Right - VControl.FDesignRect.Right); if (rtl.leSet(rtl.createSet(1,2),VControl.FAnchors)) { VControl.SetLeft(newleft); VControl.SetWidth((newright - newleft) + 1); } else if (1 in VControl.FAnchors) { VControl.SetLeft(newleft)} else if (2 in VControl.FAnchors) VControl.SetLeft(newright - VControl.FWidth); if (rtl.leSet(rtl.createSet(0,3),VControl.FAnchors)) { VControl.SetTop(newtop); VControl.SetHeight((newbottom - newtop) + 1); } else if (0 in VControl.FAnchors) { VControl.SetTop(newtop)} else if (3 in VControl.FAnchors) VControl.SetTop(newbottom - VControl.FHeight); } finally { VControl.EndUpdate(); }; }; }; } finally { this.FControlFlags = rtl.excludeSet(this.FControlFlags,0); this.EndUpdate(); }; }; this.RealGetText = function () { var Result = ""; Result = this.FCaption; return Result; }; this.RealSetText = function (AValue) { if (this.FCaption !== AValue) { this.FCaption = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.BorderSpacingChanged = function (Sender) { if (this.FParent != null) { this.FParent.AlignControls(); }; }; this.ColorChanged = function (Sender) { this.Changed(); }; this.FontChanged = function (Sender) { this.Changed(); }; this.TabOrderArray = function () { var Result = null; Result = this.FControls.slice(0).sort(rtl.createCallback(this,"CompareTabOrder")); return Result; }; this.CompareTabOrder = function (A, B) { var Result = 0; if (pas.System.Assigned(A) && pas.System.Assigned(B) && rtl.isExt(A,$mod.TControl,1) && rtl.isExt(B,$mod.TControl,1)) { Result = rtl.getObject(A).FTabOrder - rtl.getObject(B).FTabOrder; } else { Result = 0; }; return Result; }; this.UpdateTabOrder = function (AValue) { var VControl = null; var VArray = null; var VIndex = 0; if (AValue != null) { for (var $l = 0, $end = this.FControls.length - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { VIndex = $l; VControl = rtl.getObject(this.FControls[VIndex]); if ((VControl != null) && (VControl !== AValue) && (VControl.FTabOrder >= AValue.FTabOrder)) { VControl.FTabOrder += 1; }; }; }; VArray = this.TabOrderArray(); try { for (var $l1 = 0, $end1 = VArray.length - 1; $l1 <= $end1; $l1++) { VIndex = $l1; VControl = rtl.getObject(VArray[VIndex]); if (VControl != null) { VControl.BeginUpdate(); try { VControl.FTabOrder = VIndex; } finally { VControl.EndUpdate(); }; }; }; } finally { VArray.length = 0; }; }; this.SetParentComponent = function (AValue) { if ($mod.TWinControl.isPrototypeOf(AValue)) this.SetParent(AValue); }; this.GetControlClassDefaultSize = function () { var Result = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); = 75; = 50; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { var sz = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); pas.Classes.TComponent.Create$,AOwner); this.FHandleElement = this.CreateHandleElement(); this.FHandleClass = ""; this.FHandleId = ""; this.RegisterHandleEvents(); this.FControls = new Array(); this.FBorderSpacing = $mod.TControlBorderSpacing.$create("Create$1"); this.FBorderSpacing.FOnChange = rtl.createCallback(this,"BorderSpacingChanged"); this.FBorderStyle = 1; this.FFont = pas.Graphics.TFont.$create("Create$1"); this.FFont.FOnChange = rtl.createCallback(this,"FontChanged"); this.FAlign = 0; this.FAlpha = 255; this.FAnchors = rtl.createSet(1,0); this.FAutoSize = false; this.FCaption = ""; this.FColor = 536870912; this.FCursor = 0; sz.$assign(this.$class.GetControlClassDefaultSize()); this.FDesignRect.$assign(pas.Types.Rect(0,0, - 1, - 1)); this.FEnabled = true; this.FLeft = 0; this.FParent = null; this.FParentColor = false; this.FParentFont = true; this.FParentShowHint = true; this.FShowHint = false; this.FTabOrder = 0; this.FTabStop = true; this.FTop = 0; this.FUpdateCount = 0; this.FVisible = true; return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { if (this.FHandleElement != null) this.UnRegisterHandleEvents(); if (this.FParent != null) { this.FParent.UnRegisterChild(this); }; if (this.FControls != null) this.FControls.length = 0;,"FBorderSpacing"); this.FBorderSpacing = null;,"FFont"); this.FFont = null;; }; this.BeginUpdate = function () { this.FUpdateCount += 1; }; this.EndUpdate = function () { if (this.FUpdateCount > 0) { this.FUpdateCount -= 1; if (this.FUpdateCount === 0) { this.Changed(); }; }; }; this.AdjustSize = function () { }; this.IsUpdating = function () { var Result = false; Result = this.FUpdateCount > 0; return Result; }; this.Invalidate = function () { }; this.ReAlign = function () { this.AlignControls(); if (this.FParent != null) { this.FParent.ReAlign(); }; this.Invalidate(); }; this.BringToFront = function () { var VParentElement = null; VParentElement = this.FHandleElement.parentElement; if (VParentElement != null) { VParentElement.removeChild(this.FHandleElement); VParentElement.appendChild(this.FHandleElement); }; }; this.SetBounds = function (ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight) { if ((this.FLeft !== ALeft) || (this.FTop !== ATop) || (this.FWidth !== AWidth) || (this.FHeight !== AHeight)) { this.FLeft = ALeft; this.FTop = ATop; if (AWidth > 0) { this.FWidth = AWidth; } else { this.FWidth = 0; }; if (AHeight > 0) { this.FHeight = AHeight; } else { this.FHeight = 0; }; this.Changed(); this.ReAlign(); }; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Cursor",2,$mod.$rtti["TCursor"],"FCursor","SetCursor"); $r.addProperty("Left",2,rtl.nativeint,"FLeft","SetLeft"); $r.addProperty("Height",2,rtl.nativeint,"FHeight","SetHeight"); $r.addProperty("Hint",2,rtl.string,"FHint","SetHint"); $r.addProperty("Top",2,rtl.nativeint,"FTop","SetTop"); $r.addProperty("Width",2,rtl.nativeint,"FWidth","SetWidth"); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TWinControl",this.TControl,function () { this.$init = function () { $mod.TControl.$; this.FOnEnter = null; this.FOnExit = null; this.FOnKeyDown = null; this.FOnKeyPress = null; this.FOnKeyUp = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FOnEnter = undefined; this.FOnExit = undefined; this.FOnKeyDown = undefined; this.FOnKeyPress = undefined; this.FOnKeyUp = undefined; $mod.TControl.$; }; this.GetControl = function (AIndex) { var Result = null; Result = rtl.getObject(this.FControls[AIndex]); return Result; }; this.GetControlCount = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.FControls.length; return Result; }; this.DoEnter = function () { if (this.FOnEnter != null) { this.FOnEnter(this); }; }; this.DoExit = function () { if (this.FOnExit != null) { this.FOnExit(this); }; }; this.KeyDown = function (Key, Shift) { if (this.FOnKeyDown != null) { this.FOnKeyDown(this,Key,rtl.refSet(Shift)); }; }; this.KeyPress = function (Key) { if (this.FOnKeyPress != null) { this.FOnKeyPress(this,Key); }; }; this.KeyUp = function (Key, Shift) { if (this.FOnKeyUp != null) { this.FOnKeyUp(this,Key,rtl.refSet(Shift)); }; }; this.HandleEnter = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; var VParent = null; VParent = this.FParent; while (VParent != null) { if (pas.Forms.TCustomForm.isPrototypeOf(VParent)) { VParent.SetActiveControl(this); break; }; VParent = VParent.FParent; }; AEvent.stopPropagation(); this.DoEnter(); Result = true; return Result; }; this.HandleExit = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; AEvent.stopPropagation(); this.DoExit(); Result = true; return Result; }; this.HandleKeyDown = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; var VControl = null; var VForm = null; var VKey = 0; var VParent = null; var VShift = {}; VParent = this.FParent; while (VParent != null) { if (pas.Forms.TCustomForm.isPrototypeOf(VParent)) { VForm = VParent; if (VForm.FKeyPreview && VForm.HandleKeyDown(AEvent)) { Result = true; return Result; }; }; VParent = VParent.FParent; }; VKey = $mod.ExtractKeyCode(AEvent); VShift = rtl.refSet($mod.ExtractShiftState(AEvent)); AEvent.stopPropagation(); this.KeyDown({get: function () { return VKey; }, set: function (v) { VKey = v; }},rtl.refSet(VShift)); if (VKey === 0) { AEvent.preventDefault(); } else { var $tmp = VKey; if ($tmp === 9) { if (this.FParent != null) { if (0 in VShift) { VControl = this.FParent.FindFocusControl(this,3); if (!(VControl != null)) { VControl = this.FParent.FindFocusControl(null,1); }; } else { VControl = this.FParent.FindFocusControl(this,2); if (!(VControl != null)) { VControl = this.FParent.FindFocusControl(null,0); }; }; if ((VControl != null) && VControl.CanSetFocus()) { VControl.SetFocus(); }; AEvent.preventDefault(); }; }; }; Result = true; return Result; }; this.HandleKeyUp = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; var VForm = null; var VKey = 0; var VParent = null; var VShift = {}; VParent = this.FParent; while (VParent != null) { if (pas.Forms.TCustomForm.isPrototypeOf(VParent)) { VForm = VParent; if (VForm.FKeyPreview && VForm.HandleKeyUp(AEvent)) { Result = true; return Result; }; }; VParent = VParent.FParent; }; VKey = $mod.ExtractKeyCode(AEvent); VShift = rtl.refSet($mod.ExtractShiftState(AEvent)); AEvent.stopPropagation(); this.KeyUp({get: function () { return VKey; }, set: function (v) { VKey = v; }},rtl.refSet(VShift)); if (VKey === 0) { AEvent.preventDefault(); }; Result = true; return Result; }; this.HandleKeyPress = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; var VForm = null; var VKey = ""; var VParent = null; VParent = this.FParent; while (VParent != null) { if (pas.Forms.TCustomForm.isPrototypeOf(VParent)) { VForm = VParent; if (VForm.FKeyPreview && VForm.HandleKeyPress(AEvent)) { Result = true; return Result; }; }; VParent = VParent.FParent; }; AEvent.stopPropagation(); VKey = $mod.ExtractKeyChar(AEvent); if (VKey === "\x00") { AEvent.preventDefault(); } else { this.KeyPress({get: function () { return VKey; }, set: function (v) { VKey = v; }}); if (VKey === "\x00") { AEvent.preventDefault(); }; }; Result = true; return Result; }; this.RegisterHandleEvents = function () { $; var $with = this.FHandleElement; $with.addEventListener("focus",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleEnter")); $with.addEventListener("blur",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleExit")); $with.addEventListener("keydown",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleKeyDown")); $with.addEventListener("keypress",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleKeyPress")); $with.addEventListener("keyup",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleKeyUp")); }; this.UnRegisterHandleEvents = function () { $; var $with = this.FHandleElement; $with.removeEventListener("focus",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleEnter")); $with.removeEventListener("blur",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleExit")); $with.removeEventListener("keydown",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleKeyDown")); $with.removeEventListener("keypress",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleKeyPress")); $with.removeEventListener("keyup",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleKeyUp")); }; this.CheckChildClassAllowed = function (AChildClass) { var Result = false; Result = (AChildClass != null) && AChildClass.InheritsFrom($mod.TControl); return Result; }; this.FindFocusControl = function (AStartControl, ADirection) { var Result = null; var VControl = null; var VArray = null; var VIndex = 0; var VTabOrder = 0; Result = null; VArray = this.TabOrderArray(); if (VArray.length === 0) { return Result; }; try { VTabOrder = VArray.indexOf(AStartControl); if (VTabOrder < 0) { if (ADirection in rtl.createSet(0)) { VTabOrder = VArray.length - 1; } else { VTabOrder = 0; }; }; var $tmp = ADirection; if ($tmp === 0) { VControl = rtl.getObject(VArray[0]); if ((VControl != null) && $mod.TWinControl.isPrototypeOf(VControl) && VControl.FEnabled && VControl.FVisible && VControl.FTabStop) { return VControl; }; } else if ($tmp === 1) { VControl = rtl.getObject(VArray[VArray.length - 1]); if ((VControl != null) && $mod.TWinControl.isPrototypeOf(VControl) && VControl.FEnabled && VControl.FVisible && VControl.FTabStop) { return VControl; }; } else if ($tmp === 2) { if (VTabOrder < (VArray.length - 1)) { for (var $l = VTabOrder + 1, $end = VArray.length - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { VIndex = $l; VControl = rtl.getObject(VArray[VIndex]); if ((VControl != null) && $mod.TWinControl.isPrototypeOf(VControl) && VControl.FEnabled && VControl.FVisible && VControl.FTabStop) { return VControl; }; }; }; } else if ($tmp === 3) { if (VTabOrder > 0) { for (var $l1 = VTabOrder - 1; $l1 >= 0; $l1--) { VIndex = $l1; VControl = rtl.getObject(VArray[VIndex]); if ((VControl != null) && $mod.TWinControl.isPrototypeOf(VControl) && VControl.FEnabled && VControl.FVisible && VControl.FTabStop) { return VControl; }; }; }; }; } finally { VArray.length = 0; }; return Result; }; this.CanSetFocus = function () { var Result = false; var VControl = null; VControl = this; while (true) { if (!VControl.FVisible && VControl.FEnabled) { Result = false; return Result; }; if (VControl.FParent != null) { VControl = VControl.FParent; } else { break; }; }; Result = (VControl != null) && pas.Forms.TCustomForm.isPrototypeOf(VControl); return Result; }; this.SetFocus = function () { this.FHandleElement.focus(); }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomPopupMenu",this.TWinControl,function () { this.$init = function () { $mod.TWinControl.$; this.FOwner$1 = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FOwner$1 = undefined; $mod.TWinControl.$; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("div");"display","none");"visibility","hidden"); this.SetVisible(false); return Result; }; this.Changed = function () { $;"overflow","");"position","fixed"); }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { $mod.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.FOwner$1 = AOwner; return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { $; }; this.Popup$1 = function (Ax, Ay) { var i = 0; pas.System.Writeln(Ax,"-",Ay); if ($mod.TWinControl.isPrototypeOf(this.FOwner$1)) for (var $l = 0, $end = this.FOwner$1.GetControlCount() - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; if ($mod.TCustomPopupMenu.isPrototypeOf(this.FOwner$1.GetControl(i))) this.FOwner$1.GetControl(i).SetVisible(false); };"background-color","#f1f1f1");"box-shadow","0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)");"overflow","auto");"z-index","1"); for (var $l1 = 0, $end1 = this.GetControlCount() - 1; $l1 <= $end1; $l1++) { i = $l1; this.GetControl(i).SetBounds(this.FParent.FLeft,27 * i,200,27); }; this.SetBounds(Ax,Ay,200,this.GetControlCount() * 27); this.SetVisible(true); }; this.Hide = function () { this.SetVisible(false); }; this.Loaded = function () { var $Self = this; var i = 0; function MoveElement(AControl) { var j = 0; if ($mod.TCustomMenuItem.isPrototypeOf(AControl)) { for (var $l = 0, $end = AControl.GetControlCount() - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { j = $l; AControl.FSubMenu.append(AControl.GetControl(j).FHandleElement); AControl.GetControl(j)"position",""); AControl.GetControl(j)"left","0px"); if (AControl.GetControl(j).GetControlCount() > 0) MoveElement(AControl.GetControl(j)); };"height",pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(AControl.GetControlCount() * 27) + "px"); }; }; $; this.Hide(); for (var $l = 0, $end = this.GetControlCount() - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; MoveElement(this.GetControl(i)); }; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomMenuItem",this.TWinControl,function () { this.$init = function () { $mod.TWinControl.$; this.FTextElement = null; this.FSubMenu = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FTextElement = undefined; this.FSubMenu = undefined; $mod.TWinControl.$; }; this.TextClickHandler = function (aEvent) { var Result = false; this.Click(); return Result; }; this.OnMenuMouseEnter = function (Sender) { var i = 0; this.FOnMouseEnter; for (var $l = 0, $end = this.GetControlCount() - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; this.GetControl(i).SetBounds(0,27 * i,200,27); };"display","block");"visibility","visible");"background-color","#ddd"); }; this.OnMenuMouseLeave = function (Sender) { this.FOnMouseLeave;"background-color","#f1f1f1");"display","none");"visibility","hidden"); }; this.Click = function () { var obj = null; $; obj = this.FParent; while ((obj != null) && !$mod.TCustomPopupMenu.isPrototypeOf(obj)) obj = obj.FParent; if (obj != null) obj.Hide(); }; this.Changed = function () { $;"padding","6px 16px");"background-color","#f1f1f1");"overflow",""); this.FTextElement.innerText = this.GetText(); }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("div");"visibility","hidden");"display","none"); this.FTextElement = document.createElement("div");"cursor","default"); Result.appendChild(this.FTextElement); this.FSubMenu = document.createElement("div");"visibility","hidden");"display","none");"width","200px");"left","200px");"top","0px");"position","absolute");"box-shadow","0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)");"box-sizing","border-box");"z-index","2"); this.FSubMenu.className = "QQQ"; Result.appendChild(this.FSubMenu); this.SetVisible(false); return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { $mod.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.SetBounds(0,0,200,27); this.FOnMouseEnter = rtl.createCallback(this,"OnMenuMouseEnter"); this.FOnMouseLeave = rtl.createCallback(this,"OnMenuMouseLeave"); this.FTextElement.onclick = rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"TextClickHandler"); this.SetVisible(true); return this; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomControl",this.TWinControl,function () { this.$init = function () { $mod.TWinControl.$; this.FCanvas = null; this.FOnPaint = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FCanvas = undefined; this.FOnPaint = undefined; $mod.TWinControl.$; }; this.ColorChanged = function (Sender) { if (this.FCanvas != null) { this.FCanvas.FBrush.SetColor(this.FColor); }; $,Sender); }; this.FontChanged = function (Sender) { if (this.FCanvas != null) { this.FCanvas.FFont.Assign(this.FFont); }; $,Sender); }; this.Paint = function () { if (this.FOnPaint != null) { this.FOnPaint(this); }; }; this.Destroy = function () { if (this.FCanvas != null) { this.FCanvas.$destroy("Destroy"); this.FCanvas = null; }; $; }; this.Invalidate = function () { $; this.Paint(); }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); this.AnchorAlign$a$clone = function (a) { var b = []; b.length = 7; for (var c = 0; c < 7; c++) b[c] = rtl.refSet(a[c]); return b; }; this.AnchorAlign = [rtl.createSet(1,0),rtl.createSet(1,0,2),rtl.createSet(1,2,3),rtl.createSet(1,0,3),rtl.createSet(2,0,3),rtl.createSet(1,0,2,3),rtl.createSet(1,0)]; this.IfThen$2 = function (AExpression, AConsequence, AAlternative) { var Result = 0; if (AExpression) { Result = AConsequence; } else { Result = AAlternative; }; return Result; }; this.IfThen$3 = function (AExpression, AConsequence, AAlternative) { var Result = ""; if (AExpression) { Result = AConsequence; } else { Result = AAlternative; }; return Result; }; this.OffSets = function (AElement) { var Result = pas.Types.TRect.$new(); Result.$assign(pas.Types.Rect(0,0,0,0)); if (AElement != null) { var $with = AElement.getBoundingClientRect(); Result.Left = pas.System.Trunc($with.left + window.scrollX); Result.Top = pas.System.Trunc($ + window.scrollY); }; return Result; }; this.UpdateHtmlElementFont = function (AElement, AFont, AClear) { var s = ""; var $with =; if (AClear) { $with.removeProperty("font-family"); $with.removeProperty("font-size"); $with.removeProperty("font-weight"); $with.removeProperty("font-style"); $with.removeProperty("text-decoration"); } else { $with.setProperty("font-family",AFont.FName); $with.setProperty("font-size",pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(AFont.FSize) + "pt"); if (0 in AFont.FStyle) { $with.setProperty("font-weight","bold")} else $with.setProperty("font-weight",""); $with.setProperty("font-style","normal"); s = ""; if (1 in AFont.FStyle) s = "italic"; if (2 in AFont.FStyle) { if (s !== "") s = s + " "; s = s + "underline"; }; if (3 in AFont.FStyle) { if (s !== "") s = s + " "; s = s + "line-through"; }; if (s !== "") { $with.setProperty("text-decoration",s)} else $with.removeProperty("text-decoration"); }; }; this.ExtractKeyCode = function (AEvent) { var Result = 0; var VLocation = 0; var VKey = ""; VLocation = AEvent.location; VKey = pas.SysUtils.LowerCase(AEvent.key); Result = -1; var $tmp = VKey; if ($tmp === "backspace") { Result = 8} else if ($tmp === "tab") { Result = 9} else if ($tmp === "enter") { Result = 13} else if ($tmp === "shift") { Result = 16} else if ($tmp === "control") { Result = 17} else if ($tmp === "alt") { Result = 18} else if ($tmp === "altgraph") { Result = 18} else if ($tmp === "pause") { Result = 19} else if ($tmp === "capslock") { Result = 20} else if ($tmp === "escape") { Result = 27} else if ($tmp === "pageup") { Result = 33} else if ($tmp === "pagedown") { Result = 34} else if ($tmp === "end") { Result = 35} else if ($tmp === "home") { Result = 36} else if ($tmp === "arrowleft") { Result = 37} else if ($tmp === "arrowup") { Result = 38} else if ($tmp === "arrowright") { Result = 39} else if ($tmp === "arrowdown") { Result = 40} else if ($tmp === "insert") { Result = 45} else if ($tmp === "delete") { Result = 46} else if ($tmp === "f1") { Result = 112} else if ($tmp === "f2") { Result = 113} else if ($tmp === "f3") { Result = 114} else if ($tmp === "f4") { Result = 115} else if ($tmp === "f5") { Result = 116} else if ($tmp === "f6") { Result = 117} else if ($tmp === "f7") { Result = 118} else if ($tmp === "f8") { Result = 119} else if ($tmp === "f9") { Result = 120} else if ($tmp === "f10") { Result = 121} else if ($tmp === "f11") { Result = 122} else if ($tmp === "f12") { Result = 123} else if ($tmp === "f13") { Result = 124} else if ($tmp === "f14") { Result = 125} else if ($tmp === "f15") { Result = 126} else if ($tmp === "f16") { Result = 127} else if ($tmp === "f17") { Result = 128} else if ($tmp === "f18") { Result = 129} else if ($tmp === "f19") { Result = 130} else if ($tmp === "f20") { Result = 131} else if ($tmp === "numlock") { Result = 144} else if ($tmp === "scrolllock") Result = 145; if (VLocation === 3) { var $tmp1 = VKey; if ($tmp1 === "0") { Result = 96} else if ($tmp1 === "1") { Result = 97} else if ($tmp1 === "2") { Result = 98} else if ($tmp1 === "3") { Result = 99} else if ($tmp1 === "4") { Result = 100} else if ($tmp1 === "5") { Result = 101} else if ($tmp1 === "6") { Result = 102} else if ($tmp1 === "7") { Result = 103} else if ($tmp1 === "8") { Result = 104} else if ($tmp1 === "9") { Result = 105} else if ($tmp1 === "*") { Result = 106} else if ($tmp1 === "+") { Result = 107} else if ($tmp1 === "-") { Result = 109} else if ($tmp1 === ",") { Result = 110} else if ($tmp1 === "\/") { Result = 111} else if ($tmp1 === ".") Result = 194; } else { var $tmp2 = VKey; if ($tmp2 === "0") { Result = 48} else if ($tmp2 === "1") { Result = 49} else if ($tmp2 === "2") { Result = 50} else if ($tmp2 === "3") { Result = 51} else if ($tmp2 === "4") { Result = 52} else if ($tmp2 === "5") { Result = 53} else if ($tmp2 === "6") { Result = 54} else if ($tmp2 === "7") { Result = 55} else if ($tmp2 === "8") { Result = 56} else if ($tmp2 === "9") { Result = 57} else if ($tmp2 === "ç") { Result = 63} else if ($tmp2 === "a") { Result = 65} else if ($tmp2 === "b") { Result = 66} else if ($tmp2 === "c") { Result = 67} else if ($tmp2 === "d") { Result = 68} else if ($tmp2 === "e") { Result = 69} else if ($tmp2 === "f") { Result = 70} else if ($tmp2 === "g") { Result = 71} else if ($tmp2 === "h") { Result = 72} else if ($tmp2 === "i") { Result = 73} else if ($tmp2 === "j") { Result = 74} else if ($tmp2 === "k") { Result = 75} else if ($tmp2 === "l") { Result = 76} else if ($tmp2 === "m") { Result = 77} else if ($tmp2 === "n") { Result = 78} else if ($tmp2 === "o") { Result = 79} else if ($tmp2 === "p") { Result = 80} else if ($tmp2 === "q") { Result = 81} else if ($tmp2 === "r") { Result = 82} else if ($tmp2 === "s") { Result = 83} else if ($tmp2 === "t") { Result = 84} else if ($tmp2 === "u") { Result = 85} else if ($tmp2 === "v") { Result = 86} else if ($tmp2 === "w") { Result = 87} else if ($tmp2 === "x") { Result = 88} else if ($tmp2 === "y") { Result = 89} else if ($tmp2 === "z") { Result = 90} else if ($tmp2 === "=") { Result = 187} else if ($tmp2 === ",") { Result = 188} else if ($tmp2 === "-") { Result = 189} else if ($tmp2 === ".") { Result = 190} else if ($tmp2 === "'") { Result = 192} else if ($tmp2 === "\/") { Result = 193} else if ($tmp2 === "]") { Result = 220} else if ($tmp2 === "[") Result = 221; }; return Result; }; this.ExtractKeyChar = function (AEvent) { var Result = ""; var VKey = ""; VKey = pas.SysUtils.LowerCase(AEvent.key); Result = "\x00"; if (VKey.length === 1) { Result = VKey.charAt(0); } else { var $tmp = VKey; if ($tmp === "backspace") { Result = "\b"} else if ($tmp === "tab") { Result = "\t"} else if ($tmp === "enter") { Result = "\r"} else if ($tmp === "escape") Result = "\x1B"; }; return Result; }; this.ExtractShiftState = function (AEvent) { var Result = {}; Result = {}; if (AEvent.altKey) { Result = rtl.unionSet(Result,rtl.createSet(1)); }; if (AEvent.ctrlKey) { Result = rtl.unionSet(Result,rtl.createSet(2)); }; if (AEvent.shiftKey) { Result = rtl.unionSet(Result,rtl.createSet(0)); }; return Result; }; this.ExtractShiftState$1 = function (AEvent) { var Result = {}; Result = {}; if (AEvent.altKey) { Result = rtl.unionSet(Result,rtl.createSet(1)); }; if (AEvent.ctrlKey) { Result = rtl.unionSet(Result,rtl.createSet(2)); }; if (AEvent.shiftKey) { Result = rtl.unionSet(Result,rtl.createSet(0)); }; return Result; }; this.ExtractMouseButton = function (AEvent) { var Result = 0; var $tmp = AEvent.button; if ($tmp === 0) { Result = 0} else if ($tmp === 1) { Result = 2} else if ($tmp === 2) { Result = 1} else { Result = 2; }; return Result; }; this.JSCursor = function (ACursor) { var Result = ""; var $tmp = ACursor; if ($tmp === -1) { Result = "none"} else if ($tmp === -3) { Result = "crosshair"} else if ($tmp === -4) { Result = "text"} else if ($tmp === -22) { Result = "move"} else if ($tmp === -6) { Result = "nesw-resize"} else if ($tmp === -7) { Result = "ns-resize"} else if ($tmp === -8) { Result = "nwse-resize"} else if ($tmp === -9) { Result = "ew-resize"} else if ($tmp === -23) { Result = "nwse-resize"} else if ($tmp === -24) { Result = "ns-resize"} else if ($tmp === -25) { Result = "nesw-resize"} else if ($tmp === -26) { Result = "col-resize"} else if ($tmp === -27) { Result = "col-resize"} else if ($tmp === -28) { Result = "nesw-resize"} else if ($tmp === -29) { Result = "ns-resize"} else if ($tmp === -30) { Result = "nwse-resize"} else if ($tmp === -11) { Result = "wait"} else if ($tmp === -13) { Result = "no-drop"} else if ($tmp === -14) { Result = "col-resize"} else if ($tmp === -15) { Result = "row-resize"} else if ($tmp === -17) { Result = "progress"} else if ($tmp === -18) { Result = "not-allowed"} else if ($tmp === -19) { Result = "wait"} else if ($tmp === -20) { Result = "help"} else if ($tmp === -21) { Result = "pointer"} else { Result = ""; }; return Result; }; $mod.$implcode = function () { $impl.CursorIdents$a$clone = function (a) { var b = []; b.length = 30; for (var c = 0; c < 30; c++) b[c] = pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone(a[c]); return b; }; $impl.CursorIdents = [pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: 0, Name: "crDefault"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -1, Name: "crNone"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -2, Name: "crArrow"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -3, Name: "crCross"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -4, Name: "crIBeam"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -6, Name: "crSizeNESW"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -7, Name: "crSizeNS"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -8, Name: "crSizeNWSE"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -9, Name: "crSizeWE"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -23, Name: "crSizeNW"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -24, Name: "crSizeN"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -25, Name: "crSizeNE"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -26, Name: "crSizeW"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -27, Name: "crSizeE"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -28, Name: "crSizeSW"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -29, Name: "crSizeS"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -30, Name: "crSizeSE"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -10, Name: "crUpArrow"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -11, Name: "crHourGlass"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -12, Name: "crDrag"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -13, Name: "crNoDrop"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -14, Name: "crHSplit"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -15, Name: "crVSplit"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -16, Name: "crMultiDrag"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -17, Name: "crSQLWait"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -18, Name: "crNo"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -19, Name: "crAppStart"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -20, Name: "crHelp"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -21, Name: "crHandPoint"}),pas.Classes.TIdentMapEntry.$clone({Value: -22, Name: "crSizeAll"})]; $impl.CursorToIdent = function (aCursor, aIdent) { var Result = false; Result = pas.Classes.IntToIdent(aCursor,aIdent,$impl.CursorIdents); return Result; }; $impl.IdentToCursor = function (aIdent, aCursor) { var Result = false; Result = pas.Classes.IdentToInt(aIdent,aCursor,$impl.CursorIdents); return Result; }; }; $mod.$init = function () { pas.Classes.RegisterIntegerConsts($mod.$rtti["TCursor"],$impl.IdentToCursor,$impl.CursorToIdent); }; },["Forms"]); rtl.module("p2jsres",["System","Types"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; var $impl = $mod.$impl; this.TResourceSource = {"0": "rsJS", rsJS: 0, "1": "rsHTML", rsHTML: 1}; rtl.recNewT(this,"TResourceInfo",function () { = ""; this.encoding = ""; this.resourceunit = ""; this.format = ""; = ""; this.$eq = function (b) { return ( === && (this.encoding === b.encoding) && (this.resourceunit === b.resourceunit) && (this.format === b.format) && ( ===; }; this.$assign = function (s) { =; this.encoding = s.encoding; this.resourceunit = s.resourceunit; this.format = s.format; =; return this; }; }); this.SetResourceSource = function (aSource) { var Result = 0; Result = $impl.gMode; $impl.gMode = aSource; return Result; }; this.GetResourceInfo = function (aName, aInfo) { var Result = false; Result = $mod.GetResourceInfo$1($impl.gMode,aName,aInfo); return Result; }; this.GetResourceInfo$1 = function (aSource, aName, aInfo) { var Result = false; var $tmp = aSource; if ($tmp === 0) { Result = $impl.GetRTLResourceInfo(aName,aInfo)} else if ($tmp === 1) Result = $impl.GetHTMLResourceInfo(aName,aInfo); return Result; }; $mod.$implcode = function () { $impl.gMode = 0; $impl.GetRTLResourceInfo = function (aName, aInfo) { var Result = false; var RTLInfo = null; RTLInfo = rtl.getResource(pas.SysUtils.LowerCase(aName)); Result = RTLInfo != null; if (Result) { =; aInfo.encoding = RTLInfo.encoding; aInfo.format = RTLInfo.format; aInfo.resourceunit = RTLInfo.unit; =; }; return Result; }; $impl.IDPrefix = "resource-"; $impl.GetHTMLResourceInfo = function (aName, aInfo) { var Result = false; var el = null; var S = ""; var I = 0; Result = false; if (!pas.JS.isDefined(document)) return Result; el = document.getElementById($impl.IDPrefix + pas.SysUtils.LowerCase(aName)); Result = (el != null) && pas.SysUtils.SameText(el.tagName,"link"); if (!Result) return Result; = pas.SysUtils.LowerCase(aName); aInfo.resourceunit = "" + el.dataset["unit"]; S = el.href; S = pas.System.Copy(S,6,S.length - 5); I = pas.System.Pos(",",S); = pas.System.Copy(S,I + 1,S.length - 1); S = pas.System.Copy(S,1,I - 1); I = pas.System.Pos(";",S); if (I === 0) { aInfo.encoding = ""} else { aInfo.encoding = pas.System.Copy(S,I + 1,S.length - 1); S = pas.System.Copy(S,1,I - 1); }; aInfo.format = S; return Result; }; }; },["SysUtils","JS","Web"]); rtl.module("WCLStrConsts",["System"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; $mod.$resourcestrings = {rsFormResourceSNotFoundForResourcelessFormsCreateNew: {org: "Form resource %s not found. For resourceless forms CreateNew constructor must be used."}, rsFormStreamingError: {org: 'Form streaming "%s" error: %s'}, rsFileButtonNoFileSelected: {org: "No file selected"}, rsErrUncaughtException: {org: "Uncaught exception of type %s: \n\n%s"}, rsErrUncaughtObject: {org: "Uncaught exception of type %s."}, rsNoTimers: {org: "No more timers available."}}; }); rtl.module("WResources",["System","Classes"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; this.InitResourceComponent = function (Instance, RootAncestor) { var Result = false; function InitComponent(ClassType) { var Result = false; var data = ""; var ResName = ""; var Stream = null; var BinStream = null; var Reader = null; var info = pas.p2jsres.TResourceInfo.$new(); Result = false; if ((ClassType === pas.Classes.TComponent) || (ClassType === RootAncestor)) return Result; if (ClassType.$ancestor != null) Result = InitComponent(ClassType.$ancestor); Stream = null; ResName = ClassType.$module.$name; if (!pas.p2jsres.GetResourceInfo(ResName,info)) return Result; data = window.atob(; if (data !== "") Stream = pas.Classes.TStringStream.$create("Create$1",[data]); if (!(Stream != null)) return Result; try { try { BinStream = pas.Classes.TMemoryStream.$create("Create"); try { pas.Classes.ObjectTextToBinary(Stream,BinStream); BinStream.SetPosition(0); Reader = pas.Classes.TReader.$create("Create$1",[BinStream]); try { Reader.ReadRootComponent(Instance); } finally { Reader = rtl.freeLoc(Reader); }; } finally { BinStream = rtl.freeLoc(BinStream); }; } catch ($e) { if (pas.SysUtils.Exception.isPrototypeOf($e)) { var E = $e; pas.System.Writeln(pas.SysUtils.Format(rtl.getResStr(pas.WCLStrConsts,"rsFormStreamingError"),[ClassType.$classname,E.fMessage])); throw $e; } else throw $e }; } finally { Stream = rtl.freeLoc(Stream); }; Result = true; return Result; }; if (rtl.neSet(rtl.intersectSet(Instance.FComponentState,rtl.createSet(0,9)),{})) { Result = InitComponent(Instance.$class.ClassType()); } else try { Result = InitComponent(Instance.$class.ClassType()); } finally { }; return Result; }; $mod.$init = function () { pas.Classes.RegisterInitComponentHandler(pas.Classes.TComponent,$mod.InitResourceComponent); }; },["Web","SysUtils","p2jsres","WCLStrConsts"]); rtl.module("Forms",["System","Classes","SysUtils","Types","JS","Web","Graphics","Controls"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; var $impl = $mod.$impl; this.TFormType = {"0": "ftModalForm", ftModalForm: 0, "1": "ftWindow", ftWindow: 1}; this.TCloseAction = {"0": "caNone", caNone: 0, "1": "caHide", caHide: 1, "2": "caFree", caFree: 2}; this.$rtti.$Enum("TCloseAction",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 2, ordtype: 1, enumtype: this.TCloseAction}); this.$rtti.$MethodVar("TCloseEvent",{procsig: rtl.newTIProcSig([["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]],["CloseAction",this.$rtti["TCloseAction"],1]]), methodkind: 0}); this.$rtti.$MethodVar("TCloseQueryEvent",{procsig: rtl.newTIProcSig([["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]],["CanClose",rtl.boolean,1]]), methodkind: 0}); this.$rtti.$Int("TModalResult",{minvalue: -2147483648, maxvalue: 2147483647, ordtype: 4}); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomForm",pas.Controls.TCustomControl,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Controls.TCustomControl.$; this.FActiveControl = null; this.FAlphaBlend = false; this.FAlphaBlendValue = 0; this.FChildForm = null; this.FDesignTimePPI = 0; this.FFormType = 0; this.FKeyPreview = false; this.FModalResult = 0; this.FModalResultProc = null; this.FOverlay = null; this.FOnActivate = null; this.FOnClose = null; this.FOnCloseQuery = null; this.FOnCreate = null; this.FOnDeactivate = null; this.FOnDestroy = null; this.FOnHide = null; this.FOnResize$1 = null; this.FOnScroll$1 = null; this.FOnShow = null; this.fFormBorderStyle = 0; }; this.$final = function () { this.FActiveControl = undefined; this.FChildForm = undefined; this.FModalResultProc = undefined; this.FOverlay = undefined; this.FOnActivate = undefined; this.FOnClose = undefined; this.FOnCloseQuery = undefined; this.FOnCreate = undefined; this.FOnDeactivate = undefined; this.FOnDestroy = undefined; this.FOnHide = undefined; this.FOnResize$1 = undefined; this.FOnScroll$1 = undefined; this.FOnShow = undefined; pas.Controls.TCustomControl.$; }; this.AppClickHandler = function (aEvent) { var Result = false; var i = 0; for (var $l = 0, $end = this.GetControlCount() - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; if (pas.Controls.TCustomPopupMenu.isPrototypeOf(this.GetControl(i))) this.GetControl(i).SetVisible(false); }; return Result; }; this.SetActiveControl = function (AValue) { if (this.FActiveControl !== AValue) { this.FActiveControl = AValue; }; }; this.SetAlphaBlend = function (AValue) { if (this.FAlphaBlend !== AValue) { this.FAlphaBlend = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetAlphaBlendValue = function (AValue) { if (this.FAlphaBlendValue !== AValue) { this.FAlphaBlendValue = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetFormBorderStyle = function (AValue) { var bs = pas.Controls.TFormBorderStyle.bsNone; if (this.fFormBorderStyle === AValue) return; this.fFormBorderStyle = AValue; if (AValue in rtl.createSet(null,0,1)) { bs = AValue} else bs = 0;,bs); }; this.SetModalResult = function (AValue) { if (this.FModalResult !== AValue) { this.FModalResult = AValue; if ((this.FModalResult !== 0) && (this.FModalResultProc != null)) { this.Close(); }; }; }; this.Activate = function () { if (this.FOnActivate != null) { this.FOnActivate(this); }; }; this.Deactivate = function () { if (this.FOnDeactivate != null) { this.FOnDeactivate(this); }; }; this.DoClose = function (CloseAction) { if (this.FOnDeactivate != null) { this.FOnDeactivate(this); }; }; this.DoCreate = function () { if (this.FOnCreate != null) { this.FOnCreate(this); }; }; this.DoDestroy = function () { if (this.FOnDestroy != null) { this.FOnDestroy(this); }; }; this.DoHide = function () { if (this.FOnHide != null) { this.FOnHide(this); }; }; this.DoResize = function () {; if (this.FOnResize$1 != null) { this.FOnResize$1(this); }; }; this.DoShow = function () { if (this.FOnShow != null) { this.FOnShow(this); }; }; this.HandleEnter = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; var VControl = null; Result =,AEvent); if ((this.FChildForm != null) && (this.FChildForm.FFormType === 0)) { this.FChildForm.Show(); } else { if (this.FActiveControl != null) { VControl = this.FActiveControl; } else { VControl = this.FindFocusControl(null,0); }; this.FocusControl(VControl); this.Activate(); }; return Result; }; this.HandleExit = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; Result =,AEvent); this.Deactivate(); return Result; }; this.Changed = function () {; if (!this.IsUpdating() && !(0 in this.FComponentState)) { var $with = this.FHandleElement; $"outline","none"); if (this.FAlphaBlend) { $"opacity",pas.SysUtils.FloatToStr(rtl.trunc(this.FAlphaBlendValue / 255))); } else { $"opacity"); }; $"overflow","auto"); }; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("div"); return Result; }; this.ProcessResource = function () { if (!pas.WResources.InitResourceComponent(this,$mod.TWForm)) throw pas.Classes.EResNotFound.$create("CreateFmt",[rtl.getResStr(pas.WCLStrConsts,"rsFormResourceSNotFoundForResourcelessFormsCreateNew"),[this.$classname]]); }; this.GetControlClassDefaultSize = function () { var Result = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); = 320; = 240; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { this.CreateNew(AOwner,1); if ((this.$class.ClassType() !== $mod.TWForm) && !(4 in this.FComponentState)) { this.ProcessResource(); }; document.addEventListener("click",rtl.createCallback(this,"AppClickHandler")); return this; }; this.CreateNew = function (AOwner, Num) { pas.Controls.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.FActiveControl = null; this.FAlphaBlend = false; this.FAlphaBlendValue = 255; this.FDesignTimePPI = 96; this.FChildForm = null; this.FFormType = 1; this.FKeyPreview = false; this.FModalResult = 0; this.FModalResultProc = null; this.FOverlay = null; this.SetFormBorderStyle(2); this.BeginUpdate(); try { this.SetColor(16777215); this.SetParentFont(false); this.SetParentShowHint(false); this.SetVisible(false); var $with = this.$class.GetControlClassDefaultSize(); this.SetBounds(0,0,$,$; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { this.FActiveControl = null; this.FChildForm = null; document.removeEventListener("click",rtl.createCallback(this,"AppClickHandler"));; }; this.AfterConstruction = function () {; $mod.Application().UpdateMainForm(this); $mod.Application().RegisterModule(this); this.Loaded(); this.DoCreate(); }; this.BeforeDestruction = function () {; $mod.Application().UnRegisterModule(this); this.DoDestroy(); }; this.Close = function () { var VAction = 0; var VIndex = 0; var VOwnerForm = null; var VModule = null; if (this.CloseQuery()) { VAction = 1; this.DoClose({get: function () { return VAction; }, set: function (v) { VAction = v; }}); if (VAction !== 0) { if ($mod.Application().FMainForm === this) { $mod.Application().Terminate(); } else { this.Hide(); if (this.FFormType === 0) { if ((this.FOwner != null) && $mod.TCustomForm.isPrototypeOf(this.FOwner)) { VOwnerForm = this.FOwner; VOwnerForm.FChildForm = null; if (VOwnerForm.FOverlay != null) { VOwnerForm.FOverlay.$destroy("Destroy"); VOwnerForm.FOverlay = null; }; VOwnerForm.Show(); }; if (this.FModalResultProc != null) { this.FModalResultProc(this,this.FModalResult); }; } else { for (var $l = $mod.Application().GetModuleCount() - 1; $l >= 0; $l--) { VIndex = $l; VModule = $mod.Application().GetModule(VIndex); if ((VModule != null) && VModule.FVisible && (VModule !== this) && VModule.$class.InheritsFrom($mod.TCustomForm)) { VModule.Show(); return; }; }; if ($mod.Application().FMainForm != null) { $mod.Application().FMainForm.Show(); }; }; }; }; }; }; this.CloseQuery = function () { var Result = false; Result = true; if (this.FOnCloseQuery != null) { this.FOnCloseQuery(this,{get: function () { return Result; }, set: function (v) { Result = v; }}); }; return Result; }; this.FocusControl = function (AControl) { if ((AControl != null) && AControl.CanSetFocus()) { AControl.SetFocus(); }; }; this.Hide = function () { this.SetVisible(false); this.DoHide(); }; this.Loaded = function () {; }; this.Resize = function () { var VHeight = 0; var VLeft = 0; var VTop = 0; var VWidth = 0; var VWindowHeight = 0; var VWindowWidth = 0; VWindowWidth = window.innerWidth; VWindowHeight = window.innerHeight; var $tmp = this.FFormType; if ($tmp === 0) { VWidth = this.FWidth; VHeight = this.FHeight; VLeft = rtl.trunc((VWindowWidth - VWidth) / 2); VTop = rtl.trunc((VWindowHeight - VHeight) / 2); this.SetBounds(VLeft,VTop,VWidth,VHeight); } else if ($tmp === 1) { this.SetBounds(0,0,VWindowWidth,VWindowHeight); }; this.DoResize(); }; this.Show = function () { $mod.Application().FActiveForm = this; $mod.Application().SetTitle(this.GetText()); this.BeginUpdate(); try { this.SetVisible(true); this.Resize(); } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; this.BringToFront(); this.SetFocus(); this.DoShow(); }; this.ShowModal = function (AModalResultProc) { var VForm = null; if (!(this.FOwner != null)) { throw new Error("Owner not found."); }; if (!$mod.TCustomForm.isPrototypeOf(this.FOwner)) { throw new Error("Invalid owner."); }; VForm = this.FOwner; if (VForm.FChildForm != null) { throw new Error("Modal form already exists."); }; VForm.FChildForm = this; VForm.FOverlay = $impl.TOverlay.$create("Create$1",[VForm]); this.FFormType = 0; this.FModalResult = 0; if (AModalResultProc != null) { this.FModalResultProc = AModalResultProc; } else { this.FModalResultProc = $impl.DefaultModalProc; }; this.Show(); }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TApplication",pas.Classes.TComponent,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Classes.TComponent.$; this.FModules = null; this.FActiveForm = null; this.FMainForm = null; this.FStopOnException = false; this.FTerminated = false; this.FTitle = ""; this.FOnResize = null; this.FOnUnload = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FModules = undefined; this.FActiveForm = undefined; this.FMainForm = undefined; this.FOnResize = undefined; this.FOnUnload = undefined; pas.Classes.TComponent.$; }; this.GetApplicatioName = function () { var Result = ""; Result = window.location.pathname; return Result; }; this.GetModule = function (AIndex) { var Result = null; Result = rtl.getObject(this.FModules[AIndex]); return Result; }; this.GetModuleCount = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.FModules.length; return Result; }; this.SetTitle = function (AValue) { if (this.FTitle !== AValue) { this.FTitle = AValue; document.title = this.FTitle; }; }; this.DoResize = function () { if (this.FOnResize != null) { this.FOnResize(this); }; }; this.DoUnload = function () { if (this.FOnUnload != null) { this.FOnUnload(this); }; }; this.LoadIcon = function () { var $with = document.head.appendChild(document.createElement("link")); $with.setAttribute("rel","icon"); $with.setAttribute("type","image\/icon"); $with.setAttribute("href",this.GetApplicatioName().replace("html","ico")); }; this.RegisterHandleEvents = function () { window.addEventListener("error",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleError")); window.addEventListener("resize",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleResize")); window.addEventListener("unload",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleUnload")); }; this.UnRegisterHandleEvents = function () { window.removeEventListener("error",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleError")); window.removeEventListener("resize",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleResize")); window.removeEventListener("unload",rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleUnload")); }; var CLE = pas.System.LineEnding; var CError = "Error Message: %s " + CLE + "Line Nro: %d " + CLE + "Column Nro: %d " + CLE; this.HandleError = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; if (AEvent.message.toLowerCase().indexOf("script error",0) > -1) { window.alert("Script Error: See Browser Console for Detail"); } else { window.alert(pas.SysUtils.Format(CError,[AEvent.message,AEvent.lineno,AEvent.colno])); }; if (this.FStopOnException) { this.Terminate(); }; AEvent.stopPropagation(); Result = false; return Result; }; this.HandleResize = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; var VControl = null; var VIndex = 0; AEvent.stopPropagation(); this.DoResize(); Result = true; for (var $l = 0, $end = this.FModules.length - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { VIndex = $l; VControl = rtl.getObject(this.FModules[VIndex]); if ((VControl != null) && VControl.FVisible && VControl.$class.InheritsFrom($mod.TCustomForm)) { VControl.Resize(); }; }; return Result; }; this.HandleUnload = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; AEvent.stopPropagation(); Result = true; try { this.DoUnload(); } finally { this.Terminate(); }; return Result; }; this.HandleException = function (AException) { if (pas.SysUtils.Exception.isPrototypeOf(AException)) { window.alert(pas.SysUtils.Format(rtl.getResStr(pas.WCLStrConsts,"rsErrUncaughtException"),[AException.$classname,AException.fMessage])); } else { window.alert(pas.SysUtils.Format(rtl.getResStr(pas.WCLStrConsts,"rsErrUncaughtObject"),[AException.$classname])); }; if (this.FStopOnException) this.Terminate(); }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Classes.TComponent.Create$,AOwner); pas.p2jsres.SetResourceSource(0); pas.SysUtils.SetOnUnCaughtExceptionHandler($impl.DoUncaughtPascalException); rtl.showUncaughtExceptions=true; this.FModules = new Array(); this.FMainForm = null; this.FStopOnException = true; this.FTerminated = false; this.FTitle = ""; return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { this.FModules.length = 0;; }; this.CreateForm = function (AInstanceClass, AReference) { try { AReference.set(AInstanceClass.$create("Create$1",[this])); } catch ($e) { AReference.set(null); throw $e; }; }; this.Initialize = function () { }; this.Run = function () { this.RegisterHandleEvents(); this.LoadIcon(); if (this.FMainForm != null) { this.FMainForm.Show(); }; }; this.Terminate = function () { var VModule = null; var VIndex = 0; if (!this.FTerminated) { this.UnRegisterHandleEvents(); this.FTerminated = true; for (var $l = this.FModules.length - 1; $l >= 0; $l--) { VIndex = $l; VModule = rtl.getObject(this.FModules[VIndex]); if (VModule != null) { VModule.$destroy("Destroy"); VModule = null; }; }; }; }; this.UpdateMainForm = function (AForm) { if (!(this.FMainForm != null)) { this.FMainForm = AForm; this.FActiveForm = AForm; }; }; this.RegisterModule = function (AModule) { if (AModule != null) { if (this.FModules.indexOf(AModule) === -1) { this.FModules.push(AModule); if (!document.body.contains(AModule.FHandleElement)) { document.body.appendChild(AModule.FHandleElement); }; }; }; }; this.UnRegisterModule = function (AModule) { var VIndex = 0; if (AModule != null) { VIndex = this.FModules.indexOf(AModule); if (VIndex >= 0) { this.FModules.splice(VIndex,1); if (document.body.contains(AModule.FHandleElement)) { document.body.removeChild(AModule.FHandleElement); }; }; }; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TWForm",this.TCustomForm,function () { rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("ActiveControl",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TWinControl"],"FActiveControl","SetActiveControl"); $r.addProperty("Align",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TAlign"],"FAlign","SetAlign"); $r.addProperty("AlphaBlend",2,rtl.boolean,"FAlphaBlend","SetAlphaBlend"); $r.addProperty("AlphaBlendValue",2,rtl.byte,"FAlphaBlendValue","SetAlphaBlendValue"); $r.addProperty("Caption",3,pas.Controls.$rtti["TCaption"],"GetText","SetText"); $r.addProperty("ClientHeight",3,rtl.nativeint,"GetClientHeight","SetClientHeight"); $r.addProperty("ClientWidth",3,rtl.nativeint,"GetClientWidth","SetClientWidth"); $r.addProperty("Color",2,rtl.longint,"FColor","SetColor"); $r.addProperty("DesignTimePPI",0,rtl.longint,"FDesignTimePPI","FDesignTimePPI"); $r.addProperty("Enabled",2,rtl.boolean,"FEnabled","SetEnabled"); $r.addProperty("Font",2,pas.Graphics.$rtti["TFont"],"FFont","SetFont"); $r.addProperty("HandleClass",2,rtl.string,"FHandleClass","SetHandleClass"); $r.addProperty("HandleId",2,rtl.string,"FHandleId","SetHandleId"); $r.addProperty("KeyPreview",0,rtl.boolean,"FKeyPreview","FKeyPreview"); $r.addProperty("PopupMenu",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TCustomPopupMenu"],"FPopupMenu","SetPopupMenu"); $r.addProperty("ShowHint",2,rtl.boolean,"FShowHint","SetShowHint"); $r.addProperty("Visible",2,rtl.boolean,"FVisible","SetVisible"); $r.addProperty("OnActivate",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnActivate","FOnActivate"); $r.addProperty("OnClick",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnClick","FOnClick"); $r.addProperty("OnClose",0,$mod.$rtti["TCloseEvent"],"FOnClose","FOnClose"); $r.addProperty("OnCloseQuery",0,$mod.$rtti["TCloseQueryEvent"],"FOnCloseQuery","FOnCloseQuery"); $r.addProperty("OnCreate",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnCreate","FOnCreate"); $r.addProperty("OnDblClick",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnDblClick","FOnDblClick"); $r.addProperty("OnDeactivate",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnDeactivate","FOnDeactivate"); $r.addProperty("OnDestroy",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnDestroy","FOnDestroy"); $r.addProperty("OnHide",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnHide","FOnHide"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyDown",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyEvent"],"FOnKeyDown","FOnKeyDown"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyPress",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyPressEvent"],"FOnKeyPress","FOnKeyPress"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyUp",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyEvent"],"FOnKeyUp","FOnKeyUp"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseDown",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseEvent"],"FOnMouseDown","FOnMouseDown"); 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() { $impl.DefaultModalProc = function (Sender, ModalResult) { if (Sender != null) { Sender.$destroy("Destroy"); Sender = null; }; }; $impl.VAppInstance = null; rtl.createClass($impl,"TOverlay",pas.System.TObject,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.System.TObject.$; this.FForm = null; this.FHandleElement = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FForm = undefined; this.FHandleElement = undefined; pas.System.TObject.$; }; this.Create$1 = function (AForm) { this.FForm = AForm; if (this.FForm != null) { this.FHandleElement = document.createElement("div"); var $with = this.FHandleElement; $"left","0px"); $"top","0px"); $"height","100%"); $"width","100%"); $"background","rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)"); $"position","absolute"); $"overflow","hidden"); this.FForm.FHandleElement.appendChild(this.FHandleElement); }; return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { if (this.FForm != null) { this.FForm.FHandleElement.removeChild(this.FHandleElement); };; }; }); $impl.DoUncaughtPascalException = function (E) { $mod.Application().HandleException(E); }; }; },["WResources","WCLStrConsts","p2jsres"]); rtl.module("WebExtra",["System","JS","Classes","SysUtils","Web"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; }); rtl.module("StdCtrls",["System","Classes","SysUtils","Types","Web","WebExtra","Graphics","Controls","Forms"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; var $impl = $mod.$impl; this.TEditCharCase = {"0": "ecNormal", ecNormal: 0, "1": "ecUppercase", ecUppercase: 1, "2": "ecLowerCase", ecLowerCase: 2}; this.$rtti.$Enum("TEditCharCase",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 2, ordtype: 1, enumtype: this.TEditCharCase}); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomComboBox",pas.Controls.TWinControl,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; this.FDropDownCount = 0; this.FItemHeight = 0; this.FItemIndex = 0; this.FItems = null; this.FOnChange = null; this.FSorted = false; }; this.$final = function () { this.FItems = undefined; this.FOnChange = undefined; pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; }; this.SetItemHeight = function (AValue) { if (this.FItemHeight !== AValue) { this.FItemHeight = AValue; this.Change(); }; }; this.SetItemIndex = function (AValue) { if ((AValue > -1) && (AValue < this.FItems.GetCount())) { this.FItemIndex = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetItems = function (AValue) { this.FItems.Assign(AValue); this.Changed(); }; this.ItemsChange = function (ASender) { this.Changed(); }; this.Change = function () { if (this.FOnChange != null) { this.FOnChange(this); }; }; this.HandleChange = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; AEvent.stopPropagation(); this.FItemIndex = this.FHandleElement.selectedIndex; this.Change(); Result = true; return Result; }; this.Changed = function () { var VIndex = 0; var VOptionElement = null; var VValue = "";; if (!this.IsUpdating() && !(0 in this.FComponentState)) { for (var $l = this.FHandleElement.length - 1; $l >= 0; $l--) { VIndex = $l; this.FHandleElement.remove(VIndex); }; for (var $l1 = 0, $end = this.FItems.GetCount() - 1; $l1 <= $end; $l1++) { VIndex = $l1; VValue = this.FItems.Get(VIndex); VOptionElement = document.createElement("option"); VOptionElement.value = VValue; VOptionElement.text = VValue; VOptionElement.selected = VIndex === this.FItemIndex; this.FHandleElement.add(VOptionElement); }; if (this.FItemIndex < 0) { VOptionElement = document.createElement("option"); VOptionElement.value = ""; VOptionElement.text = ""; VOptionElement.selected = true; VOptionElement.disabled = true;"display","none"); this.FHandleElement.add(VOptionElement); }; }; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("select"); return Result; }; this.RegisterHandleEvents = function () {; var $with = this.FHandleElement; $with.addEventListener("change",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleChange")); }; this.UnRegisterHandleEvents = function () {; var $with = this.FHandleElement; $with.removeEventListener("change",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleChange")); }; this.CheckChildClassAllowed = function (AChildClass) { var Result = false; Result = false; return Result; }; this.RealGetText = function () { var Result = ""; Result = this.FItems.Get(this.FItemIndex); return Result; }; this.RealSetText = function (AValue) { var VIndex = 0; VIndex = this.FItems.IndexOf(AValue); if ((VIndex > -1) && (VIndex < this.FItems.GetCount())) { this.FItemIndex = VIndex; this.Changed(); }; }; this.GetControlClassDefaultSize = function () { var Result = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); = 100; = 25; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Controls.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.FDropDownCount = 8; this.FItemHeight = 0; this.FItemIndex = -1; this.FItems = pas.Classes.TStringList.$create("Create$1"); this.FItems.FOnChange = rtl.createCallback(this,"ItemsChange"); this.FSorted = false; this.BeginUpdate(); try { var $with = this.$class.GetControlClassDefaultSize(); this.SetBounds(0,0,$,$; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { this.FItems.$destroy("Destroy"); this.FItems = null;; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomEdit",pas.Controls.TWinControl,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; this.FAlignment = 0; this.FCharCase = 0; this.FMaxLength = 0; this.FModified = false; this.FPasswordChar = ""; this.FPattern = ""; this.FReadOnly = false; this.FRequired = false; this.FSelLength = 0; this.FSelStart = 0; this.FText = ""; this.FTextHint = ""; this.FOnChange = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FOnChange = undefined; pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; }; this.SetAlignment = function (AValue) { if (this.FAlignment !== AValue) { this.FAlignment = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetCharCase = function (AValue) { if (this.FCharCase !== AValue) { this.FCharCase = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetMaxLength = function (AValue) { if (this.FMaxLength !== AValue) { this.FMaxLength = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetPasswordChar = function (AValue) { if (this.FPasswordChar !== AValue) { this.FPasswordChar = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetReadOnly = function (AValue) { if (this.FReadOnly !== AValue) { this.FReadOnly = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetSelLength = function (AValue) { if (AValue < 0) { AValue = 0; }; if (this.FSelLength !== AValue) { this.FSelLength = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetSelStart = function (AValue) { if (this.FSelStart !== AValue) { this.FSelStart = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetTextHint = function (AValue) { if (this.FTextHint !== AValue) { this.FTextHint = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.Change = function () { if (this.FOnChange != null) { this.FOnChange(this); }; }; this.DoEnter = function () {; this.SelectAll(); }; this.DoInput = function (ANewValue) { if (ANewValue !== this.RealGetText()) { this.FText = ANewValue; this.FModified = true; this.Change(); }; }; this.HandleInput = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; AEvent.stopPropagation(); this.DoInput(this.FHandleElement.value); Result = true; return Result; }; this.Changed = function () {; if (!this.IsUpdating() && !(0 in this.FComponentState)) { var $with = this.FHandleElement; var $tmp = this.FAlignment; if ($tmp === 1) { $"text-align","right")} else if ($tmp === 2) { $"text-align","center")} else { $"text-align"); }; var $tmp1 = this.FCharCase; if ($tmp1 === 2) { $"text-transform","lowercase")} else if ($tmp1 === 1) { $"text-transform","uppercase")} else { $"text-transform"); }; if (this.FMaxLength > 0) { $with.maxLength = this.FMaxLength; } else { $with.removeAttribute("maxlength"); }; if (this.FPattern !== "") { $with.pattern = this.FPattern; } else { $with.removeAttribute("pattern"); }; if (this.FTextHint !== "") { $with.placeholder = this.FTextHint; } else { $with.removeAttribute("placeholder"); }; $with.readOnly = this.FReadOnly; $with.required = this.FRequired; var $tmp2 = this.InputType(); if (($tmp2 === "text") || ($tmp2 === "search") || ($tmp2 === "URL") || ($tmp2 === "tel") || ($tmp2 === "password")) { $with.setSelectionRange(this.FSelStart,this.FSelStart + this.FSelLength); }; $with.type = this.InputType(); $with.value = this.RealGetText(); }; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("input"); return Result; }; this.RegisterHandleEvents = function () {; var $with = this.FHandleElement; $with.addEventListener("input",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleInput")); }; this.UnRegisterHandleEvents = function () {; var $with = this.FHandleElement; $with.removeEventListener("input",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleInput")); }; this.CheckChildClassAllowed = function (AChildClass) { var Result = false; Result =,AChildClass); return Result; }; this.RealGetText = function () { var Result = ""; Result = this.FText; return Result; }; this.RealSetText = function (AValue) { this.FText = AValue; this.FModified = false; this.Changed(); }; this.InputType = function () { var Result = ""; Result = pas.Controls.IfThen$3(this.FPasswordChar !== "\x00","password","text"); return Result; }; this.GetControlClassDefaultSize = function () { var Result = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); = 80; = 25; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Controls.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.FMaxLength = 0; this.FModified = false; this.FPasswordChar = "\x00"; this.FPattern = ""; this.FReadOnly = false; this.FTextHint = ""; this.FText = ""; this.BeginUpdate(); try { var $with = this.$class.GetControlClassDefaultSize(); this.SetBounds(0,0,$,$; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; this.SelectAll = function () { if (this.RealGetText() !== "") { this.BeginUpdate(); try { this.SetSelStart(0); this.SetSelLength(this.RealGetText().length); } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; }; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomMemo",pas.Controls.TWinControl,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; this.FAlignment = 0; this.FCharCase = 0; this.FLines = null; this.FMaxLength = 0; this.FModified = false; this.FReadOnly = false; this.FTextHint = ""; this.FWantReturns = false; this.FWantTabs = false; this.FWordWrap = false; this.FOnChange = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FLines = undefined; this.FOnChange = undefined; pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; }; this.HandleLinesChange = function (aSender) { this.Changed(); }; this.SetAlignment = function (AValue) { if (this.FAlignment !== AValue) { this.FAlignment = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetCharCase = function (AValue) { if (this.FCharCase !== AValue) { this.FCharCase = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetLines = function (AValue) { this.FLines.Assign(AValue); this.Changed(); }; this.SetMaxLength = function (AValue) { if (this.FMaxLength !== AValue) { this.FMaxLength = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetReadOnly = function (AValue) { if (this.FReadOnly !== AValue) { this.FReadOnly = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetTextHint = function (AValue) { if (this.FTextHint !== AValue) { this.FTextHint = AValue; }; }; this.SetWantReturns = function (AValue) { if (this.FWantReturns !== AValue) { this.FWantReturns = AValue; }; }; this.SetWantTabs = function (AValue) { if (this.FWantTabs !== AValue) { this.FWantTabs = AValue; }; }; this.SetWordWrap = function (AValue) { if (this.FWordWrap !== AValue) { this.FWordWrap = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.Change = function () { if (this.FOnChange != null) { this.FOnChange(this); }; }; this.KeyDown = function (Key, Shift) { var StartPos = 0; var NewText = "";,Key,rtl.refSet(Shift)); if (!this.FWantReturns && (Key.get() === 13)) { Key.set(0); }; if (this.FWantTabs && (Key.get() === 9)) { StartPos = this.FHandleElement.selectionStart; NewText = this.GetText(); pas.System.Insert("\t",{get: function () { return NewText; }, set: function (v) { NewText = v; }},StartPos + 1); this.SetText(NewText); this.FHandleElement.selectionEnd = StartPos + 1; Key.set(0); }; }; this.HandleChange = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; var VNewText = ""; var VOldText = ""; AEvent.stopPropagation(); VNewText = this.FHandleElement.value; VOldText = this.RealGetText(); if (VNewText !== VOldText) { this.FLines.SetTextStr(VNewText); this.FModified = true; this.Change(); }; Result = true; return Result; }; this.Changed = function () {; if (!this.IsUpdating() && !(0 in this.FComponentState)) { var $with = this.FHandleElement; var $tmp = this.FAlignment; if ($tmp === 1) { $"text-align","right")} else if ($tmp === 2) { $"text-align","center")} else { $"text-align"); }; var $tmp1 = this.FCharCase; if ($tmp1 === 2) { $"text-transform","lowercase")} else if ($tmp1 === 1) { $"text-transform","uppercase")} else { $"text-transform"); }; if (this.FMaxLength > 0) { $with.maxLength = this.FMaxLength; } else { $with.removeAttribute("maxlength"); }; if (this.FTextHint !== "") { $with.placeholder = this.FTextHint; } else { $with.removeAttribute("placeholder"); }; $with.readOnly = this.FReadOnly; $"resize","none"); if (this.FWordWrap) { $with.removeAttribute("wrap"); } else { $with.wrap = "off"; }; $"overflow","auto"); $with.value = this.RealGetText(); }; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("textarea"); return Result; }; this.RegisterHandleEvents = function () {; var $with = this.FHandleElement; $with.addEventListener("input",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleChange")); }; this.UnRegisterHandleEvents = function () {; var $with = this.FHandleElement; $with.removeEventListener("input",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleChange")); }; this.CheckChildClassAllowed = function (AChildClass) { var Result = false; Result = false; return Result; }; this.RealGetText = function () { var Result = ""; Result = this.FLines.GetTextStr(); return Result; }; this.RealSetText = function (AValue) { this.FLines.SetTextStr(AValue); this.FModified = false; this.Changed(); }; this.GetControlClassDefaultSize = function () { var Result = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); = 150; = 90; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Controls.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.FLines = $impl.TCustomMemoStrings.$create("Create$1"); this.FLines.FOnChange = rtl.createCallback(this,"HandleLinesChange"); this.FMaxLength = 0; this.FModified = false; this.FReadOnly = false; this.FTextHint = ""; this.FWantReturns = true; this.FWantTabs = false; this.FWordWrap = true; this.BeginUpdate(); try { var $with = this.$class.GetControlClassDefaultSize(); this.SetBounds(0,0,$,$; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { this.FLines.$destroy("Destroy"); this.FLines = null;; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomButton",pas.Controls.TWinControl,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; this.FModalResult = 0; }; this.Changed = function () {; if (!this.IsUpdating() && !(0 in this.FComponentState)) { var $with = this.FHandleElement; $"padding","0"); $with.innerHTML = this.GetText(); }; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("button"); return Result; }; this.CheckChildClassAllowed = function (AChildClass) { var Result = false; Result = false; return Result; }; this.GetControlClassDefaultSize = function () { var Result = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); = 80; = 25; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Controls.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.FModalResult = 0; this.BeginUpdate(); try { var $with = this.$class.GetControlClassDefaultSize(); this.SetBounds(0,0,$,$; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; this.AdjustSize = function () { var VSize = pas.Types.TSize.$new();; VSize.$assign(this.FFont.TextExtent(this.GetText())); this.SetBounds(this.FLeft,this.FTop,,; }; this.Click = function () { var VParent = null; if (this.FModalResult !== 0) { VParent = this.FParent; while (VParent != null) { if (pas.Forms.TCustomForm.isPrototypeOf(VParent)) { VParent.SetModalResult(this.FModalResult); break; }; VParent = VParent.FParent; }; };; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); this.TCheckBoxState = {"0": "cbUnchecked", cbUnchecked: 0, "1": "cbChecked", cbChecked: 1}; this.$rtti.$Enum("TCheckBoxState",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 1, ordtype: 1, enumtype: this.TCheckBoxState}); this.$rtti.$Enum("TLeftRight",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 1, ordtype: 1, enumtype: this.TAlignment}); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomCheckbox",pas.Controls.TWinControl,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; this.FAlignment = pas.Classes.TAlignment.taLeftJustify; this.FLabelElement = null; this.FMarkElement = null; this.FState = 0; this.FOnChange = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FLabelElement = undefined; this.FMarkElement = undefined; this.FOnChange = undefined; pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; }; this.GetChecked = function () { var Result = false; Result = this.GetState() === 1; return Result; }; this.GetState = function () { var Result = 0; Result = this.FState; return Result; }; this.SetAlignment = function (AValue) { if (this.FAlignment !== AValue) { this.FAlignment = AValue; }; }; this.SetChecked = function (AValue) { if (AValue) { this.SetState(1); } else { this.SetState(0); }; }; this.SetState = function (AValue) { if (this.FState !== AValue) { this.FState = AValue; this.Changed(); this.DoOnChange(); }; }; this.DoOnChange = function () { if (this.FOnChange != null) { this.FOnChange(this); }; }; this.HandleClick = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; this.SetChecked(this.FState !== 1); Result =,AEvent); return Result; }; this.Changed = function () {; if (!this.IsUpdating() && !(0 in this.FComponentState)) { var $with = this.FHandleElement; $"white-space","nowrap"); $"user-select","none"); $"-moz-user-select","none"); $"-ms-user-select","none"); $"-khtml-user-select","none"); $"-webkit-user-select","none"); $"display","flex"); $"align-items","center"); if (this.FAutoSize) { $"height"); $"width"); }; var $with1 = this.FMarkElement; $with1.checked = this.FState === 1; $with1.type = "checkbox"; var $with2 = this.FLabelElement; $with2.innerHTML = this.GetText(); }; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("span"); return Result; }; this.CreateMarkElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = this.FHandleElement.appendChild(document.createElement("input")); return Result; }; this.CreateLabelElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = this.FHandleElement.appendChild(document.createElement("span")); return Result; }; this.CheckChildClassAllowed = function (AChildClass) { var Result = false; Result = false; return Result; }; this.GetControlClassDefaultSize = function () { var Result = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); = 90; = 23; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Controls.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.FMarkElement = this.CreateMarkElement(); this.FLabelElement = this.CreateLabelElement(); this.FAlignment = 1; this.FState = 0; try { var $with = this.$class.GetControlClassDefaultSize(); this.SetBounds(0,0,$,$; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomRadioButton",pas.Controls.TWinControl,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; this.fInput = null; this.fLabel = null; this.FOnChange = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.fInput = undefined; this.fLabel = undefined; this.FOnChange = undefined; pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; }; this.ChangeHandler = function (Event) { var Result = false; if (this.FOnChange != null) this.FOnChange(this); return Result; }; this.GetChecked = function () { var Result = false; Result = this.fInput.checked; return Result; }; this.LabelClickHandler = function (aEvent) { var Result = false; if (!this.GetChecked()) this.SetChecked(true); return Result; }; this.SetChecked = function (AValue) { if (AValue === this.fInput.checked) return; this.fInput.checked = AValue; if (this.FOnChange != null) this.FOnChange(this); }; this.Changed = function () {;"display","flex");"align-items","center");"white-space","nowrap"); if (this.FAutoSize) {"height");"width"); }; this.fInput.type = "radio"; = this.FName; = this.FParent.FName; this.fInput.value = this.GetText(); this.fLabel.textContent = this.GetText(); this.fLabel.onclick = rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"LabelClickHandler"); }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("div"); this.fInput = document.createElement("input"); this.fLabel = document.createElement("label"); Result.append(this.fInput); this.fInput.onselect = rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"ChangeHandler"); this.fInput.addEventListener("change",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"ChangeHandler")); Result.append(this.fLabel); return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Controls.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.SetAutoSize(true); return this; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomLabel",pas.Controls.TWinControl,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; this.FAlignment = 0; this.FContentElement = null; this.FFocusControl = null; this.FLayout = 0; this.FTransparent = false; this.FWordWrap = false; }; this.$final = function () { this.FContentElement = undefined; this.FFocusControl = undefined; pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; }; this.SetAlignment = function (AValue) { if (this.FAlignment !== AValue) { this.FAlignment = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetLayout = function (AValue) { if (this.FLayout !== AValue) { this.FLayout = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetTransparent = function (AValue) { if (this.FTransparent !== AValue) { this.FTransparent = AValue; this.BeginUpdate(); try { if (this.FTransparent) { this.SetColor(536870911); } else if (this.FColor === 536870911) { this.SetColor(-2147483647); }; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; }; }; this.SetWordWrap = function (AValue) { if (this.FWordWrap !== AValue) { this.FWordWrap = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.DoEnter = function () {; if ((this.FFocusControl != null) && this.FFocusControl.CanSetFocus()) { this.FFocusControl.SetFocus(); }; }; this.Changed = function () {; if (!this.IsUpdating() && !(0 in this.FComponentState)) { var $with = this.FHandleElement; if (this.FTransparent) { $"background-color","transparent"); }; $"outline","none"); $"user-select","none"); $"-moz-user-select","none"); $"-ms-user-select","none"); $"-khtml-user-select","none"); $"-webkit-user-select","none"); if (this.FAutoSize) { $"height"); $"width"); }; var $tmp = this.FAlignment; if ($tmp === 2) { $"text-align","center")} else if ($tmp === 0) { $"text-align","left")} else if ($tmp === 1) $"text-align","right"); var $with1 = this.FContentElement; $with1.innerHTML = ""; $"display","table-cell"); var $tmp1 = this.FLayout; if ($tmp1 === 2) { $"vertical-align","bottom")} else if ($tmp1 === 1) { $"vertical-align","middle")} else if ($tmp1 === 0) $"vertical-align","top"); if (this.FWordWrap) { $"word-wrap","break-word"); $"white-space"); } else { $"white-space","nowrap"); $"word-wrap"); }; $"overflow","hidden"); $"text-overflow","ellipsis"); $with1.innerHTML = this.GetText(); }; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("div"); return Result; }; this.CreateContentElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = this.FHandleElement.appendChild(document.createElement("label")); return Result; }; this.CheckChildClassAllowed = function (AChildClass) { var Result = false; Result = false; return Result; }; this.GetControlClassDefaultSize = function () { var Result = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); = 65; = 17; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Controls.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.FContentElement = this.CreateContentElement(); this.FAlignment = 0; this.FFocusControl = null; this.FLayout = 0; this.FTransparent = true; this.FWordWrap = false; this.BeginUpdate(); try { this.SetTabStop(false); this.SetAutoSize(true); var $with = this.$class.GetControlClassDefaultSize(); this.SetBounds(0,0,$,$; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; this.AdjustSize = function () {; this.Changed(); }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); $mod.$implcode = function () { rtl.createClass($impl,"TCustomMemoStrings",pas.Classes.TStringList,function () { this.DoReadData = function (Reader) { Reader.ReadListBegin(); this.BeginUpdate(); try { this.Clear(); while (!Reader.EndOfList()) this.Add(Reader.ReadString()); } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; Reader.ReadListEnd(); }; this.DoWriteData = function (Writer) { var i = 0; var lStringsNoWordWrap = null; lStringsNoWordWrap = pas.Classes.TStringList.$create("Create$1"); try { lStringsNoWordWrap.SetTextStr(this.GetTextStr()); Writer.WriteListBegin(); for (var $l = 0, $end = lStringsNoWordWrap.GetCount() - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; Writer.WriteString(lStringsNoWordWrap.Get(i)); }; Writer.WriteListEnd(); } finally { lStringsNoWordWrap = rtl.freeLoc(lStringsNoWordWrap); }; }; this.DefineProperties = function (Filer) { var HasData = false; HasData = this.GetCount() > 0; Filer.DefineProperty("Strings",rtl.createCallback(this,"DoReadData"),rtl.createCallback(this,"DoWriteData"),HasData); }; }); }; },["RTLConsts"]); rtl.module("ExtCtrls",["System","JS","Classes","SysUtils","Types","Web","Graphics","Controls"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomImage",pas.Controls.TCustomControl,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Controls.TCustomControl.$; this.FCenter = false; this.FPicture = null; this.FProportional = false; this.FStretch = false; this.FOnPictureChanged = null; this.FStretchInEnabled = false; this.FStretchOutEnabled = false; this.FTransparent = false; this.FURL = ""; }; this.$final = function () { this.FPicture = undefined; this.FOnPictureChanged = undefined; pas.Controls.TCustomControl.$; }; this.SetCenter = function (AValue) { if (this.FCenter !== AValue) { this.FCenter = AValue; this.PictureChanged(this); }; }; this.SetProportional = function (AValue) { if (this.FProportional !== AValue) { this.FProportional = AValue; this.PictureChanged(this); }; }; this.SetStretch = function (AValue) { if (this.FStretch !== AValue) { this.FStretch = AValue; this.PictureChanged(this); }; }; this.SetStretchInEnabled = function (AValue) { if (this.FStretchInEnabled !== AValue) ; this.FStretchInEnabled = AValue; this.PictureChanged(this); }; this.SetStretchOutEnabled = function (AValue) { if (this.FStretchOutEnabled !== AValue) { this.FStretchOutEnabled = AValue; this.PictureChanged(this); }; }; this.SetTransparent = function (AValue) { if (this.FTransparent === AValue) { this.FTransparent = AValue; }; }; this.SetURL = function (AValue) { if (this.FURL === AValue) return; this.FURL = AValue; this.PictureChanged(this); }; this.Changed = function () {; if (!this.IsUpdating() && !(0 in this.FComponentState)) { var $with = this.FHandleElement; $"outline","none"); $"background-image",pas.SysUtils.Format("url('%s')",[this.FURL])); $"background-repeat","no-repeat"); if (this.FCenter) { $"background-position","center center"); } else { $"background-position"); }; if (this.FProportional) { $"background-size","contain"); } else if (this.FStretch) { if (this.FStretchInEnabled && this.FStretchOutEnabled) { $"background-size","100% 100%"); } else if (this.FStretchInEnabled) { $"background-size","auto 100%"); } else if (this.FStretchOutEnabled) { $"background-size","100% auto"); }; } else { $"background-size","auto"); }; }; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("div"); return Result; }; this.CheckChildClassAllowed = function (AChildClass) { var Result = false; Result = false; return Result; }; this.PictureChanged = function (Sender) { this.Changed(); if (this.FOnPictureChanged != null) { this.FOnPictureChanged(this); }; }; this.GetControlClassDefaultSize = function () { var Result = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); = 90; = 90; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Controls.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.FPicture = pas.Graphics.TPicture.$create("Create$1"); this.FPicture.FOnChange = rtl.createCallback(this,"PictureChanged"); this.FCenter = false; this.FProportional = false; this.FStretch = false; this.FStretchOutEnabled = true; this.FStretchInEnabled = true; this.FTransparent = false; this.BeginUpdate(); try { var $with = this.$class.GetControlClassDefaultSize(); this.SetBounds(0,0,$,$; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); this.$rtti.$Int("TBevelWidth",{minvalue: 1, maxvalue: 2147483647, ordtype: 5}); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomPanel",pas.Controls.TCustomControl,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Controls.TCustomControl.$; this.FAlignment = 0; this.FBevelColor = 0; this.FBevelInner = 0; this.FBevelOuter = 0; this.FBevelWidth = 0; this.FLayout = 0; this.FWordWrap = false; }; this.SetAlignment = function (AValue) { if (this.FAlignment !== AValue) { this.FAlignment = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetBevelColor = function (AValue) { if (this.FBevelColor !== AValue) { this.FBevelColor = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetBevelInner = function (AValue) { if (this.FBevelInner !== AValue) { this.FBevelInner = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetBevelOuter = function (AValue) { if (this.FBevelOuter !== AValue) { this.FBevelOuter = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetBevelWidth = function (AValue) { if (this.FBevelWidth !== AValue) { this.FBevelWidth = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetWordWrap = function (AValue) { if (this.FWordWrap !== AValue) { this.FWordWrap = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.Changed = function () { var VTopColor = 0; var VBottomColor = 0;; if (!this.IsUpdating() && !(0 in this.FComponentState)) { var $with = this.FHandleElement; if (this.FBevelOuter === 0) { $"border-width"); $"border-left-color"); $"border-left-style"); $"border-top-color"); $"border-top-style"); $"border-right-color"); $"border-right-style"); $"border-bottom-color"); $"border-bottom-style"); } else { if (this.FBevelColor === 536870912) { var $tmp = this.FBevelOuter; if ($tmp === 1) { VTopColor = 8421504; VBottomColor = 16777215; } else if ($tmp === 2) { VTopColor = 16777215; VBottomColor = 8421504; } else { VTopColor = this.FColor; VBottomColor = this.FColor; }; } else { VTopColor = this.FBevelColor; VBottomColor = this.FBevelColor; }; $"border-width",pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(this.FBevelWidth) + "px"); $"border-style","solid"); $"border-left-color",pas.Graphics.JSColor(VTopColor,this.FAlpha)); $"border-top-color",pas.Graphics.JSColor(VTopColor,this.FAlpha)); $"border-right-color",pas.Graphics.JSColor(VBottomColor,this.FAlpha)); $"border-bottom-color",pas.Graphics.JSColor(VBottomColor,this.FAlpha)); }; $"outline","none"); $"user-select","none"); $"-moz-user-select","none"); $"-ms-user-select","none"); $"-khtml-user-select","none"); $"-webkit-user-select","none"); }; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("div"); return Result; }; this.GetControlClassDefaultSize = function () { var Result = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); = 170; = 50; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Controls.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.FAlignment = 2; this.FBevelColor = 536870912; this.FBevelOuter = 2; this.FBevelInner = 0; this.FBevelWidth = 1; this.FLayout = 1; this.FWordWrap = false; this.BeginUpdate(); try { this.SetTabStop(false); var $with = this.$class.GetControlClassDefaultSize(); this.SetBounds(0,0,$,$; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomTimer",pas.Classes.TComponent,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Classes.TComponent.$; this.FEnabled = false; this.FInterval = 0; this.FTimerHandle = 0; this.FOnStartTimer = null; this.FOnStopTimer = null; this.FOnTimer = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FOnStartTimer = undefined; this.FOnStopTimer = undefined; this.FOnTimer = undefined; pas.Classes.TComponent.$; }; this.SetEnabled = function (AValue) { if (this.FEnabled === AValue) return; this.FEnabled = AValue; this.UpdateTimer(); }; this.SetInterval = function (AValue) { if (this.FInterval === AValue) return; this.FInterval = AValue; this.UpdateTimer(); }; this.SetOnTimer = function (AValue) { if (rtl.eqCallback(this.FOnTimer,AValue)) return; this.FOnTimer = AValue; this.UpdateTimer(); }; this.UpdateTimer = function () { var $Self = this; this.KillTimer(); if (this.FEnabled && (this.FInterval > 0) && rtl.eqSet(rtl.intersectSet(rtl.createSet(0,3),this.FComponentState),{}) && (this.FOnTimer != null)) { this.FTimerHandle = window.setInterval(function () { $Self.FOnTimer($Self); },this.FInterval); if (this.FTimerHandle === 0) throw pas.Classes.EOutOfResources.$create("Create$1",[rtl.getResStr(pas.WCLStrConsts,"rsNoTimers")]); if (this.FOnStartTimer != null) this.FOnStartTimer($Self); }; }; this.KillTimer = function () { if (this.FTimerHandle !== 0) { window.clearInterval(this.FTimerHandle); if (this.FOnStopTimer != null) this.FOnStopTimer(this); }; }; this.Loaded = function () {; this.UpdateTimer(); }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Classes.TComponent.Create$,AOwner); this.FEnabled = true; this.FInterval = 1000; this.FTimerHandle = 0; return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { this.KillTimer();; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomSplitter",pas.Controls.TCustomControl,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Controls.TCustomControl.$; this.FMouseMoveHandler = null; this.FResizeControl = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FMouseMoveHandler = undefined; this.FResizeControl = undefined; pas.Controls.TCustomControl.$; }; this.DoMouseMove = function (aEvent) { var Result = false; if (!(this.FResizeControl != null)) return Result; var $tmp = this.FAlign; if ($tmp === 3) { this.FResizeControl.SetWidth(Math.round(aEvent.clientX))} else if ($tmp === 4) { this.FResizeControl.SetWidth(this.FResizeControl.FParent.FWidth - Math.round(aEvent.clientX))} else if ($tmp === 1) { this.FResizeControl.SetHeight(Math.round(aEvent.clientY))} else if ($tmp === 2) this.FResizeControl.SetHeight(this.FResizeControl.FParent.FHeight - Math.round(aEvent.clientY)); Result = true; return Result; }; this.GetResizeControl = function () { var $Self = this; var Result = null; var i = 0; var CurControl = null; var BestValue = 0; function FindNearerControl(CurValue, Limit) { if ((CurValue <= Limit) && ((Result === null) || (BestValue < CurValue))) { BestValue = CurValue; Result = CurControl; }; }; Result = null; BestValue = 0; if (!(this.FAlign in rtl.createSet(3,1,4,2))) return Result; for (var $l = 0, $end = this.FParent.GetControlCount() - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { i = $l; CurControl = this.FParent.GetControl(i); if ((CurControl !== $Self) && CurControl.FVisible && ((CurControl.FAlign === $Self.FAlign) || (CurControl.FAlign === 5))) { var $tmp = $Self.FAlign; if ($tmp === 3) { FindNearerControl(CurControl.FLeft + CurControl.FWidth,this.FLeft)} else if ($tmp === 1) { FindNearerControl(CurControl.FTop + CurControl.FHeight,this.FTop)} else if ($tmp === 4) { FindNearerControl(-CurControl.FLeft,-this.FLeft - this.FWidth)} else if ($tmp === 2) FindNearerControl(-CurControl.FTop,-this.FTop - this.FHeight); }; }; return Result; }; this.Changed = function () {; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("div"); return Result; }; this.MouseDown = function (Button, Shift, X, Y) {,Button,rtl.refSet(Shift),X,Y); if (Button === 0) { this.FMouseMoveHandler = rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"DoMouseMove"); document.addEventListener("mousemove",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"FMouseMoveHandler")); this.FResizeControl = this.GetResizeControl(); }; }; this.MouseUp = function (Button, Shift, X, Y) {,Button,rtl.refSet(Shift),X,Y); if (Button === 0) { document.removeEventListener("mousemove",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"FMouseMoveHandler")); }; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Controls.TControl.Create$,AOwner); return this; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); },["WCLStrConsts"]); rtl.module("ComCtrls",["System","Classes","SysUtils","Types","JS","Web","Graphics","Controls"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; this.TTabPosition = {"0": "tpTop", tpTop: 0, "1": "tpBottom", tpBottom: 1, "2": "tpLeft", tpLeft: 2, "3": "tpRight", tpRight: 3}; this.$rtti.$Enum("TTabPosition",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 3, ordtype: 1, enumtype: this.TTabPosition}); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomTabSheet",pas.Controls.TWinControl,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; this.FTabVisible = false; }; this.GetPageIndex = function () { var Result = 0; if ($mod.TCustomPageControl.isPrototypeOf(this.FParent)) { Result = this.FParent.IndexOf(this); } else { Result = -1; }; return Result; }; this.Changed = function () {; if (!this.IsUpdating() && !(0 in this.FComponentState)) { var $with = this.FHandleElement; $"background-color","#fff"); $"outline","none"); $"border","1px solid #c9c3ba"); $"border-top","0px"); }; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("span"); return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Controls.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.FTabVisible = true; this.BeginUpdate(); try { this.SetVisible(false); } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TTabSheet",this.TCustomTabSheet,function () { rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Caption",3,pas.Controls.$rtti["TCaption"],"GetText","SetText"); $r.addProperty("ClientHeight",3,rtl.nativeint,"GetClientHeight","SetClientHeight"); $r.addProperty("ClientWidth",3,rtl.nativeint,"GetClientWidth","SetClientWidth"); $r.addProperty("Color",2,rtl.longint,"FColor","SetColor"); $r.addProperty("Enabled",2,rtl.boolean,"FEnabled","SetEnabled"); $r.addProperty("Font",2,pas.Graphics.$rtti["TFont"],"FFont","SetFont"); $r.addProperty("Height",2,rtl.nativeint,"FHeight","SetHeight"); $r.addProperty("Left",2,rtl.nativeint,"FLeft","SetLeft"); $r.addProperty("PageIndex",1,rtl.nativeint,"GetPageIndex",""); $r.addProperty("ParentFont",2,rtl.boolean,"FParentFont","SetParentFont"); $r.addProperty("ParentShowHint",2,rtl.boolean,"FParentShowHint","SetParentShowHint"); $r.addProperty("ShowHint",2,rtl.boolean,"FShowHint","SetShowHint"); $r.addProperty("TabVisible",0,rtl.boolean,"FTabVisible","FTabVisible"); $r.addProperty("Top",2,rtl.nativeint,"FTop","SetTop"); $r.addProperty("Width",2,rtl.nativeint,"FWidth","SetWidth"); $r.addProperty("OnEnter",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnEnter","FOnEnter"); $r.addProperty("OnExit",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnExit","FOnExit"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseDown",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseEvent"],"FOnMouseDown","FOnMouseDown"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseEnter",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnMouseEnter","FOnMouseEnter"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseLeave",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnMouseLeave","FOnMouseLeave"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseMove",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseMoveEvent"],"FOnMouseMove","FOnMouseMove"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseUp",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseEvent"],"FOnMouseUp","FOnMouseUp"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseWheel",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseWheelEvent"],"FOnMouseWheel","FOnMouseWheel"); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomPageControl",pas.Controls.TWinControl,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; this.FPageIndex = 0; this.FPages = null; this.FShowTabs = false; this.FTabContainerElement = null; this.FTabHeight = 0; this.FTabPosition = 0; this.FTabWidth = 0; }; this.$final = function () { this.FPages = undefined; this.FTabContainerElement = undefined; pas.Controls.TWinControl.$; }; this.GetActivePage = function () { var Result = null; Result = this.GetPage(this.FPageIndex); return Result; }; this.GetPage = function (AIndex) { var Result = null; if ((AIndex >= 0) && (AIndex < this.FPages.length)) { Result = rtl.getObject(this.FPages[AIndex]); } else { Result = null; }; return Result; }; this.SetActivePage = function (AValue) { this.SetPageIndex(this.FPages.indexOf(AValue)); }; this.SetPageIndex = function (AValue) { if ((AValue < 0) || (AValue >= this.FPages.length)) { AValue = 0; }; if (AValue !== this.FPageIndex) { this.FPageIndex = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetShowTabs = function (AValue) { if (this.FShowTabs !== AValue) { this.FShowTabs = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetTabHeight = function (AValue) { if (this.FTabHeight !== AValue) { this.FTabHeight = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.SetTabPosition = function (AValue) { if (this.FTabPosition !== AValue) { this.FTabPosition = AValue; }; }; this.SetTabWidth = function (AValue) { if (this.FTabWidth !== AValue) { this.FTabWidth = AValue; this.Changed(); }; }; this.Changed = function () {; if (!this.IsUpdating() && !(0 in this.FComponentState)) { var $with = this.FHandleElement; $"outline","none"); this.RenderTabs(); this.UpdatePages(); }; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("div"); return Result; }; this.CreateTabContainerElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("span"); this.FHandleElement.appendChild(Result); return Result; }; this.RegisterChild = function (AControl) { var VIndex = 0;,AControl); if ((AControl != null) && $mod.TCustomTabSheet.isPrototypeOf(AControl)) { VIndex = this.FPages.indexOf(AControl); if (VIndex < 0) { this.FPages.push(AControl); }; }; }; this.UnRegisterChild = function (AControl) { var VIndex = 0;,AControl); if ((AControl != null) && $mod.TCustomTabSheet.isPrototypeOf(AControl)) { VIndex = this.FPages.indexOf(AControl); if (VIndex >= 0) { this.FPages.splice(VIndex,1); }; }; }; this.CalcTabHeight = function () { var Result = 0; if (this.FShowTabs) { if (this.FTabHeight > 0) { Result = this.FTabHeight; } else { Result = this.FFont.TextHeight("Fj") + 10; }; } else { Result = 0; }; return Result; }; this.CalcTabWidth = function (AText) { var Result = 0; if (this.FTabWidth > 0) { Result = this.FTabWidth; } else { Result = this.FFont.TextWidth(AText) + 10; }; return Result; }; this.CalcMaxTabWidth = function () { var Result = 0; var VPage = null; var VIndex = 0; var VWidth = 0; Result = 0; if (this.FTabWidth > 0) { Result = this.FTabWidth; } else { for (var $l = 0, $end = this.FPages.length - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { VIndex = $l; VPage = rtl.getObject(this.FPages[VIndex]); if ((VPage != null) && VPage.FTabVisible) { VWidth = this.CalcTabWidth(VPage.GetText()); if (VWidth > Result) { Result = VWidth; }; }; }; }; return Result; }; this.CalcSumTabsWidth = function () { var Result = 0; var VIndex = 0; var VPage = null; Result = 0; for (var $l = 0, $end = this.FPages.length - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { VIndex = $l; VPage = rtl.getObject(this.FPages[VIndex]); if ((VPage != null) && VPage.FTabVisible) { Result = Result + this.CalcTabWidth(VPage.GetText()); }; }; return Result; }; this.IndexOfTab = function (ACaption) { var Result = 0; var VIndex = 0; var VPage = null; Result = -1; for (var $l = 0, $end = this.FPages.length - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { VIndex = $l; VPage = rtl.getObject(this.FPages[VIndex]); if ((VPage != null) && VPage.FTabVisible && pas.SysUtils.SameText(VPage.GetText(),ACaption)) { Result = VIndex; }; }; return Result; }; this.RenderTab = function (ACaption, ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight, AEvent) { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("button");"left",pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(ALeft) + "px");"top",pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(ATop) + "px");"width",pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(AWidth) + "px");"height",pas.SysUtils.IntToStr(AHeight) + "px");"border","1px solid #c9c3ba");"border-top-left-radius","15px");"border-top-right-radius","2px");"background-color","#dddada");"color",pas.Graphics.JSColor(this.FFont.FColor,this.FAlpha));"font",pas.Graphics.JSFont(this.FFont));"outline","none");"position","absolute");"overflow","hidden");"padding","0");"white-space","nowrap"); Result.addEventListener("click",AEvent); Result.innerHTML = ACaption; return Result; }; this.RenderTabActive = function (ACaption, ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight, AEvent) { var Result = null; Result = this.RenderTab(ACaption,ALeft,ATop,AWidth,AHeight,AEvent);"border-bottom","0px");"background-color","#fff"); return Result; }; this.RenderTabLeft = function (ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight, AEvent) { var Result = null; Result = this.RenderTab("‹",ALeft,ATop,AWidth,AHeight,AEvent);"background-color","#fff"); return Result; }; this.RenderTabRight = function (ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight, AEvent) { var Result = null; Result = this.RenderTab("›",ALeft,ATop,AWidth,AHeight,AEvent);"background-color","#fff"); return Result; }; this.RenderTabs = function () { var $Self = this; var form = null; function AdjustWithPPI(aValue) { var Result = 0; if (form != null) { Result = pas.System.Trunc((96 * aValue) / form.FDesignTimePPI)} else Result = aValue; return Result; }; function FindParentForm() { var Result = null; var p = null; p = $Self.FParent; while ((p != null) && !pas.Forms.TCustomForm.isPrototypeOf(p)) p = p.FParent; if (pas.Forms.TCustomForm.isPrototypeOf(p)) { Result = p} else Result = null; return Result; }; var VPage = null; var VIndex = 0; var VStartIndex = 0; var VEndIndex = 0; var VTabCaption = ""; var VTabHeight = 0; var VTabLeft = 0; var VTabWidth = 0; var VSumTabsWidth = 0; var VMaxTabWidth = 0; var 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this.SetPageIndex(this.FPageIndex + 1); }; this.UpdatePages = function () { var VIndex = 0; var VPage = null; var VTabHeight = 0; VTabHeight = this.CalcTabHeight(); for (var $l = 0, $end = this.FPages.length - 1; $l <= $end; $l++) { VIndex = $l; VPage = rtl.getObject(this.FPages[VIndex]); if ((VPage != null) && VPage.FTabVisible) { VPage.BeginUpdate(); try { if (VIndex === this.FPageIndex) { VPage.SetBounds(0,VTabHeight,this.FWidth,this.FHeight - VTabHeight); VPage.SetVisible(true); } else { VPage.SetVisible(false); }; } finally { VPage.EndUpdate(); }; }; }; }; this.GetControlClassDefaultSize = function () { var Result = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); = 200; = 200; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Controls.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.FTabContainerElement = this.CreateTabContainerElement(); this.FPages = new Array(); this.FPageIndex = -1; this.FShowTabs = true; this.FTabPosition = 0; this.BeginUpdate(); try { this.SetTabStop(false); var $with = this.$class.GetControlClassDefaultSize(); this.SetBounds(0,0,$,$; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { this.FPages.length = 0;; }; this.IndexOf = function (APage) { var Result = 0; Result = this.FPages.indexOf(APage); return Result; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); },["Forms"]); rtl.module("NumCtrls",["System","Classes","SysUtils","Types","Graphics","Controls","StdCtrls","Web"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomNumericEdit",pas.StdCtrls.TCustomEdit,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.StdCtrls.TCustomEdit.$; this.FDecimals = 0; }; this.DoEnter = function () {; this.RealSetText(this.RealGetText()); }; this.DoExit = function () {; this.RealSetText(this.RealGetText()); }; this.DoInput = function (ANewValue) { var VDiff = ""; var VOldValue = ""; VOldValue = this.RealGetText(); if (ANewValue.length >= VOldValue.length) { VDiff = pas.SysUtils.StringReplace(ANewValue,VOldValue,"",{}); if (VDiff === pas.SysUtils.DecimalSeparator) { if (this.FDecimals === 0) { VDiff = ""; }; if (pas.System.Pos(VDiff,VOldValue) > 0) { VDiff = ""; }; }; if (!(VDiff.charCodeAt(0) in rtl.createSet(null,48,57,pas.SysUtils.DecimalSeparator.charCodeAt()))) { this.FHandleElement.value = VOldValue; ANewValue = VOldValue; }; };,ANewValue); }; this.Changed = function () {; if (!this.IsUpdating() && !(0 in this.FComponentState)) { var $with = this.FHandleElement; $with.inputMode = "numeric"; }; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.StdCtrls.TCustomEdit.Create$,AOwner); this.FDecimals = 2; this.BeginUpdate(); try { this.SetAlignment(1); } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); }); rtl.module("DttCtrls",["System","Classes","SysUtils","Types","Graphics","StdCtrls"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; rtl.createClass(this,"TCustomDateTimeEdit",pas.StdCtrls.TCustomEdit,function () { this.DoEnter = function () {; 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(this.FOpendDialogElement != null) {; }; return Result; }; this.HandleChange = function (AEvent) { var Result = false; var VFile = null; var VList = null; if (rtl.isExt(,HTMLInputElement)) { VList =; if (VList.length === 0) { this.FFileSelect = null; this.SetText(rtl.getResStr(pas.WCLStrConsts,"rsFileButtonNoFileSelected")); this.Changed(); return false; }; VFile = VList.item(0); this.FFileSelect = VFile; this.SetText(; this.SetHint(; this.Changed(); this.Change(); Result = true; }; return Result; }; this.Changed = function () {; if (!this.IsUpdating() && !(0 in this.FComponentState)) { var $with = this.FHandleElement; $"padding","0"); $with.innerHTML = this.GetText(); if (this.FOpendDialogElement != null) { var $with1 = this.FOpendDialogElement; $with1.accept = this.FFilter; $with1.type = "file"; }; }; }; this.CreateHandleElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = document.createElement("button"); return Result; }; this.CreateOpendDialogElement = function () { var Result = null; Result = this.FHandleElement.appendChild(document.createElement("input")); return Result; }; this.CheckChildClassAllowed = function (AChildClass) { var Result = false; Result = false; return Result; }; this.GetControlClassDefaultSize = function () { var Result = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); = 80; = 25; return Result; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.Controls.TControl.Create$,AOwner); this.FOpendDialogElement = this.CreateOpendDialogElement(); this.FOpendDialogElement.addEventListener("change",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleChange")); this.FFilter = ""; this.FFileSelect = null; this.BeginUpdate(); try { this.SetText(rtl.getResStr(pas.WCLStrConsts,"rsFileButtonNoFileSelected")); this.SetHint(this.GetText()); var $with = this.$class.GetControlClassDefaultSize(); this.SetBounds(0,0,$,$; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; this.Destroy = function () { if (this.FOpendDialogElement != null) { this.FOpendDialogElement.removeEventListener("change",rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"HandleChange")); };; }; this.AdjustSize = function () { var VSize = pas.Types.TSize.$new();; VSize.$assign(this.FFont.TextExtent(this.GetText())); this.SetBounds(this.FLeft,this.FTop,,; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); },["WCLStrConsts"]); rtl.module("WebCtrls",["System","Classes","SysUtils","Types","Graphics","Controls","Forms","StdCtrls","ExtCtrls","ComCtrls","NumCtrls","DttCtrls","BtnCtrls"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; rtl.createClass(this,"TWComboBox",pas.StdCtrls.TCustomComboBox,function () { rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Align",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TAlign"],"FAlign","SetAlign"); $r.addProperty("Anchors",14,pas.Controls.$rtti["TAnchors"],"FAnchors","SetAnchors",{stored: "IsAnchorsStored", Default: rtl.createSet(1,0)}); $r.addProperty("AutoSize",2,rtl.boolean,"FAutoSize","SetAutoSize",{Default: false}); 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$r.addProperty("OnClick",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnClick","FOnClick"); $r.addProperty("OnDblClick",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnDblClick","FOnDblClick"); $r.addProperty("OnEnter",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnEnter","FOnEnter"); $r.addProperty("OnExit",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnExit","FOnExit"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyDown",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyEvent"],"FOnKeyDown","FOnKeyDown"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyPress",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyPressEvent"],"FOnKeyPress","FOnKeyPress"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyUp",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyEvent"],"FOnKeyUp","FOnKeyUp"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseDown",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseEvent"],"FOnMouseDown","FOnMouseDown"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseEnter",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnMouseEnter","FOnMouseEnter"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseLeave",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnMouseLeave","FOnMouseLeave"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseMove",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseMoveEvent"],"FOnMouseMove","FOnMouseMove"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseUp",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseEvent"],"FOnMouseUp","FOnMouseUp"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseWheel",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseWheelEvent"],"FOnMouseWheel","FOnMouseWheel"); $r.addProperty("OnResize",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnResize","FOnResize"); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TWIntegerEdit",pas.NumCtrls.TCustomNumericEdit,function () { this.GetValue = function () { var Result = 0; Result = pas.SysUtils.StrToIntDef(this.RealGetText(),0); return Result; }; this.SetValue = function (AValue) { this.RealSetText(pas.SysUtils.FloatToStrF(AValue,0,20,this.FDecimals)); }; this.RealSetText = function (AValue) {,pas.SysUtils.FloatToStrF(pas.SysUtils.StrToFloatDef(AValue,0),0,20,this.FDecimals)); }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) { pas.NumCtrls.TCustomNumericEdit.Create$,AOwner); this.BeginUpdate(); try { this.FDecimals = 0; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Align",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TAlign"],"FAlign","SetAlign"); $r.addProperty("Alignment",2,pas.Classes.$rtti["TAlignment"],"FAlignment","SetAlignment"); $r.addProperty("Anchors",14,pas.Controls.$rtti["TAnchors"],"FAnchors","SetAnchors",{stored: "IsAnchorsStored", Default: rtl.createSet(1,0)}); $r.addProperty("AutoSize",2,rtl.boolean,"FAutoSize","SetAutoSize",{Default: false}); $r.addProperty("BorderSpacing",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TControlBorderSpacing"],"FBorderSpacing","SetBorderSpacing"); $r.addProperty("BorderStyle",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TBorderStyle"],"FBorderStyle","SetBorderStyle"); $r.addProperty("Color",2,rtl.longint,"FColor","SetColor"); $r.addProperty("Enabled",2,rtl.boolean,"FEnabled","SetEnabled"); $r.addProperty("Font",2,pas.Graphics.$rtti["TFont"],"FFont","SetFont"); $r.addProperty("HandleClass",2,rtl.string,"FHandleClass","SetHandleClass"); $r.addProperty("HandleId",2,rtl.string,"FHandleId","SetHandleId"); $r.addProperty("ParentColor",2,rtl.boolean,"FParentColor","SetParentColor"); $r.addProperty("ParentFont",2,rtl.boolean,"FParentFont","SetParentFont"); $r.addProperty("ParentShowHint",2,rtl.boolean,"FParentShowHint","SetParentShowHint"); $r.addProperty("PasswordChar",2,rtl.char,"FPasswordChar","SetPasswordChar"); $r.addProperty("ReadOnly",2,rtl.boolean,"FReadOnly","SetReadOnly"); $r.addProperty("ShowHint",2,rtl.boolean,"FShowHint","SetShowHint"); $r.addProperty("TabStop",2,rtl.boolean,"FTabStop","SetTabStop"); $r.addProperty("TabOrder",2,rtl.nativeint,"FTabOrder","SetTabOrder"); $r.addProperty("Text",3,pas.Controls.$rtti["TCaption"],"GetText","SetText"); $r.addProperty("TextHint",2,rtl.string,"FTextHint","SetTextHint"); $r.addProperty("Value",3,rtl.nativeint,"GetValue","SetValue"); $r.addProperty("Visible",2,rtl.boolean,"FVisible","SetVisible"); $r.addProperty("OnChange",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnChange","FOnChange"); $r.addProperty("OnClick",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnClick","FOnClick"); $r.addProperty("OnDblClick",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnDblClick","FOnDblClick"); $r.addProperty("OnEnter",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnEnter","FOnEnter"); $r.addProperty("OnExit",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnExit","FOnExit"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyDown",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyEvent"],"FOnKeyDown","FOnKeyDown"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyPress",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyPressEvent"],"FOnKeyPress","FOnKeyPress"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyUp",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyEvent"],"FOnKeyUp","FOnKeyUp"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseDown",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseEvent"],"FOnMouseDown","FOnMouseDown"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseEnter",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnMouseEnter","FOnMouseEnter"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseLeave",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnMouseLeave","FOnMouseLeave"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseMove",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseMoveEvent"],"FOnMouseMove","FOnMouseMove"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseUp",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseEvent"],"FOnMouseUp","FOnMouseUp"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseWheel",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseWheelEvent"],"FOnMouseWheel","FOnMouseWheel"); $r.addProperty("OnResize",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnResize","FOnResize"); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TWDateEditBox",pas.DttCtrls.TCustomDateTimeEdit,function () { this.GetValue = function () { var Result = 0.0; Result = pas.SysUtils.StrToDateDef(this.RealGetText(),0); return Result; }; this.SetValue = function (AValue) { this.RealSetText(pas.SysUtils.DateToStr(AValue)); }; this.InputType = function () { var Result = ""; Result = "date"; return Result; }; this.RealSetText = function (AValue) {,pas.SysUtils.FormatDateTime(pas.SysUtils.ShortDateFormat,pas.SysUtils.StrToDateDef(AValue,0))); }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Align",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TAlign"],"FAlign","SetAlign"); $r.addProperty("Alignment",2,pas.Classes.$rtti["TAlignment"],"FAlignment","SetAlignment"); $r.addProperty("Anchors",14,pas.Controls.$rtti["TAnchors"],"FAnchors","SetAnchors",{stored: "IsAnchorsStored", Default: rtl.createSet(1,0)}); $r.addProperty("AutoSize",2,rtl.boolean,"FAutoSize","SetAutoSize",{Default: false}); $r.addProperty("BorderSpacing",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TControlBorderSpacing"],"FBorderSpacing","SetBorderSpacing"); $r.addProperty("BorderStyle",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TBorderStyle"],"FBorderStyle","SetBorderStyle"); $r.addProperty("Color",2,rtl.longint,"FColor","SetColor"); $r.addProperty("Enabled",2,rtl.boolean,"FEnabled","SetEnabled"); $r.addProperty("Font",2,pas.Graphics.$rtti["TFont"],"FFont","SetFont"); $r.addProperty("HandleClass",2,rtl.string,"FHandleClass","SetHandleClass"); $r.addProperty("HandleId",2,rtl.string,"FHandleId","SetHandleId"); $r.addProperty("ParentColor",2,rtl.boolean,"FParentColor","SetParentColor"); $r.addProperty("ParentFont",2,rtl.boolean,"FParentFont","SetParentFont"); $r.addProperty("ParentShowHint",2,rtl.boolean,"FParentShowHint","SetParentShowHint"); $r.addProperty("PasswordChar",2,rtl.char,"FPasswordChar","SetPasswordChar"); $r.addProperty("ReadOnly",2,rtl.boolean,"FReadOnly","SetReadOnly"); $r.addProperty("ShowHint",2,rtl.boolean,"FShowHint","SetShowHint"); $r.addProperty("TabStop",2,rtl.boolean,"FTabStop","SetTabStop"); $r.addProperty("TabOrder",2,rtl.nativeint,"FTabOrder","SetTabOrder"); $r.addProperty("Text",3,pas.Controls.$rtti["TCaption"],"GetText","SetText"); $r.addProperty("TextHint",2,rtl.string,"FTextHint","SetTextHint"); $r.addProperty("Value",3,pas.System.$rtti["TDate"],"GetValue","SetValue"); $r.addProperty("Visible",2,rtl.boolean,"FVisible","SetVisible"); $r.addProperty("OnChange",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnChange","FOnChange"); $r.addProperty("OnClick",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnClick","FOnClick"); $r.addProperty("OnDblClick",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnDblClick","FOnDblClick"); $r.addProperty("OnEnter",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnEnter","FOnEnter"); $r.addProperty("OnExit",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnExit","FOnExit"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyDown",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyEvent"],"FOnKeyDown","FOnKeyDown"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyPress",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyPressEvent"],"FOnKeyPress","FOnKeyPress"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyUp",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyEvent"],"FOnKeyUp","FOnKeyUp"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseDown",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseEvent"],"FOnMouseDown","FOnMouseDown"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseEnter",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnMouseEnter","FOnMouseEnter"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseLeave",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnMouseLeave","FOnMouseLeave"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseMove",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseMoveEvent"],"FOnMouseMove","FOnMouseMove"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseUp",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseEvent"],"FOnMouseUp","FOnMouseUp"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseWheel",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseWheelEvent"],"FOnMouseWheel","FOnMouseWheel"); $r.addProperty("OnResize",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnResize","FOnResize"); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TWTimeEditBox",pas.DttCtrls.TCustomDateTimeEdit,function () { this.GetValue = function () { var Result = 0.0; Result = pas.SysUtils.StrToTimeDef$1(this.RealGetText(),0,pas.SysUtils.FormatSettings.GetTimeSeparator()); return Result; }; this.SetValue = function (AValue) { this.RealSetText(pas.SysUtils.TimeToStr(AValue)); }; this.InputType = function () { var Result = ""; Result = "time"; return Result; }; this.RealSetText = function (AValue) {,pas.SysUtils.FormatDateTime(pas.SysUtils.ShortTimeFormat,pas.SysUtils.StrToTimeDef$1(AValue,0,pas.SysUtils.FormatSettings.GetTimeSeparator()))); }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Align",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TAlign"],"FAlign","SetAlign"); $r.addProperty("Alignment",2,pas.Classes.$rtti["TAlignment"],"FAlignment","SetAlignment"); $r.addProperty("Anchors",14,pas.Controls.$rtti["TAnchors"],"FAnchors","SetAnchors",{stored: "IsAnchorsStored", Default: rtl.createSet(1,0)}); $r.addProperty("AutoSize",2,rtl.boolean,"FAutoSize","SetAutoSize",{Default: false}); $r.addProperty("BorderSpacing",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TControlBorderSpacing"],"FBorderSpacing","SetBorderSpacing"); $r.addProperty("BorderStyle",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TBorderStyle"],"FBorderStyle","SetBorderStyle"); $r.addProperty("Color",2,rtl.longint,"FColor","SetColor"); $r.addProperty("Enabled",2,rtl.boolean,"FEnabled","SetEnabled"); $r.addProperty("Font",2,pas.Graphics.$rtti["TFont"],"FFont","SetFont"); $r.addProperty("HandleClass",2,rtl.string,"FHandleClass","SetHandleClass"); $r.addProperty("HandleId",2,rtl.string,"FHandleId","SetHandleId"); $r.addProperty("ParentColor",2,rtl.boolean,"FParentColor","SetParentColor"); $r.addProperty("ParentFont",2,rtl.boolean,"FParentFont","SetParentFont"); $r.addProperty("ParentShowHint",2,rtl.boolean,"FParentShowHint","SetParentShowHint"); $r.addProperty("PasswordChar",2,rtl.char,"FPasswordChar","SetPasswordChar"); $r.addProperty("ReadOnly",2,rtl.boolean,"FReadOnly","SetReadOnly"); $r.addProperty("ShowHint",2,rtl.boolean,"FShowHint","SetShowHint"); $r.addProperty("TabStop",2,rtl.boolean,"FTabStop","SetTabStop"); $r.addProperty("TabOrder",2,rtl.nativeint,"FTabOrder","SetTabOrder"); $r.addProperty("Text",3,pas.Controls.$rtti["TCaption"],"GetText","SetText"); $r.addProperty("TextHint",2,rtl.string,"FTextHint","SetTextHint"); $r.addProperty("Value",3,pas.System.$rtti["TTime"],"GetValue","SetValue"); $r.addProperty("Visible",2,rtl.boolean,"FVisible","SetVisible"); $r.addProperty("OnChange",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnChange","FOnChange"); $r.addProperty("OnClick",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnClick","FOnClick"); $r.addProperty("OnDblClick",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnDblClick","FOnDblClick"); $r.addProperty("OnEnter",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnEnter","FOnEnter"); $r.addProperty("OnExit",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnExit","FOnExit"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyDown",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyEvent"],"FOnKeyDown","FOnKeyDown"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyPress",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyPressEvent"],"FOnKeyPress","FOnKeyPress"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyUp",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyEvent"],"FOnKeyUp","FOnKeyUp"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseDown",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseEvent"],"FOnMouseDown","FOnMouseDown"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseEnter",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnMouseEnter","FOnMouseEnter"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseLeave",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnMouseLeave","FOnMouseLeave"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseMove",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseMoveEvent"],"FOnMouseMove","FOnMouseMove"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseUp",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseEvent"],"FOnMouseUp","FOnMouseUp"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseWheel",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseWheelEvent"],"FOnMouseWheel","FOnMouseWheel"); $r.addProperty("OnResize",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnResize","FOnResize"); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TWFileButton",pas.BtnCtrls.TCustomFileButton,function () { rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Align",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TAlign"],"FAlign","SetAlign"); $r.addProperty("Anchors",14,pas.Controls.$rtti["TAnchors"],"FAnchors","SetAnchors",{stored: "IsAnchorsStored", Default: rtl.createSet(1,0)}); $r.addProperty("AutoSize",2,rtl.boolean,"FAutoSize","SetAutoSize",{Default: false}); $r.addProperty("BorderSpacing",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TControlBorderSpacing"],"FBorderSpacing","SetBorderSpacing"); $r.addProperty("Caption",3,pas.Controls.$rtti["TCaption"],"GetText","SetText"); $r.addProperty("Color",2,rtl.longint,"FColor","SetColor"); $r.addProperty("Enabled",2,rtl.boolean,"FEnabled","SetEnabled"); $r.addProperty("Filter",2,rtl.string,"FFilter","SetFilter"); $r.addProperty("Font",2,pas.Graphics.$rtti["TFont"],"FFont","SetFont"); $r.addProperty("HandleClass",2,rtl.string,"FHandleClass","SetHandleClass"); $r.addProperty("HandleId",2,rtl.string,"FHandleId","SetHandleId"); $r.addProperty("ParentFont",2,rtl.boolean,"FParentFont","SetParentFont"); $r.addProperty("ParentShowHint",2,rtl.boolean,"FParentShowHint","SetParentShowHint"); $r.addProperty("ShowHint",2,rtl.boolean,"FShowHint","SetShowHint"); $r.addProperty("TabOrder",2,rtl.nativeint,"FTabOrder","SetTabOrder"); $r.addProperty("TabStop",2,rtl.boolean,"FTabStop","SetTabStop"); $r.addProperty("Visible",2,rtl.boolean,"FVisible","SetVisible"); $r.addProperty("OnChange",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnChange","FOnChange"); $r.addProperty("OnClick",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnClick","FOnClick"); $r.addProperty("OnEnter",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnEnter","FOnEnter"); $r.addProperty("OnExit",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnExit","FOnExit"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyDown",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyEvent"],"FOnKeyDown","FOnKeyDown"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyPress",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyPressEvent"],"FOnKeyPress","FOnKeyPress"); $r.addProperty("OnKeyUp",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TKeyEvent"],"FOnKeyUp","FOnKeyUp"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseDown",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseEvent"],"FOnMouseDown","FOnMouseDown"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseEnter",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnMouseEnter","FOnMouseEnter"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseLeave",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnMouseLeave","FOnMouseLeave"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseMove",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseMoveEvent"],"FOnMouseMove","FOnMouseMove"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseUp",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseEvent"],"FOnMouseUp","FOnMouseUp"); $r.addProperty("OnMouseWheel",0,pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseWheelEvent"],"FOnMouseWheel","FOnMouseWheel"); $r.addProperty("OnResize",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnResize","FOnResize"); }); rtl.createClass(this,"TWSplitter",pas.ExtCtrls.TCustomSplitter,function () { rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Align",2,pas.Controls.$rtti["TAlign"],"FAlign","SetAlign",{Default: pas.Controls.TAlign.alNone}); $r.addProperty("Color",2,rtl.longint,"FColor","SetColor"); }); this.TPopupAlignment = {"0": "paLeft", paLeft: 0, "1": "paRight", paRight: 1, "2": "paCenter", paCenter: 2}; this.$rtti.$Enum("TPopupAlignment",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 2, ordtype: 1, enumtype: this.TPopupAlignment}); this.TTrackButton = {"0": "tbRightButton", tbRightButton: 0, "1": "tbLeftButton", tbLeftButton: 1}; this.$rtti.$Enum("TTrackButton",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 1, ordtype: 1, enumtype: this.TTrackButton}); rtl.createClass(this,"TWPopupMenu",pas.Controls.TCustomPopupMenu,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Controls.TCustomPopupMenu.$; this.FAlignment = 0; this.FAutoPopup = false; this.FOnClose = null; this.FOnPopup = null; this.FTrackButton = 0; }; this.$final = function () { this.FOnClose = undefined; this.FOnPopup = undefined; pas.Controls.TCustomPopupMenu.$; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Alignment",0,$mod.$rtti["TPopupAlignment"],"FAlignment","FAlignment",{Default: $mod.TPopupAlignment.paLeft}); $r.addProperty("AutoPopup",0,rtl.boolean,"FAutoPopup","FAutoPopup",{Default: true}); $r.addProperty("TrackButton",0,$mod.$rtti["TTrackButton"],"FTrackButton","FTrackButton",{Default: $mod.TTrackButton.tbRightButton}); $r.addProperty("OnPopup",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnPopup","FOnPopup"); $r.addProperty("OnClose",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnClose","FOnClose"); }); }); rtl.module("Menus",["System","Classes","SysUtils","Types","JS","Web","Graphics","Controls"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; rtl.createClass(this,"TMenuItem",pas.Controls.TCustomMenuItem,function () { rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Caption",3,pas.Controls.$rtti["TCaption"],"GetText","SetText"); $r.addProperty("OnClick",0,pas.Classes.$rtti["TNotifyEvent"],"FOnClick","FOnClick"); }); }); rtl.module("Dialogs",["System","Classes","SysUtils","Types","Graphics","Controls","StdCtrls","ExtCtrls","Forms","WebCtrls"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; var $impl = $mod.$impl; this.TMsgDlgType = {"0": "mtWarning", mtWarning: 0, "1": "mtError", mtError: 1, "2": "mtInformation", mtInformation: 2, "3": "mtConfirmation", mtConfirmation: 3, "4": "mtCustom", mtCustom: 4}; this.$rtti.$Enum("TMsgDlgType",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 4, ordtype: 1, enumtype: this.TMsgDlgType}); this.TMsgDlgBtn = {"0": "mbYes", mbYes: 0, "1": "mbNo", mbNo: 1, "2": "mbOK", mbOK: 2, "3": "mbCancel", mbCancel: 3, "4": "mbAbort", mbAbort: 4, "5": "mbRetry", mbRetry: 5, "6": "mbIgnore", mbIgnore: 6, "7": "mbAll", mbAll: 7, "8": "mbNoToAll", mbNoToAll: 8, "9": "mbYesToAll", mbYesToAll: 9, "10": "mbHelp", mbHelp: 10, "11": "mbClose", mbClose: 11}; this.$rtti.$Enum("TMsgDlgBtn",{minvalue: 0, maxvalue: 11, ordtype: 1, enumtype: this.TMsgDlgBtn}); this.$rtti.$Set("TMsgDlgButtons",{comptype: this.$rtti["TMsgDlgBtn"]}); this.MessageDlg = function (AOwner, ACaption, AMessage, ADlgType, AButtons, ADefaultButton, AModalResultProc) { var VMessageDialog = null; if (!(AOwner != null)) AOwner = pas.Forms.Application().FActiveForm; VMessageDialog = $impl.TMessageDialog.$create("Create$1",[AOwner]); VMessageDialog.FButtons = rtl.refSet(AButtons); VMessageDialog.SetText(ACaption); VMessageDialog.FDefaultButton = ADefaultButton; VMessageDialog.FDialogType = ADlgType; VMessageDialog.FMessage = AMessage; VMessageDialog.PrepareLayout(); VMessageDialog.ShowModal(AModalResultProc); }; this.MessageDlg$2 = function (AOwner, ACaption, AMessage, ADlgType, AButtons, AModalResultProc) { $mod.MessageDlg(AOwner,ACaption,AMessage,ADlgType,rtl.refSet(AButtons),$impl.ModalDefaultButton(AButtons),AModalResultProc); }; this.ShowMessage$1 = function (AMessage) { $mod.MessageDlg$2(pas.Forms.Application().FActiveForm,"",AMessage,2,rtl.createSet(2),null); }; $mod.$implcode = function () { $impl.DialogCaption = ["Warning","Error","Information","Confirmation",""]; $impl.ButtonCaption = ["Yes","No","Ok","Cancel","Abort","Retry","Ignore","All","No to All","Yes to All","Help","Close"]; $impl.DialogIcon = ["data:image\/png;base64,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","data:image\/png;base64,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"]; $impl.ButtonModalResult = [6,7,1,2,3,4,5,8,9,10,0,11]; rtl.createClass($impl,"TMessageDialog",pas.Forms.TWForm,function () { this.CControlsSpacing = 2; this.CMinDialogHeight = 150; this.CMinDialogWidth = 300; this.CMinButtonHeight = 25; this.CMinButtonWidth = 100; this.CMinImageHeight = 70; this.CMinImageWidth = 70; this.CTitleHeight = 24; this.$init = function () { pas.Forms.TWForm.$; this.FButtons = {}; this.FDefaultButton = 0; this.FDialogType = 0; this.FMessage = ""; this.FButtonPanel = null; this.FInfoImage = null; this.fMessagePanel = null; this.FMessageText = null; this.fTitlePanel = null; this.fTitleText = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.FButtons = undefined; this.FButtonPanel = undefined; this.FInfoImage = undefined; this.fMessagePanel = undefined; this.FMessageText = undefined; this.fTitlePanel = undefined; this.fTitleText = undefined; pas.Forms.TWForm.$; }; this.PrepareButtons = function () { var VMsgDlgBtn = 0; var VButton = null; var VButtonCount = 0; var VButtonHeight = 0; var VButtonWidth = 0; var VFormWidth = 0; var VSize = pas.Types.TSize.$new(); var buttonofs = 0; VButtonCount = 0; buttonofs = 0; VButtonHeight = 25; VButtonWidth = 100; this.BeginUpdate(); try { for (var $l = $mod.TMsgDlgBtn.mbYes, $end = $mod.TMsgDlgBtn.mbClose; $l <= $end; $l++) { VMsgDlgBtn = $l; if (VMsgDlgBtn in this.FButtons) { VButtonCount += 1; VSize.$assign(pas.Graphics.JSMeasureText($impl.ButtonCaption[VMsgDlgBtn],this.FFont.FName,this.FFont.FSize,0)); if ( > VButtonHeight) { VButtonHeight =; }; if ( > VButtonWidth) { VButtonWidth =; }; }; }; for (var $l1 = $mod.TMsgDlgBtn.mbYes, $end1 = $mod.TMsgDlgBtn.mbClose; $l1 <= $end1; $l1++) { VMsgDlgBtn = $l1; if (VMsgDlgBtn in this.FButtons) { VButton = pas.WebCtrls.TWButton.$create("Create$1",[this.FButtonPanel]); VButton.BeginUpdate(); try { VButton.SetParent(this.FButtonPanel); VButton.FBorderSpacing.SetAround(2); VButton.SetBounds(buttonofs,0,VButtonWidth,VButtonHeight); VButton.FModalResult = $impl.ButtonModalResult[VMsgDlgBtn]; VButton.SetText($impl.ButtonCaption[VMsgDlgBtn]); VButton.SetAlign(4); } finally { VButton.EndUpdate(); }; if (VMsgDlgBtn === this.FDefaultButton) { this.SetActiveControl(VButton); }; }; buttonofs = buttonofs + VButtonWidth; }; this.FButtonPanel.SetHeight(VButtonHeight + (2 * 2)); VFormWidth = ((VButtonWidth + (2 * 2)) * VButtonCount) + (2 * 2); if (VFormWidth < 300) { VFormWidth = 300; }; this.SetWidth(VFormWidth); } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; }; this.PrepareImage = function () { this.FInfoImage.SetURL($impl.DialogIcon[this.FDialogType]); }; this.PrepareText = function () { this.FMessageText.SetText(this.FMessage); }; this.PrepareTitle = function () { this.SetText(pas.Controls.IfThen$3(this.GetText() !== "",this.GetText(),$impl.DialogCaption[this.FDialogType])); this.fTitleText.SetText(this.GetText()); }; this.PrepareLayout = function () { this.PrepareTitle(); this.PrepareText(); this.PrepareImage(); this.PrepareButtons(); }; this.KeyDown = function (Key, Shift) {,Key,rtl.refSet(Shift)); var $tmp = Key.get(); if ($tmp === 27) { this.SetModalResult(2); this.Close(); }; }; this.Show = function () { var ownForm = null; var curHeight = 0;; if (!pas.Forms.TWForm.isPrototypeOf(this.FOwner)) return; ownForm = this.FOwner; this.BeginUpdate(); try { curHeight = this.FMessageText.FHandleElement.scrollHeight + 25 + (2 * 8) + 24; if ((curHeight - 70) > ownForm.FHeight) curHeight = ownForm.FHeight - 70; if (curHeight < 150) curHeight = 150; this.SetHeight(curHeight); this.fMessagePanel.SetHeight(this.FMessageText.FHandleElement.scrollHeight); this.SetTop(Math.round((ownForm.FHeight / 2) - (this.FHeight / 2))); } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; }; this.Create$1 = function (AOwner) {,AOwner,1); this.BeginUpdate(); try { this.FKeyPreview = true; this.SetBounds(0,0,300,150); this.FButtonPanel = pas.WebCtrls.TWPanel.$create("Create$1",[this]); this.FButtonPanel.BeginUpdate(); try { this.FButtonPanel.SetParent(this); this.FButtonPanel.FBorderSpacing.SetAround(2); this.FButtonPanel.SetBevelOuter(0); this.FButtonPanel.SetBounds(0,0,300,25); this.FButtonPanel.SetAlign(2); } finally { this.FButtonPanel.EndUpdate(); }; this.fTitlePanel = pas.WebCtrls.TWPanel.$create("Create$1",[this]); this.fTitlePanel.BeginUpdate(); try { this.fTitlePanel.SetParent(this); this.fTitlePanel.FBorderSpacing.SetAround(2); this.fTitlePanel.SetHeight(24); this.fTitlePanel.SetBevelOuter(0); this.fTitlePanel.SetAlign(1); this.fTitlePanel.SetColor(15780518); } finally { this.fTitlePanel.EndUpdate(); }; this.fTitleText = pas.WebCtrls.TWLabel.$create("Create$1",[this.fTitlePanel]); this.fTitleText.BeginUpdate(); try { this.fTitleText.SetParent(this.fTitlePanel); this.fTitleText.FBorderSpacing.SetAround(2); this.fTitleText.SetAlign(5); this.fTitleText.SetAlignment(2); } finally { this.fTitleText.EndUpdate(); }; this.FInfoImage = pas.WebCtrls.TWImage.$create("Create$1",[this]); this.FInfoImage.BeginUpdate(); try { this.FInfoImage.SetParent(this); this.FInfoImage.FBorderSpacing.SetAround(2); this.FInfoImage.SetBounds(0,0,70,70); this.FInfoImage.SetCenter(true); this.FInfoImage.SetAlign(3); } finally { this.FInfoImage.EndUpdate(); }; this.fMessagePanel = pas.WebCtrls.TWPanel.$create("Create$1",[this]); this.fMessagePanel.BeginUpdate(); try { this.fMessagePanel.SetParent(this); this.fMessagePanel.FBorderSpacing.SetAround(2); this.fMessagePanel.SetBevelOuter(0); this.fMessagePanel.SetAlign(5); } finally { this.fMessagePanel.EndUpdate(); }; this.FMessageText = pas.WebCtrls.TWLabel.$create("Create$1",[this.fMessagePanel]); this.FMessageText.BeginUpdate(); try { this.FMessageText.SetParent(this.fMessagePanel); this.FMessageText.FBorderSpacing.SetAround(2); this.FMessageText.SetWordWrap(true); this.FMessageText.SetAlign(5); } finally { this.FMessageText.EndUpdate(); }; } finally { this.EndUpdate(); }; return this; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addProperty("Buttons",0,$mod.$rtti["TMsgDlgButtons"],"FButtons","FButtons"); $r.addProperty("DefaultButton",0,$mod.$rtti["TMsgDlgBtn"],"FDefaultButton","FDefaultButton"); $r.addProperty("DialogType",0,$mod.$rtti["TMsgDlgType"],"FDialogType","FDialogType"); $r.addProperty("Message",0,rtl.string,"FMessage","FMessage"); }); $impl.ModalDefaultButton = function (AButtons) { var Result = 0; if (0 in AButtons) { Result = 0; } else if (2 in AButtons) { Result = 2; } else if (9 in AButtons) { Result = 9; } else if (7 in AButtons) { Result = 7; } else if (5 in AButtons) { Result = 5; } else if (10 in AButtons) { Result = 10; } else if (3 in AButtons) { Result = 3; } else if (1 in AButtons) { Result = 1; } else if (8 in AButtons) { Result = 8; } else if (4 in AButtons) { Result = 4; } else if (6 in AButtons) { Result = 6; } else if (11 in AButtons) { Result = 11; } else { Result = 2; }; return Result; }; }; },[]); rtl.module("Unit1",["System","JS","Classes","SysUtils","Graphics","Controls","Forms","Dialogs","WebCtrls"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; rtl.createClass(this,"TWForm2",pas.Forms.TWForm,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Forms.TWForm.$; this.WButton1 = null; }; this.$final = function () { this.WButton1 = undefined; pas.Forms.TWForm.$; }; this.WButton1Click = function (Sender) { pas.main.WForm1.Show(); }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addField("WButton1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWButton"]); $r.addMethod("WButton1Click",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]]]); }); this.WForm2 = null; },["main"]); rtl.module("Unit2",["System","JS","Classes","SysUtils","Graphics","Controls","Forms","Dialogs","WebCtrls"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; rtl.createClass(this,"TWForm3",pas.Forms.TWForm,function () { rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); }); this.WForm3 = null; }); rtl.module("main",["System","JS","Web","Classes","SysUtils","Graphics","Controls","Forms","WebCtrls","Menus","Unit1","Unit2","Dialogs","ComCtrls","StdCtrls"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; rtl.createClass(this,"TWForm1",pas.Forms.TWForm,function () { this.$init = function () { pas.Forms.TWForm.$; this.MenuItem1 = null; this.MenuItem2 = null; this.MenuItem3 = null; this.MenuItem4 = null; this.MenuItem5 = null; this.MenuItem6 = null; this.TabSheet1 = null; this.TabSheet2 = null; this.TabSheet3 = null; this.WButton1 = null; this.WButton2 = null; this.WButton3 = null; this.WButton4 = null; this.lblUserName = null; this.WButton5 = null; this.WButton6 = null; this.WButton7 = null; this.WButton8 = null; this.WCheckbox1 = null; this.WCheckbox2 = null; this.WCheckbox3 = null; this.WComboBox1 = null; this.WDateEditBox1 = null; this.WEdit1 = null; this.WFileButton1 = null; this.WFloatEdit1 = null; this.WImage1 = null; this.WIntegerEdit1 = null; this.WLabel1 = null; this.WLabel2 = null; this.WLabel3 = null; this.WMemo1 = null; this.WPageControl1 = null; this.WPanel1 = null; this.WPanel10 = null; this.WPanel11 = null; this.WPanel2 = null; this.WPanel3 = null; this.WPanel4 = null; this.WPanel5 = null; this.WPanel6 = null; this.WPanel7 = null; this.WPanel8 = null; this.WPanel9 = null; this.WPopupMenu1 = null; this.WRadioButton1 = null; this.WRadioButton2 = null; this.WSplitter1 = null; this.WSplitter2 = null; this.WTimeEditBox1 = null; this.WTimer1 = null; this.FDrag = false; }; this.$final = function () { this.MenuItem1 = undefined; this.MenuItem2 = undefined; this.MenuItem3 = undefined; this.MenuItem4 = undefined; this.MenuItem5 = undefined; this.MenuItem6 = undefined; this.TabSheet1 = undefined; this.TabSheet2 = undefined; this.TabSheet3 = undefined; this.WButton1 = undefined; this.WButton2 = undefined; this.WButton3 = undefined; this.WButton4 = undefined; this.lblUserName = undefined; this.WButton5 = undefined; this.WButton6 = undefined; this.WButton7 = undefined; this.WButton8 = undefined; this.WCheckbox1 = undefined; this.WCheckbox2 = undefined; this.WCheckbox3 = undefined; this.WComboBox1 = undefined; this.WDateEditBox1 = undefined; this.WEdit1 = undefined; this.WFileButton1 = undefined; this.WFloatEdit1 = undefined; this.WImage1 = undefined; this.WIntegerEdit1 = undefined; this.WLabel1 = undefined; this.WLabel2 = undefined; this.WLabel3 = undefined; this.WMemo1 = undefined; this.WPageControl1 = undefined; this.WPanel1 = undefined; this.WPanel10 = undefined; this.WPanel11 = undefined; this.WPanel2 = undefined; this.WPanel3 = undefined; this.WPanel4 = undefined; this.WPanel5 = undefined; this.WPanel6 = undefined; this.WPanel7 = undefined; this.WPanel8 = undefined; this.WPanel9 = undefined; this.WPopupMenu1 = undefined; this.WRadioButton1 = undefined; this.WRadioButton2 = undefined; this.WSplitter1 = undefined; this.WSplitter2 = undefined; this.WTimeEditBox1 = undefined; this.WTimer1 = undefined; pas.Forms.TWForm.$; }; this.FormCreate = function (Sender) { document.onclick = rtl.createSafeCallback(this,"test"); }; this.MenuItem2Click = function (Sender) { pas.Dialogs.ShowMessage$1("It's a Show Message Dialog"); }; this.WButton1Click = function (Sender) { if (this.WPanel5.FColor === 32768) { this.WPanel5.SetColor(255)} else this.WPanel5.SetColor(32768); }; this.WButton2Click = function (Sender) { pas.System.Writeln(pas.Forms.Application().FActiveForm.GetText()); pas.Unit1.WForm2.Show(); pas.System.Writeln(pas.Forms.Application().FActiveForm.GetText()); }; this.WButton3Click = function (Sender) { if (this.WPanel9.FAlpha === 100) { this.WPanel9.SetAlpha(255)} else this.WPanel9.SetAlpha(100); }; this.WButton5Click = function (Sender) { this.lblUserName.SetText("DEMO"); }; this.WListBox1Click = function (Sender) { }; this.WListBox1SelectionChange = function (Sender, User) { }; this.WPanel5Click = function (Sender) { pas.System.Writeln(this.WPanel5.FLeft," = ",this.WPanel5.FTop); }; this.WPanel8Click = function (Sender) { pas.System.Writeln("Click2"); }; this.WPanel9Click = function (Sender) { pas.System.Writeln("Click3"); }; this.WPanel9MouseDown = function (Sender, Button, Shift, X, Y) { pas.System.Writeln("Down"); this.FDrag = true; }; this.WPanel9MouseMove = function (Sender, Shift, X, Y) { if (this.FDrag) { pas.System.Writeln(X," - ",Y); }; pas.System.Writeln("Move"); }; this.WPanel9MouseUp = function (Sender, Button, Shift, X, Y) { pas.System.Writeln("Up"); this.FDrag = false; }; this.WTimer1Timer = function (Sender) { this.WLabel1.SetText(pas.SysUtils.DateTimeToStr(pas.SysUtils.Now(),false)); }; this.test = function (aEvent) { var Result = false; pas.System.Writeln("Global"); return Result; }; rtl.addIntf(this,pas.System.IUnknown); var $r = this.$rtti; $r.addField("MenuItem1",pas.Menus.$rtti["TMenuItem"]); $r.addField("MenuItem2",pas.Menus.$rtti["TMenuItem"]); $r.addField("MenuItem3",pas.Menus.$rtti["TMenuItem"]); $r.addField("MenuItem4",pas.Menus.$rtti["TMenuItem"]); $r.addField("MenuItem5",pas.Menus.$rtti["TMenuItem"]); $r.addField("MenuItem6",pas.Menus.$rtti["TMenuItem"]); $r.addField("TabSheet1",pas.ComCtrls.$rtti["TTabSheet"]); $r.addField("TabSheet2",pas.ComCtrls.$rtti["TTabSheet"]); $r.addField("TabSheet3",pas.ComCtrls.$rtti["TTabSheet"]); $r.addField("WButton1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWButton"]); $r.addField("WButton2",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWButton"]); $r.addField("WButton3",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWButton"]); $r.addField("WButton4",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWButton"]); $r.addField("lblUserName",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWLabel"]); $r.addField("WButton5",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWButton"]); $r.addField("WButton6",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWButton"]); $r.addField("WButton7",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWButton"]); $r.addField("WButton8",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWButton"]); $r.addField("WCheckbox1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWCheckbox"]); $r.addField("WCheckbox2",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWCheckbox"]); $r.addField("WCheckbox3",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWCheckbox"]); $r.addField("WComboBox1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWComboBox"]); $r.addField("WDateEditBox1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWDateEditBox"]); $r.addField("WEdit1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWEdit"]); $r.addField("WFileButton1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWFileButton"]); $r.addField("WFloatEdit1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWFloatEdit"]); $r.addField("WImage1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWImage"]); $r.addField("WIntegerEdit1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWIntegerEdit"]); $r.addField("WLabel1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWLabel"]); $r.addField("WLabel2",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWLabel"]); $r.addField("WLabel3",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWLabel"]); $r.addField("WMemo1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWMemo"]); $r.addField("WPageControl1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWPageControl"]); $r.addField("WPanel1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWPanel"]); $r.addField("WPanel10",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWPanel"]); $r.addField("WPanel11",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWPanel"]); $r.addField("WPanel2",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWPanel"]); $r.addField("WPanel3",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWPanel"]); $r.addField("WPanel4",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWPanel"]); $r.addField("WPanel5",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWPanel"]); $r.addField("WPanel6",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWPanel"]); $r.addField("WPanel7",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWPanel"]); $r.addField("WPanel8",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWPanel"]); $r.addField("WPanel9",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWPanel"]); $r.addField("WPopupMenu1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWPopupMenu"]); $r.addField("WRadioButton1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWRadioButton"]); $r.addField("WRadioButton2",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWRadioButton"]); $r.addField("WSplitter1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWSplitter"]); $r.addField("WSplitter2",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWSplitter"]); $r.addField("WTimeEditBox1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWTimeEditBox"]); $r.addField("WTimer1",pas.WebCtrls.$rtti["TWTimer"]); $r.addMethod("FormCreate",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]]]); $r.addMethod("MenuItem2Click",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]]]); $r.addMethod("WButton1Click",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]]]); $r.addMethod("WButton2Click",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]]]); $r.addMethod("WButton3Click",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]]]); $r.addMethod("WButton5Click",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]]]); $r.addMethod("WListBox1Click",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]]]); $r.addMethod("WListBox1SelectionChange",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]],["User",rtl.boolean]]); $r.addMethod("WPanel5Click",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]]]); $r.addMethod("WPanel8Click",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]]]); $r.addMethod("WPanel9Click",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]]]); $r.addMethod("WPanel9MouseDown",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]],["Button",pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseButton"]],["Shift",pas.Controls.$rtti["TShiftState"]],["X",rtl.nativeint],["Y",rtl.nativeint]]); $r.addMethod("WPanel9MouseMove",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]],["Shift",pas.Controls.$rtti["TShiftState"]],["X",rtl.nativeint],["Y",rtl.nativeint]]); $r.addMethod("WPanel9MouseUp",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]],["Button",pas.Controls.$rtti["TMouseButton"]],["Shift",pas.Controls.$rtti["TShiftState"]],["X",rtl.nativeint],["Y",rtl.nativeint]]); $r.addMethod("WTimer1Timer",0,[["Sender",pas.System.$rtti["TObject"]]]); }); this.WForm1 = null; }); rtl.module("program",["System","Forms","main","Unit1","Unit2"],function () { "use strict"; var $mod = this; $mod.$main = function () { pas.Forms.Application().Initialize(); pas.Forms.Application().CreateForm(pas.main.TWForm1,{p: pas.main, get: function () { return this.p.WForm1; }, set: function (v) { this.p.WForm1 = v; }}); pas.Forms.Application().CreateForm(pas.Unit1.TWForm2,{p: pas.Unit1, get: function () { return this.p.WForm2; }, set: function (v) { this.p.WForm2 = v; }}); pas.Forms.Application().CreateForm(pas.Unit2.TWForm3,{p: pas.Unit2, get: function () { return this.p.WForm3; }, set: function (v) { this.p.WForm3 = v; }}); pas.Forms.Application().Run(); }; }); //#